Thursday, January 27, 2011

The Reason for this Blog.


Sitting here, I'm doing the final edit of my book, Downloading Spirit.  Writing began in 2005 - it's been a long journey.

These are some photos to give you an idea of where I live and do my work.  I look out onto my garden and see the King Parrots feeding.

At this moment, I have a sense of adventure.  The next stage is about to begin.

The task now is to get my book published.  Being an unpublished author this is not easy.  Last week I was told by a friend, who's a much published author, that I could find a publisher if I start a blog and get enough followers who are  sufficiently interested in what I'm presenting to decide they want to buy the book.  With nothing to lose, I decided to give it a go.

The pen is mightier that the sword, but before we can put pen to paper we have to have thoughts we want to express.  The most powerful things in our life are our thoughts, we just have to believe in them enough to make them a reality.  We really do create what we think.

Downloading Spirit is the expression of my thoughts over the last five to six years.

Surfing the net the other day I came across this video.  I don't know if it was the blonde curls or the wonderful joy of life Jessica had, but she reminded me of me as a child.

Inspired by Jessica, I felt a surge of optimistic belief and started saying over and over in my head :   I will be published this year. 

Let me begin by sharing the journey of my writing with you.  I'm a qualified counsellor and member of CAPA.  I've also been known to do readings at Psychic Fairs.  I have a foot in the left brained, academic, professional world of proven fact and another in the right brained spiritual, imaginative world of intuitive knowing.

My writing started in 2005 as a result of thinking I might do a Research Masters Degree on paranormal consciousness.  I've always believed that our non physical emotional, mental and spiritual life is just as powerful as our physical life.  They're so much a part of us that we don't separate them from our physical being.  But dreams, out of body and near death experiences, astral travel, past life regressions, Conversations with God, (our Higher Self or conscience for example), voices in our head are not physical but they are normal.  Inevitably they have a big influence on us and we can integrate them very successfully into our healthy, normal physical world so long as we are centred and grounded.  If these things happen as a result of trauma, the results can be very different.  Just as there is good and bad in our physical world, so there is in the non physical worlds.  This multidimensional consciousness can be angelic or demonic and we need to work with it carefully and knowledgeably.  We need to start using all of our brain, not just 10%.  We need to start using our single eye as well as our two eyes.

One of the purposes of Downloading Spirit is to help people do this.  This book is my interpretation of how consciousness works, what is behind it, what it is and how to incorporate this knowledge into our lives.  It also tells a little of my spiritual journey.   It is a Trilogy.  The first book is called Downloading Spirit - Babushka, and it explains my understanding of the complete physical and non physical structure of a human being.  Much of it was downloaded to me by Spirit between 2005 and 2007 when I was working with a psychic friend.  She would channel and I'd do Night Talk.  The information that came through deals with DNA, our Brains, our Chakras, our Aura and its layers, our imaginary friends as we called them as children.  It also talks about how Astrology, used as it is meant to be used, can give us the road map to help us manage our lives.

The second book is called Downloading Spirit - Gaia, and this deals with our planet Earth, our Solar System and our relationship with them.  It offers my interpretation and understanding of ancient esoteric knowledge such as the Tao and the Tree of Life and relates these things to what today we call Quantum Physics and Astrophysics.

The third book will be the handbook for the workshops that will be conducted when the writing is done.  This is called Downloading Spirit - Thunderwand Magic.

Well  my two Pug dogs are letting me know, in no uncertain terms, that it's time for their walk.  It's probably a good time for a break, anyway.

Catch you again soon.