As you know, owl is one of my totem animals.
I always seem to notice photos when owls are featured - but the quirky ones always catch my attention.
This one made me consider how we understand things. So often in life we have to rethink how we think - to change our perspective. Being able to do this is the key to survival.
In our world today it is critical that we re-think how we see our world. Change is the catch cry of the 21st century. What worked in the past, rarely applies these days.
How do we re-assess so we can move into the future with an updated awareness of how our world and reality really works? Where can we find this knowledge?
Whilst the recent past is relevant, much from the distant, indeed ancient past offers greater understanding.
The ancient teachings give us the key to realising that Science and Spirituality are complementary parts of the matrix of Consciousness.
Today the ancient teachings are being re-explored and understood at a deeper level. This is happening particularly in the areas of Quantum Physics and Astro Physics.
This new information is not always being understood in relation to our previous and for many, still current beliefs. Many of us feel adrift in a material world devoid of spiritual meaning.
Many are not adapting to our modern, multidimensional world.
Materially we have more than ever before, yet many still feel their life is without purpose or meaning.
People need epiphanies ... the "ah - ha" moments. The intangible moments of feeling one with everything. They need to trust their feelings, to know what resonates within them. They need to believe in themselves, and listen to their inner voices, knowing right from wrong.
Essential when living in times of change and challenge such as we are living in today.
It is a time to walk through fear ... to walk out of the caves of darkness and ignorance ... to go beyond our need to be safe and comfortable.
The teachings from the great religions of the past are being both challenged and acknowledged. Many questions are being asked, and leaders of all faiths are re-thinking and reforming many things previously considered taboo.
The Dalai Lama has taken Buddhism to the world.
Paganism is again recognised as a religion in the UK.
People are seeking Spirituality rather than religion throughout the world, and books such as the Tao of Physics, by Fritjof Capra; the Spiritual Universe and the Yoga of Time Travel by Fred Alan Wolf are being eagerly read. Hopefully, Downloading Spirit will also be read.
Spiritual teaching that is meaningful gives people an ever expanding awareness of all that is.
If Science and Spirituality can find a meeting point, we can move beyond our fractured beliefs.
Beliefs based on a desire for power; structure which is controlled by fear; divide and rule are becoming obsolete. Most people are sick of war, killing, bloodshed and violence.
More and more people are moving to a universal belief inspired by love, a desire to understand the true meaning of life, to live in harmony on our planet and care for it. We want to create a world of peace.
Each one of us has to believe in ourselves to know who we are, to know ...
Not just to know it, but to live it.
We have to come to a point where we say:-
I AM ...
We can be whatever we choose to be ... remember ...
What do you choose to be?
Let everyone of us consciously, shape our reality and make our dreams real.
Let us do unto others as we would have them do unto us.
Let us co-create with our Creator what we came here to do.
No one else can do it.
Our religions and belief structures are useful ... but
They are not absolute ...
they are tools to help us learn to forgive, grow and aspire to universal peace and love.
The ancient teachings are not religions,
The ancient teachings came to us across realities,
through teachers from non physical realms ...
just as the crop circles come to us today.
They are information and guidance, given in metaphor and analogy to help us understand
just how great Consciousness and creation is.
The essence of Consciousness is love and life,
part of the One eternal matrix of Consciousness ... as we are ...
as Science and Spirituality are.
Who are we? What are we?
but what a thought.
Everything and nothing in one,
aware and momentarily physical,
able to create and express the aspects of Consciousness within our physical body
It is important for nothing to know it is everything.
It is eternal.
As I said in Downloading Spirit:
'we are a drop of water in an ocean'
a self conscious drop of water who knows it is in the ocean and can influence that ocean.
We have been created and evolved for a purpose.
Please, wake up to just what a human being is - how amazing we are.
We are here for a reason.
That is to actively, and consciously, express our love of life,
to enjoy our life and do what no one else can do.