Friday, October 28, 2011

Hello again. It's been a while.

It's been a while since my last blog.  So many things have been happening.  After I returned from Malaysia, I travelled west to a where my horse Orlando is living for the moment with his  band of beautiful mares.

Horses are very important to me, and guide me on many of my journeys.  In a sense they are my power animal.  Together we travel far.

Owl of the west.

At the magical place where Orlando lives is another who always waits for me.  This is a representative of my bird totem, Owl.

Indeed, wherever I go, I always seem to encounter an owl.
Owl is to me a teacher and a guide.  He first came to me when I was on my farm, Killibinbin.  I had a critically ill horse who needed treatment in the early morning hours for about six months.  Every time I went down to the stables to administer his medicine, Owl would be waiting just outside my home, sitting on a fence post.  Each day he flew down to the stables with me; stayed with me while I medicated the horse, then flew back with me as I walked up the hill.  He'd go back to his fence post and watch me safely into my home.

From that time Owl is always with me.

Even when I cannot be in their presence, these animals are with me in spirit meeting me at night in my dreams.

Entrance stone to Rennes Le Chateau.

Not long after my trip west to see Orlando and Owl, I was off to Europe for further research on my book, Downloading Spirit.  I wanted to understand more about the Cathars, and why the Catholic Church mounted the only Crusade in Europe against Christians.  It's fascinating story, but more of this another time.
So I found myself in the Languedoc, in Southern France, visiting places like Carcassonne and Rennes Le Chateau.     During this time I finished Downloading Spirit, Book 1 Babushka.

After 6 years of writing, the book has now been sent to publishers, and I wait, with great anticipation, for the replies.  Even if a publisher does not take it up, I have decided to self publish.  However, I'm optimistic, and my editor agrees with me that it's ready to go out into the world.

I started my blog to help me to promote the book, and tell the world of its existence.
Slowly, I'm learning the skill of networking and now post on Facebook, Twitter and Linked In.   Links will shortly be made with these sites from this blog.
My website is complete and I'm currently setting up the content of the pages.  Once this is complete the Downloading Spirit website will go live.  When this happens, you will see that my website has a category for my blog.  Just click it and it immediately takes you to this site.
That, in a nutshell, is much of what I've been doing since my last post.

I was prompted to write this today because of an email sent to me by a friend.  It's a video of an owl and it seemed to say to me that it's time to strike.  Time to go out to the world.

I'd like to finish today's post by sharing it with you.  I hope you find it as extraordinary and amazing as I did.

Well, bye for the moment.  I'll write again soon.  May Spirit be with you.

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