Saturday, April 06, 2013

Our Brain(s)

If we have 12 strand DNA, if we are the central electro magnetic field within a matrix of 7 electro magnetic fields each functioning in a different frequency range, then surely we also have a brain in each of these fields as well as our physical brain in our physical field.

So if they exist ... how do they work?

Are brains just a processing electro magnetic mechanism to facilitate information received and understood at one level to the next level?

I think that's a possibility.

So, if we are going to be more than the thoughts and emotions where do we go to find the awareness level behind them?

Do we have to move from level to level?

I believe so.

So we receive information about our thoughts and emotions from those levels.  Then we have to send it out to the awareness level, then we have to receive the return transmission to enable us to act effectively and positively with the highest intent on this processed information.

This entails information input being processed in through 3 layers of our electro magnetic field and then returned with the interpretation.

That's a pretty amazing piece of computing.

As we progress, there's still more to do.

At the physical level, we're still trying to finish building the bridge(s) between our left and right brains, in our physical brain.  

Consequently, we don't always get it right.

In view of the above statement by the person containing one of the greatest brains humanity has ever known, the process of our evolution into multidimensional beings at this time in history is critical to the survival of our species.

Constantly we deal with this dilemma.  

What are you prepared to see?

Even more to the point, if you can see it ... are you prepared to process how to deal with it?  
You have to learn to work with your brain(s) ... your have to meet the unknown,
Understand it, process it, then deal with it.
This is challenging.

Is this another form of Darth Vader, 
or is it a surrealistic interpretation of all 
we have to experience to deal with the information we are now receiving?

We  know we are an electro magnetic field of seven layers.
This field encompasses both positive and negative archetypal energies.
To make the transition to our brave new worlds,
we have to be able to understand how all our brains work ... in every layer.
We have to be able to process both positive and negative information at all levels,
find the balance ... 
as Buddha said, the middle road.
Our inner eye must be single ... as Jesus said.

A human being is extraordinary.  
At this point in time, we only know of one being created at this level.

I believe we shall soon meet more beings ...  different, perhaps more advanced than ourselves ... 
They will probably look different ... but ... light will shine out of them.

We always meet what we seek, and it always holds both light and dark.

Our brain just needs to understand that it is the dark which enables us not only to learn,
but to hold stable and earth what we learn.

Our brains need to unite with our hearts ... 

in love

so we can walk through our fear ... of whatever ...

Doing this requires learning, practise, skill, patience, time, pain 
... but ...
how great is the reward.

Let us walk through our fear ...
Let us understand just who we are ...
Let us love our world ...
It is so beautiful.

Let us learn to fully use our brains.

We are on a journey to discover just exactly what a human being is.
Open your mind,
Activate your brains,
Communicate with your total self ...
and ...
walk through your fears.

We are amazing ... we have the universe inside of us.
Let us walk through our fears,
unite our head and our heart,
and do what we've come here to do.