Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Life and Love - Ongoing transition.

It's been awhile again.
  I've been in the eye of a storm.

On New Year's Eve I galvanise this raging human, physical body to re-awaken - 
there is too much left to do.

What motivates a human Being?

Belief and love.

When our belief structure is pulled down, 
we fall into a state of disbelief which causes inaction.
We stop functioning.

We have achieved so much, yet all we do is pull down our achievements, 
ignore them and talk about what we have not done.

We do not recognise the strengths of cultures that are not our own; 
even as we absorb them, and in turn, are absorbed;  
 we ignore the reality that we are all one.

Where does this lead?

It leads to only one place - destruction.

On this negative road to destruction we encounter loss of faith, 
depression, an insidious parasite that drains and exhausts even further as we struggle to regain ...    


As we struggle our life seeps out.  
Our love is eroded, to the point of not disappearing, 
but diminishing to such an extent that it cannot function anymore.

What can we do about this?
This is life destroying ... it is soul destroying.

I believe ...  Hallelujah ... 

we can move beyond destruction ... Hallelujah

There is hope, not just for me, but all of us.

Destruction does not exist, any more than creation exists ...
What we experience is all an illusion ... expressing a belief ... a belief in life, 
which this belief creates.

We can move to the place of just believing that good will triumph.
Light will shine.
Love will always be.

For if it is not ... then everything will cease.

Whatever God is ... It is love.

If all of this is an illusion.  
I don't care.
I live in this place, and I love it.
If good and bad are all part of the Tao, the oneness of life ...
then so too is illusion and reality.

I believe I'll understand much more when I cross ...
in the meantime, 
I have to maintain the passion to energise my belief that we are all equal, 
we are all one.
We must learn how to solve all the terrifying problems we face here on this planet of experimentation so we can work with God - 
whoever or whatever that Almighty Spirit and Being is, and I believe It is - 
to create a better world and place ... 
not just here but everywhere in this universal illusion/reality we call life.

May 2015 be a breakthrough. 

May we appreciate the magnificence of our world, this planet Earth.
May we do so, so we can all enjoy it before the cycle ends naturally.

The alternative is ... OMG ... we destroy it.  
We cause it to end unnaturally, and it will be gone much sooner than nature intended.

Let us not do this to our world.  
I cannot believe we are so stupid.

Let us wake up to the fact that we are all one ... 
and unite to save our real illusion of being.
Our 3D reality.

I love this world ... I believe we can save it, and it can save us.

I'll be back next year ... 

Happy New Year.

Join the ones who believe and 
let's change our world for the better.

Monday, August 25, 2014

Dying is not the end of life, it is a part of life.

It's rare that the death of one person impacts on the world at large.

I can think of only a few times in my life this has happened for me.

The deaths of Princess Diana, Ghandi, Kennedy, Martin Luther King and Nelson Mandela created such an impact. Each of these deaths made me aware of critical values essential to help humanity evolve.  Teachings that extraordinary people came to share.

Now Robin Williams joins this group.

Thank you Robin Williams for all you gave us and the joy you shared.

There is a challenging issue that must be addressed in our world today.
Robin Williams' death highlighted this issue.

Should we have the right to take our own life?

I believe we should.
This right exists in some countries.
It should be universal.
This belief is personal, but many agree.
Euthanasia will be legalised. 
It is just a matter of time.

If it had been legal, Robin Williams might have approached things differently knowing that he could arrange his departure as he chose.  He might still have been with us today.  He might have created even more magic and joy.

It appears from a statement made by his wife after his death, that he was managing his depression and alcoholism.  However, he knew he could not manage his Parkinson's unless he had the right to give the direction as to when he wanted his life to end.  Instead he chose to act whilst he could, whilst he was still in control of his ability to function physically.  

I would choose this path to leave in many situations, and an ever growing number of older and disabled people, people with a terminal illness, people suffering chronic pain, are of the same mind.

Leaving life is not that different to leaving home.  We're just going to a new home. 
We only have a limited time as a child.  Our body only has a limited life span.
Why can't we decide when that life span is no longer purposeful?

We can care for our body whilst it's viable, and we can leave it when we cannot maintain it knowing what we  are doing and able to take responsibility for our decisions and choices.

So long as we have choice, 
everyone can do what they believe is right and best for them -
without judgement.

We come here for a purpose.  
When that is fulfilled, we're usually tired, and want to return to 
a place of love and peace, 
the place from which we came.

In this overpopulated and crowded world of ours
we have to rethink, and change the law on this issue.

Death itself is not an experience to fear.  

This image shows where I would choose to be when my time comes to cross.  
Floating in a sea of love, peace and bliss, surrounded by those I love in all worlds, 
one with the soul of my being as I journey home.

Saturday, February 01, 2014

We can regrow our limbs, our bodies ... it's just a matter of time.

One of the questions I asked myself whilst writing Downloading Spirit, was:  

"Can we learn to regenerate severed limbs, and probably other parts of our bodies?"  

Possibly, this was because of an experience I had as a child of 8 or 9 
when I stayed with friends in the country.  
They had a pet lizard called Lizzie who lived in the kitchen.  
She paid her board by catching flies.  
One day I saw Lizzie lose her tail.  
As a child, I thought this was terrible.  
"Don't worry", I was told, "her tail will grow back".  
When I left a few weeks later, I knew this was true.  I'd seen it with my own eyes.

As time went on I realised that our brain was built, brain on top of brain from past evolutionary species.  It is a plastic brain.  In Biology at school, I remember learning about our lizard brain. 

Possibly, if we dig deep enough back into our evolutionary self, 
we'll discover the correct stimulus or signal 
to set the process of regrowing our own lost limbs, or whatever, in motion.  

I came to believe this was a real possibility.

It takes the discussion of amphibians a step further.  In this case, let's consider amphibians and reptiles.

Recently I've come across some interesting science press:-

Regeneration of body parts.
Tadpoles and tails.
Tadpoles regrow tails.

and an interview with a Professor Michael Levin.

This man interested me.  He appears quite young, and has learnt so many things.  His original training was in computer science, artificial intelligence, engineering, robotics and complex adaptive systems making self repair .  He contemplates things such as:-

How does this happen in the living field?  What happens during embryo genesis?  How do things make shape, how is structure specified and controlled.  

He believes that micro genetics and control of shape are the fundamental questions of biology.  
If we can control of shape, we can control ageing.

To do this, we need to understand 3 dimensional pattern making in cells.  

However, I also propose that we need to understand 
multidimensional pattern making from the non physical bodies into the physical body.

This immediately causes me to ask:-  
"What about Spiritual Mathematics?"  

These are calculated according to Fibonacci principles, not binary.  Consequently I think this multidimensional aspect of regeneration is in activity before the binary, physical sequence kicks in.

To understand the building of the structural models, we have to understand how organisms are told to change their shape ... computers can help because they are able to work spatially with complex adaptive systems more easily than ourselves.  

We need to remember two things here.  
Computers need us to program them ... and  ... living creatures self repair instinctively.  
We are working with physical mind, and non physical mind.  
We just have to understand the interface.

To date the skill set for this kind of research is Mathematics, computer science skills specifically for biology, cell and molecular biology, bio engineering, micro genetics and most importantly, different way of seeing problems.  The skill set is multi-disciplinary work and multi-dimensional thinking.

Cells have good communication.  It is different to how we communicate.  Humans working in the scientific fields need to improve communication in these areas.  How can this be done?

I put forward the thought:-  
"If we are working in multidimensional areas, 
what is the stimulus to initiate regeneration first at the non physical level, then the physical?  

The answer that came to me was:-  
Solfeggio frequencies trigger non physical experiences.  
Some report that the 528 Herz frequency triggers healing.  
They even say it can give instructions to DNA.

Could the Solfeggio frequencies be the bio electrical codes to set off regeneration?

Around 1934 there was a controversial figure, Royal Raymond Rife.  His radionics work in relation to cancer changed scale patterning signals and in a number of cases cured the disease.  This worked around what signals do cells need to build normal cells rather than cancer cells.  Did RRR work out how to send the right signals to the damaged body to build normal cells?

What is the right signal?

 ...  Royal Raymond Rife.  
Check out this google search page, and see what you think.

In the meantime we come back to Michael Levin and how he sees the bio medical application for his work.  In the following video he explains his work and why he believes in it so much.  Also, what it can achieve for mankind.

More and more young people with very different ideas are coming to the fore in discovery of what is really going on in our world.

The old thinking is changing.  What is good will remain, hopefully, but what has been kept in place by blinkering vision to ensure the continuation of invalid thinking and outdated systems of status, will disappear very quickly.

I put forward many challenging concepts and ideas in Downloading Spirit.  
I've been amazed how many have suddenly come under scientific scrutiny, 
and how many are now being seen as the way of the future.

Regeneration of limbs is just one of those ideas.

Check out my book.  You can buy it online at  

Saturday, January 04, 2014

Amphibian Humans and our cellular memory.

This post is the follow on from "What is a Soul Mate ..." which I posted on 
26th December, 2013.
Both these posts were thoughts that came to me after seeing the following image, 
which carried the C. S. Lewis quote ...

"Humans are amphibians - half spirit and half animal. As spirits they belong to the eternal world, but as animals they inhabit time." ...
In the post of 26/12  I wrote:

"Each time I look at it, it triggers feelings within that are very deep seated, a sense of flying back through time as each part of me evolved."   

Just as our Soul Mates overlay and inhabit us, 
so do the memories of our evolution as a species.  
Our lives on this planet inhabit us as cellular memories.  
These memories are in our DNA, they are in every cell in our body. 
They are a large part of our subconscious.  
They can be passed from generation to generation.

This image made me realise that not only are we capable of meeting our Soul members, even though they're not physical,  we are also able to access the knowledge and energy of our ancestors. Not just our human ancestors, but every living being that has ever been on our planet.

Nothing physical dies, it is just recycled.  Nothing spiritual dies, it is just recycled.  

Consciousness stays and expands.  
As consciousness expands, our Universe expands.  
Everything is a thought bubble which expands and then bursts.  
Consciousness is forever blowing bubbles.

Are we going to "fade and die", or can we do something about the dilemmas of our world today.

I believe we can. 

We can access the consciousness that created our planet.  We can connect with the earth, the rocks, the plants, the animals, the ether and the water from which we came.

Whilst writing Downloading Spirit I was told that,

Memory is in the water.  

In the world we know, nothing can exist without water.  
Our body is 98% water.  
In our cells we hold the memory of everything that has ever been in our world. 
We are a living library collected over millions of years.  
This information is housed in each of us, in our body, 
our biological computer with water containing its memory.  
It is housed in our cellular memory.

There is a purpose to this I believe.

If we can make contact with our cellular memories, with our total being, 
we shall make contact with our planet, our mother Earth, our home.  
Then we can learn to look after our planet and care for this amazing place called Earth.  
If we can make contact with our Soul Members, we can make understand why we were created, and what we're here to do on this beautiful, blue place before we destroy it.
If we do these things, we can heal not only our selves but our planet Earth.
We cannot exist without our memories.  

Some of us are beginning to hear a voice inside calling us to care for our planet and her children.

We are waking to our responsibility as caretakers of this amazing planet.

Every time something is done to damage our world, shape shift into one of those affected.  
Shape shift into a coral reef, and know that if it is killed, our food from the sea will die.
When there is a fire, shape shift into one of the animals that have died, seen their homes destroyed. 
At last, many of us now understand, what happens to them, happens to us.

If we contaminate our water, we won't just contaminate and destroy our environment ... 
we'll die of thirst.

If you contemplate making money by destroying something living ... 
you are destroying yourself, and your children and your children's children.  

What is the point of money if our world is dead and we are gone?

Every animal that has ever lived is part of who we are.  We would not exist without them.  We would not be as intelligent and creative unless each of these amazing creations of spirit had evolved.  We had to evolve to the point we became human so that spirit could have an energetic being sufficiently evolved that it could be overlaid.  Only in this way could communication between physical and non physical beings happen.  Only this way could we communicate with and bring in the non physical beings and realities that gave rise to the physical.

It is time for us to learn how to access all worlds, to talk with the voices inside us constructively.

More and more articles like this, Voices inside us. are appearing in newspapers and health magazines.

How do we communicate with our voices inside?  
How do we access our past lives while alive today in a different body?  
How do we access every part of this world as it has been created and evolved?
First we need to walk through our fear of the unknown, 
to step from our 3D world into a multidimensional world.

I talk about this in Downloading Spirit.

You can get Downloading Spirit on