Sunday, February 05, 2012

The Nation of Love is Universal.

Back in November I suggested that it would be a good idea to

Walk through your fear with me.  
Understand how amazing we all are.  
Walk your talk and create your dream. 

In December I suggested that we could change our world to a better place just by changing ourselves and walking our talk.

In January I talked about our thoughts being real, that we create our own reality.

The only problem is that there are many around us who try to influence and control our thoughts.  Frightened people who have understood that they can control others by manipulating their fears realise that they have more power.  Power makes them feel less frightened.

It seems at this time, some of us are realising that we are sabotaging ourselves with our fear.  Often those who have the highest wish for the good of all are the ones who most sabotage themselves because they try to be selfless.  Many accept that we have to conform and limit our ability to be, in order to have a safe and prosperous life, so we shall not hurt ourselves or others.  

This is not true.  Whilst at times challenging, the following video is worth watching and considering.  It presents the truth that if people respect themselves, they will always respect everyone else.

Different religions are frequently the scapegoat within society for the wrongs experienced by society at large.  Today terrorism and Islam are linked.  

I would propose that if the basic teachings of all religions are followed, there would be no terrorism. The essential teachings invariably try to establish acceptable behaviour.  However, if people seeking power come into positions of religious power, they will often corrupt and manipulate the teachings to create fear and control the masses.

We do not need to listen to these fanatics and extremists, whatever they claim they believe.

Once there was a man called Jalal al-Din who is also known as Rumi.  He was a philosopher and mystic of Islam. His doctrine advocates unlimited tolerance, positive reasoning, goodness, charity and awareness through love.  To him and to his disciples all religions are more or less truth.  Looking with the same eye on Muslim, Jew and Christian alike, his peaceful and tolerant teaching has appealed to people of all sects and creeds.  Rumi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Following is one of his poems.

To me the beliefs and thoughts expressed in these videos, make more sense than any fanatic ever will.

As Rumi said:

The nation of Love has a different religion to all religions — For lovers, God alone is their religion.

Let us all be lovers ...

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