Wednesday, February 27, 2013

DNA - our link to infinity.

Recently, what was for me a confirming and amazing piece of news was reported by the BBC. 

Cambridge University scientists, led by Professor Shankar Balasubramanian, The Herchel Smith Professor of Medicinal Chemistry, stated that they have seen 
four-stranded DNA at work in human cells for the first time.

In Downloading Spirit I talk about 12 strand DNA.  This is a concept that "New Age" people have been talking about for a long time ... BUT ... no one ever came up with any thought, theory or attempt at scientific explanation of this "woo woo" concept.  At least, not to my knowledge.

Nonetheless, there was something about this concept that had a ring of truth for me.

One of the chapters in Downloading Spirit is about DNA.  As always, I did as Mischka suggested and extrapolated.  

Where my extrapolation took my imagination was extraordinary, but it ended with my being firmly convinced there is such a thing as 12 strand DNA.

That a Cambridge Professor has come up with evidence of 4 Strand DNA,

BBC Photo from Prof. Balasubramanian and his team.

convinces me even more that my extrapolation is correct.  

This is just the first step.

Even if you only buy the e-book from Amazon, please check out the chapter I've written on DNA.

I've even come up with a suggestion as to how it can be discovered and proven to exist.

Am I off with the fairies ... maybe ... but my gut tells me I am right.  

Really it's not me that's right, it is the Source information which Spirit DOWNLOADED.

I'm just the receiver and the messenger.

                          Please, go to


 buy Downloading Spirit, and check out Chapter 9 on DNA.

Congratulations Professor Balasubramanian. 

We live in amazing times ... challenging ... 
but ... how grateful I am to be here.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

What is a human being?

For a long time I've believed that everything we do in relation to developing computers, is Spirit's way of showing us how a human being's consciousness works. Our brain functions magnetically, as does a computer. It contains crystals to ensure memory storage, as does a computer.

We are constantly expanding and increasing the capabilities of our computers. This is highlighted in the BBC article I've included below.  As I read this article, again my imagination took flight, again I extrapolated. I found my thoughts in relation to humans and computers being re-affirmed.

Quantum Computer conceptual image (Copyright: SPL)

What is amazing here, however, is that whilst we work tirelessly to expand the computer's capabilities, we do nothing to expand and increase our own.

Everything needed to become this quantum mega super computer exists 
within our own electro magnetic field.  

We just have to learn how to use it.

Downloading Spirit tells how a human being is constructed, and 
is my theory as to how we can learn to activate our extraordinary potential.

To do this we must first understand that we are the ultimate biological computer.  

The Human Mind as a Bio-computer

"In this model, our body-mind is a computer operating system. Much of our thoughts, beliefs, worldviews, perspectives, habits, tendencies and even personality have all been programmed, generally by external influences--parents, society, education, media, ideas of other people.

The key to personal evolution is to take control of your biocomputer, to install your own chosen software and remove that which has become obsolete. Where have your mental programs come from? How do they operate? Can they be upgraded, or removed? Where did your software come from? Was it downloaded willingly, or programmed into your brain by others?

All theories/beliefs/ideas are mental programs. You have to be careful what you let into your mind. Any program, taken to the extreme, can become a virus. Dogma is the virus. Be aware of your computer. Know your software."

Steven Spielberg put this concept across in his movie "Artificial Intelligence". It is a movie that was never fully acknowledged for its brilliance. This was because, without knowing it, people were intimidated and frightened.

We have never been able to accept two aspects of our humanity:-
the reality that we are animals, and 
the reality that we have the ability to go beyond our instinctive behaviour and function like a machine.

Both these things challenge us to the point that we don't even want to think about them.  
This fear is subconscious, but very real.

In two upcoming blogs ... DNA and Our Brain(s) I'll put forward my thoughts on these aspects of our humanity.

Please take a few minutes to read the BBC article.  Consider that it's talking about the creation of a computer that can experience more that one state at a time:-

... quantum particles can exist in two or more different states at the same time – 
in a so-called superposition of states. 
So each quantum bit (qubit) can be not just a 1 or a 0 but mixtures of both.

A human being can do this.  
We can lucid dream; have OBE's; daydream; experience deja vu.
We just don't consider it REAL, because these experiences are not physical.
Most of us don't do it consciously, but some of us do. 

Other points raised in this article that we need to remember that we can do:-

1.  We can think laterally as well as sequentially.

2.   We are a heated body and spin (Tao) is a constant reality moving through the central pole      (Sushumna) of our electro magnetic field.

3.    Even more amazingly, we have seven chakras, which collect and distribute information throughout our electro magnetic field, through the central pole which connects with the different realities set up throughout out physical body to enable us to journey out and connect with our non physical bodies.  

4.    This system is set up on the principles outlined in the Tree of Life.

Yes,  the Ancient Teachings hold all we need to know to fully activate our biological computers.

We can walk through our fear and learn how to use the incredible power and potential that Spirit has embodied in us over millions of years.

A human being is extraordinary.

Another of my beliefs is that there is one thing I know of travels faster than light ... thought ...
Telepathy also exists, and we are capable of it.

Remember ... a human being is not just a physical body and brain.

We are surrounded by our spiritual bodies and brains.

It's time to re-establish contact.

Please help me to get out the information that is contained in Downloading Spirit.

Click on and buy Downloading Spirit.  

Please ... let me know you hear me.