Sunday, May 20, 2012

Is as much happening in your world as in mine?

My last blog was at the end of the London Book Fair.  I was tired, but ecstatic.

It was my intention to continue writing two to three times each week as I'd been doing for the previous month or so.

I like doing that because I see the stats rise continually and sharply.  I have the occasional comment, which is like gold, and I feel satisfied that the news of what's happening re Downloading Spirit is getting out there.

So much for my good intentions.

I actually started writing blogs on three occasions after I left London, but somehow with everything that was going on, I didn't get around to doing the editing and tidying up before publishing.  In France I almost did it, but I had internet problems, and my computer crashed.  Communication systems in France seemed to be generally erratic and frustrating ... at least they were for me.

When I got to Germany things seemed to be working again.  Is that weird or what?

Consequently when I started to write today, I re-discovered three unpublished blogs from the past.
Once I publish this, I'll post them over the next week to ten days.
Hopefully, you'll manage to fit them in to the sequence of my hectically busy life.

In Germany and Holland I was still so busy catching up with family and friends, I barely had time to scratch myself, let alone write.

Before I knew it I was flying back home.


No sooner was I off the plane than I had a phone call telling me that Orlando, my beautiful Egyptian stallion, had had an accident and there are life threatening complications.  I'll know the prognosis tomorrow.  Please join me in praying and meditating for his recovery.

A disrupted night's sleep, and I'm on my way again.  This time driving for the next sixteen hours covering a distance equivalent to a road trip from Paris to Poland.

So here I am, shell-shocked, exhausted and wondering when calmness and sanity will return to my life ...  and this is not all that's happening.
Well at least I'm not bored.

These times are extraordinary whether we consider our personal lives or the world at large.  Day to day events are often a wild storm of chaos challenging and changing our lives and our world in so many ways.

The annular solar eclipse seen from Tokyo
This week there is an annular Solar Eclipse in Gemini, followed in two weeks time by the Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius.  Shortly thereafter Venus transits the Sun, also in Gemini.  At this time Venus will move ... as a tiny black spot ... across the face of the Sun.  This is very rare.

I'm a Gemini ... maybe this could have something to do with all that's happening in my life.
One thing is for sure ...

It's a time of change, and it's happening to us all ... endings and new beginnings.

I have a sense that overall, it's good.  Even though it's challenging, if we take the time to calmly assess everything, love and believe in ourselves, the right decisions will be made.

In the meantime we get on with living our lives ... coping with all the extremities and challenges we face.

I have come to view life as the greatest opportunity I've ever been given ... a gift beyond measure, no matter what I encounter.  I always seem to find that moment of oneness and bliss.  That brief moment which makes it all worthwhile.

It doesn't last that long ... but it always returns.

It's the same old thing again.  Walk through the fears of the negatives, see them as lessons, signs that guide us to the right path, and move on with love embracing the positives, creating a new and better life.