Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Good Vibes/Bad Vibes or Necessary Vibes.

This last week has been spent preparing to travel to Malaysia where I'll be until the end of the month.  I arrived late last Friday.  Consequently, I've been slow to put up this next blog.  The interest is still growing, which I find very encouraging.

I'd like to thank Barbara for breaking the comment drought, and beginning what I hope will be a continuous stream of discussion.  It's obvious that her way of doing energy  is positive.  Her acting purifies her feelings and gives her life integrity.  These experiences are definitely creative, spiritual and positive.

So do we associate everything spiritual only with good vibes, or positive energy, or can it also be evil or bad vibes, negative energy?  Personally I believe the answer is it can be both.  The world we live in is an electro magnetic world, a world of opposites.  For this reason I think the term necessary vibes gives us a different perspective.  We can't do without either good or bad, positive or negative, because both are necessary to keep the system working.  So let's re-think our perception here and consider how we can work creatively with the negative to ensure a positive outcome.  It is a world of opposites and opposites attract.

In Downloading Spirit I've endeavoured to substantiate everything I write with proven science. Babushka, the first Downloading Spirit book is all about this sexual, creative and spiritual energy and how it is used by people.  It tells how people are created by these energies.  Like Deepak said in his video, which I included in the second blog everything is energy.  Just this one word brings us constantly into the scientific world as the above rap video shows.

However, considering energy on a day to day basis, do we use these energies always for good?  Obviously, we don't.  The choice is ours, it just depends at what frequency level we choose to use our energy.  So often we ask:  Is it a good vibe or a bad vibe?  If we learn from our bad vibes, that leads us to make good vibes.  To learn and grow, it's necessary for both to happen.

Let's look at Babushka, who represents us.  As we saw in the first blog, we're all energy.  Each of us is an electro magnetic field (EMF) of seven layers all vibrating at a different frequency.  An EMF contains two opposites of electric and magnetic energy spinning around each other.  It can't exist without them.  Their interaction creates the field.  Since we're an EMF we can't exist without our positive and negative sides interacting either.  This is why I believe that spiritual energy has to be positive and negative.

I've always thought of  evil as live spelt backwards.  It's kind of like blocked energy.  There's no point denying it's there.  That's suppression and that just causes more problems.  But if we acknowledge it, understand it, and work on it, we can release this energy to flow in a positive and creative way.  If we communicate our legitimate needs (not our desires) this also helps.

Looking at it this way gives a different perspective.

Babushka also tells us how Spirit tries to communicate with us.  Whilst we've been learning to self actualise and develop our mental skills and capacity, we've forgotten how to do this.  We've just focused on using the left, logical side of our brain.  It's time to re-activate the right side of our brain, where our imagination, intuition and creativity are found.  It is through this side of our brain that we communicate with Spirit and download information.  This conversation then filters through to the left side of our brain and we process how we can make it happen in our physical world of virtual reality.

I'd love to hear your thoughts on these ideas I've put forward.
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