Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Live, Learn, Laugh, Love...

What's around the corner?

So often it's a surprise everyday.

There is so much happening and being organised in my life, at this point in time; and yet it's as if I'm watching a pot that never boils.

Never mind, I say to myself, Mercury, Mars and Saturn are retrograde, we can't expect everything to just fall into place. Trust - it will all be fine. Thank heavens for Astrology, it enables me to be philosophical when I feel like tearing my hair out.

The final galley proof for the book has just arrived. I have to check that everything is right. The cover is almost done. The Foreword is written, the Acknowledgements have to be sent to the publisher for inclusion and the Index can then be done.

The book is almost ready for the Printer.

The deadline is one copy by the 16th April which will be presented at the London Book Fair, and the symbolic first sale on the 18th April, also in London. All to happen at what promises to be a most fortunate and auspicious time.

Well that's the plan ... in the meantime, I'm just going to keep living, learning, laughing and loving.  It's reached the point where there's not a lot more I can do.

I just have to TRUST.

My overseas trip is almost organised.

The Downloading Spirit website goes live on the 9th April.

Then, there's the e-book.

I'm starting to see the water in the pot bubbling.

For all of the above reasons, together with so many other things, which have been happening in my life, I have not published a blog for quite some time. I really want to be more consistent with my posts. Let's say that that's an Equinox resolution.

Someone once told me that life slows down after 60 ... really ... well not for me.  I've even started back at the gym and I'm reviewing and changing dietary habits.  I'm getting fitter, losing some weight and I have to say, feeling much better in my physical skin.

All the thoughts that go through our minds when something major is about to happen in our lives, have been playing, like a stuck record, in my mind this last month or so.

Most of my life, I've been the one behind the scenes. In many ways, typical of women of my generation. Me being me, however, much has been atypical. Nonetheless, until I started writing Downloading Spirit, everything I've done in life has been to support and back others in their endeavours and work. Even when I did achieve something at a personal level, it was not for me alone, it was for family and the family business.

Don't misunderstand this. I'm not crying Poor me. There is nothing I'd change. It's the journey that's made me who I am, taught me my lessons, so I could express what I'm here to do. I've been blessed with a wonderful life, but writing Downloading Spirit and having it published is the completion of expressing and fulfilling a purpose only related to myself and Spirit. It is the expression of my soul's journey here this time. With Downloading Spirit, my light is no longer hidden under a bushel. It is shining for all to see. It makes me feel vulnerable, for I have bared my soul for all who read it to see.

For those who buy Downloading Spirit, I hope you enjoy what you read. I know it will be challenging at times, but, may you enjoy an occasional laugh, may you learn a little, may you receive and share the love and dedication within it, and may you live a fuller and more multidimensional life, safely, with health and joy, because of it.

Spirit is with us all. May everyone live their life to the full, sharing their unique gift with the world.  May this amazing gift of self conscious life and being be appreciated and shared.

May we all walk through any fears that confront us, with love.

May we preserve and care for our incredibly beautiful planet, Earth. She is our mother and our home. May we also come to realise that whilst we are a unique, non repeatable individual, each of us with a gift. We are also one with everything and every being that exists.