Saturday, February 11, 2012

Who are we?

One of the things I'm trying to convey in my blog is the diversity of our consciousness.  It is both feeling and thinking.  It is physical and non physical.  It's light and dark, breathing in and out.  Opposites are necessary to function in harmony in our electro magnetic world of illusion.  This has required me to take a macro view of both science and spirituality.

I'm just an ordinary woman, with limited training and education in these areas of knowledge.
I have agonised, researched, and I feel I have understood a little bit.  At least enough to present a theoretical viewpoint.

In Downloading Spirit I talk about many things.  Often my blogs are spontaneous thoughts on things that are happening, or random thoughts that for one reason or another insert themselves into my awareness.

On the 29th October 2011 I wrote a blog called A Little about Downloading Spirit.  In this I told you about how the project started.

I asked Spirit:

“What is the purpose of this book?  What am I supposed to be communicating?”

Spirit answered:

“You’re certainly not to talk about consciousness.  It’s what’s going on behind the facade of consciousness that we want to communicate.  The DNA, genes, consciousness levels, dimensions and their realities, all tie together.  For the average human, none of this makes any sense.  Conveying the information as you have pulled the threads together is what it is about.  We only need the essence, the DNA, the history and how it all happens.  What energises it.  How it works and how it just keeps working, this mechanism for being.  And it works for everything, absolutely everything.  Tie the threads and information together.  Do not use quattrains or arcane language.  We want all people to understand this clearly”.

In the blog called Spin 25/11/2011, I mentioned for the first time the mechanism of how it all happens.  That mechanism is Spin.  Wheels within wheels keep everything turning, and Spirit has created it so that it is self perpetuating.  When you breathe in you have to breathe out.  When you go up you have to come down.  The trick is to do it and stay balanced.  The key to it happening is love.  There will be more talk on Spin ... and the Tao ...  I have also written about this at length in Downloading Spirit.

In Downloading Spirit, I endeavour to convey that opposites are always part of a whole.  Without either, the whole cannot exist.  Both dark and light are necessary to survive.  We need the day to work and feed ourselves, we need the night to sleep, rest and rebuild our strength to have the energy necessary to work and feed ourselves.

Our self is one physical layer surrounded by another six non physical layers of our electro magnetic field.   

"Semenov" Stacked Doll

The first book of Downloading Spirit is about ourselves, human beings and our  electro magnetic field.  I liken our electro magnetic field to the well known Matryoshka Doll, from Russian folklore, whom I call Babushka.

Our Soul bundles itself into our electro magnetic field.  It is separated from our Self, and from our Source, but every now and again, without our realising what is happening, the members of our Soul speak to us.  Every now and again, we have a sense of being One with all that is.  It's not easy, it's sometimes a bit weird, also a bit challenging, maybe even scary for some of us, but it happens.

If we can re-unite our Self with our Soul, we'll start to use more than just 10 per cent of our brain.
If we can re-unite our head and our heart, amazing things will happen.  Parts of our physical body that have atrophied will again switch on.  For what we'll actually be doing is re-joining the left and right sides of our brain so they can work together in harmony.  We'll be activating the glands of our Endocrine System to their full potential.  At last we'll work with love and reason creating positive realities.  We'll be creatively conscious.

Light and dark ... there's nothing to be frightened of.  We need both.
Positive and negative ... positive can't happen unless it's generated by negative.  Negative can't happen unless we make mistakes and learn ... which leads to positive.
Breathing in and breathing out ... enables us to be conscious of being physically alive.
Living and dying ... is all part of the same thing ...  conscious being.
Love of being, of life, whether physical or non physical, unites us with the aspect of God we are exploring.

We are animals overlaid with Spirit.  The fallen angel of light, of self consciousness, Lucifer, present in all of us, re-uniting us with Source and love or Christ consciousness.  Re-uniting physical with non physical, science with spirituality.

There's nothing to be afraid of in either living, being born, or dying ... we are immortal.  We are not our bodies.

Our Babushka's are our personalities ... a collection of our archetypal energies ... and sub personalities.

The layers of our Babushka's are our interfaces between physical consciousness and non physical consciousness.

So who are we?

We are in the process of evolving from a self conscious person to a soul conscious person.
We are becoming multidimensional.

Everything is conscious ... but more on this in future blogs.

In the meantime, all being well Downloading Spirit, Part 1, Babushka, will be published on the 21st April, 2012.

It will be published in traditional book format, but will also be available as an e book.

I shall be launching my website very soon.  You will be able to order the book through my website, through Amazon, and many other outlets.  You will be able to order it through you local bookshop.  You will be able to order it online.  There will be more information on all of this as things progress.

I wish to thank all who have supported me through this process of creation.  It has been 7 years.                                                      
Each day I affirm:  "I wish to fulfill my purpose, I wish to be where I am meant to be."
Each morning I wake and I try to remember to say to myself as a first thought ... love.
Each night ... I do actually think love as I drift to sleep.
It's harder I think coming back into physical consciousness ... but I keep trying.

You see I love life ... whatever form it takes.  I have no problem with birth or death ... they're just part of life ... you can't have one without the other.  One happens ... then the other happens ... and so on ...

Life is not just physical ... it is also every non physical thing that supports the physical.  The physical gives expression to the intent and purpose of everything that supports it.  They're the same thing.

You can't have one without the other.

We're in the process of re-opening the lines of communication with the totality of being.

OMG ... how great is that.

Nama Amida Butsu.

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