Sunday, August 30, 2015

How does a thought come into our brain and why have we been gifted with self consciousness.

Thought is not a physical thing.  
Thoughts are like clouds in the sky of consciousness that surrounds us.  They are everywhere, floating in and out of our daily existence, in and out of our minds.  Sometimes we act on them and turn them into physically real things.  Before we do that, we have to have that thought lodge firmly in our awareness.

How does this happen?
Thought exists in the non physical world of consciousness which surrounds us.  To have the thoughts come into our physical awareness, these thoughts have to move from our etheric body which connects us to all that is and which contains our physical body.  They must enter via our endocrine system into our brain.  Once the thoughts are in and we choose to hold them, then action in our physical world of time and space can occur.

Never forget that we are what we think.

But how does consciousness get a thought into our brain, or heart from this place?

Recent work by Jonathan Kipnis and his researchers, from the University of Virginia, have found a previously undiscovered connection between the brain and the endocrine system.

neuroimmune system
Image credit: The University of Virginia
The researchers say that the vessels are "very well hidden" explaining why it has taken so long for them to be identified.

Kevin Lee, Chair of UVa's Dept. of Neuroscience, commented:-

'They'll have to change the textbooks.' There has never been a lymphatic system for the central nervous system, and it was very clear from that first singular observation - and they've done many studies since then to bolster the finding - that it will fundamentally change the way people look at the central nervous system's relationship with the immune system."

These discoveries validate the teachings of Chinese and Vedic medicine. 
If you study the connections between the organs of the physical body which make the hormones for the endocrine system, with the chakras, the meridians and the nadis, this makes sense.  The modern doctors and researchers just need to broaden their thinking to take in these ancient medicines and teachings.  In fairness some medical and scientific people such as Deepak Chopra have done this.

My discovery of this research, and the video which follows, happened as I'm about to write a chapter on Atlantis in the second book of my trilogy, Downloading Spirit.  It is my interpretation of what I think Atlantis was, and indeed, may still be.  So what has Atlantis got to do with our thoughts?

Evolution and growth happen when we make connections between discoveries that help us to function better and more efficiently in our world.

What then is Atlantis?

The stories we have about it are that it was intended to be a utopian world; a Garden of Eden that went wrong.  Atlantis, like Earth, became a place where a materialistic and greedy few, wanting only great wealth and power, were fighting their fellow Atlanteans who were spiritual and wanting an equal, sharing and caring world.  Materialism and greed triumphed, and Atlantis was destroyed.  Briefly, it showed both the ideal world, and then, the type of world we have created. Was it a real world on this planet in the same sense as the world in which we live or a myth?  Was it a blueprint of thought which gave rise to our present day world?
We come full circle to the fact that we are what we think ... so, is Atlantis the blueprint for humanity embedded in our DNA and cellular memory.  If so we must reprogram our DNA to see the good that was Atlantis rather than the materialistic greed.

To fully understand what I think and feel Atlantis was/is, you'll have to get my book when it's published, but I'll give this away now.

I believe Atlantis is the etheric layer of our world, it is the blueprint for what we create here.  
It shows the good things we can create as well as the bad things.  
It shows us that we have a choice how we react to things and how we make our choices.  
It's story shows us the pitfalls and mistakes we have to avoid ...

and I believe we can.

But how do we do this?

We just have to turn away from our materialistic and greedy ways, 
and embrace the positive sharing and caring spiritual ways.  
We have to come from a place of love, not fear.  
We have to change the economic and political institutions of our world that are no longer effective.  We are watching this breakdown occur at this very moment in time.  
We are watching the next stage in the evolution of our species.

First, let's deal with how the thoughts in our blueprint, which create our reality, get through to us?

As I said above these thoughts surround us and move through us, from our etheric layer to our physical being and I've explained now how our bodies are biologically set up to receive these thoughts.

The following TED talk explains how it's possible for these non physical things to move through this system into our brain.

The means of doing it is called Quantum Tunnelling.

We can observe and record Quantum Tunnelling and it looks like this and it works on spin:-

2006-03-14   20:36   An example of Tunnel Effect - 
The evolution of the wave function of an electron through a potential barrier
Évolution de la fonction d'onde d'un électron à travers une barrière de potentiel

When we sit in a chair and let our imagination loose, like this electron, our consciousness moves through the barrier of being physical.  We emerge on the other side as a shadow, as shown above, observing, absorbing information from another non physical dimension.  We then bring this new thought back via our endocrine system into our mind.  This happens while we dream or astral travel.

So is it all shadow play?  Perhaps, but does it really matter?  This video explains the way you can get from our physical world to another place without leaving where you are.

The next thing we ask is:-

Can we travel to these places, and manifest there?  

Yes; when we learn to recalibrate our physical frequency to the frequency of the place we wish to visit.  We shall not look the same but we shall be there.  I believe this is how advanced beings came here to pass on knowledge and assist us with our development.

Stories are one of the best means for humans to understand new things.  Authors like J. K. Rowling enable us through their imaginative writings to visualise these things.  Her books about Harry Potter are preparing our children for the amazing world we are entering.

Consider how Harry moves from a "normal" platform at King's Cross Station in London in this world to Platform 9 and 3/4 where he gets his train to Hogsmeade Station which is the train station for Hogwarts School.  To get there he runs straight at the wall between Platforms 9 and 10, and somehow goes through the wall to Platform 9 and 3/4, where you get the train for Hogsmeade.  Has he just changed his frequency ... I think so.  J. K. Rowling just didn't know that she was using Quantum Physics as well as her imagination to make it happen .... or maybe she did.

At this point in our history we are making extraordinary discoveries, such as the two (The connection between the lymphatic system and the brain and Quantum Tunnelling) mentioned here.  

However, the important thing is the next step, which is to make the connection between them to understand the process and why it happens.  

If we do this we ease and safeguard the evolutionary journey of our species and learn to use this knowledge to change our world for the better.

We could not do this, unless we were self conscious, thinking physical beings.  
It's time for us to re-connect with the consciousness of our matrix and fix the problems we have created on our planet. 

It's time for us to remember why we are here.