Monday, January 30, 2012

It's Happening.

It's been a few weeks since my last blog - quite eventful weeks, I have to say.  So whilst I've been remiss in blogging about my book, I've been busy organising its release.

It's happening.  Downloading Spirit is being published.  
All being well it will be launched on the 21st April.

The road to publication is a daunting one for an unpublished author with no media or literary connections.  I've stopped counting how many times I've submitted my book to publishers.  In the last lot of submissions, sent out more than four months ago, I sent to a total of twelve publishers.  All submissions were made according to the published guidelines of each company.  One replied that they had received the submission.  Six weeks later, they informed me it was not what they were currently looking for.  Other than that, not a boo or a baa.

For some time I have felt that it was time to self publish.  Synchronistically a colleague, who's also writing a book, sent me information about an Amazon subsidiary that enables you to self publish.  They also have a great program for marketing and distribution.  I made contact, considered what was being offered, and decided to go for it.

The launch date was decided by using astrology to select a favourable time.  Hence the 21st April.

Why did I select this date using Astrology?

It tells me when the energetic environment is most favourable for me to act.
How to effectively work with it, is in Downloading Spirit.  You can read all about it very soon.  
The book will be distributed online and through Amazon, Barns & Noble, Waterstones, W.H. Smith, Dymocks as well as more than 25,000 resellers.

Briefly, however, if you look at the daily transits and the aspects they make to your birthchart, it's possible to come up with the best possible time, place and way to do a particular thing successfully.
It doesn't give you exact answers, but it gives you the likely probabilities of what is involved.
Personally I have always found it much easier to make a decision if I can fully understand the likely positives and negatives of any situation.

I'll talk more about Astrology and Astronomy in future blogs.

In the meantime,  I saw an encouraging article on Page 11 of the Sydney Morning Herald, January 31,  2012.  It was was written by Peter Hartcher and titled Wars wane: is the world really falling into peace?           

I mention this because of recent  comments of mine about Creating what we think.                    

Hartcher reveals statistics that clearly indicate that war at all levels is definitely waning.  He also cites The Better Angels of our Nature, by Steven Pinker, Harvard professor of psychology. 

In his book Pinker says We may be living in the most peaceable era in our species' existence.                         
Why does this surprise us?  Hartcher asks.

His answer is interesting.  This time he quotes Andrew Mack, leader of the Human Security Report, who tells Hartcher:  It's your fault.  It's partly the media's news policy - 'if it bleeds it leads'.  

The media talks about war a lot, but hardly ever about peace.  The media reports the negative, the tragic, rarely the positive or joyous.  It seems to thrive on fear.  Is it, because this keeps the masses worried and easy to manipulate?

But this is changing with the internet.  It began to change when Marshall McLuhan coined the expressions "the medium is the message" and "the global village" and predicted the World Wide Web.  It is still changing today, with the challenges of people such as Julian Assange and Wikileaks.

Our world is becoming more transparent.  It is harder for the powerful and privileged few to keep things secrets anymore.  This means that people can speak their truth and act to create what they believe is right.

Pinker also puts forward the view that human beings are not intrinsically violent but that we adopted violence as a survival strategy As it becomes less useful, he suggests, we are simply discarding it.

There will always be difficulties and challenges in this world, but what this article suggests to me is very positive.

For me it is an affirmation that humanity is not inherently violent.  We only want to survive.  

It is validating my belief that if we walk through our fear,  we can overcome all problems.
If we ensure that all people have enough food, clean water, shelter, education, freedom of religion and freedom of speech, the need for violence to ensure survival will cease to exist.

Dare to dream, walk your talk.  If we act from a basis of love and a desire for peace, we shall achieve peace on Earth.

We do create what we think.

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