Thursday, January 05, 2012

Our Thoughts are Real.

Walking barefoot on soft grass with my two pugs, surrounded by magnificent trees, I'm feeling the earth and her energy ... such beauty.

It's usually at times like Christmas and New Year that one thinks on things past and plans for the future.  Now, these are the thoughts and remembrances of ... this makes me hesitate ... but ... an old woman.

I don't feel old, my thoughts aren't old, I'm not old.  I'm eternal; but my body's getting old.  My body isn't me.  I look in the mirror and I see a vintage model of a human being, the amazing animal, my spirit and archetypal energies have overlaid and moved into.

My body is like my car.  I get into it in the morning and go to life on Earth.  I leave it at night, and go to another life.  I can actually do this when I choose, but this doesn't happen very often, because I choose to live and ground my energies here. It is important that we focus on being fully present in this amazing and beautiful world.  We need to live in and care for it to the full.  This is important so we can make our creative non physical ideas and thoughts real.  Selected thoughts are the blueprints we choose to manifest in this physical world.

If we are not grounded and centred we can lose it, if you like, flip out; we cannot make our thoughts a tangible reality in our world.  That can lead to mental illness. It is essential to know we are experiencing this life here, to create here.  We need to realise that being in a physical body means achievement is 10% inspiration and 90% perspiration.  To make ideas real requires hard work.

One of the dilemmas with being both self conscious and soul conscious is that we can frighten people if we do not manage these consciousnesses carefully and respectfully.  We can even frighten ourselves. It's only recently that people have started to talk about these things.

While in my body, I must do as much as I can.  When my body is too old, I'll trade it in.  It will be recycled.  But I'll continue ... if only through my children and grandchildren ... in their cellular memory and DNA.  I'm not sure yet what kind of vehicle it will be when I return ... it will be interesting to find out.  I love my body. We've had some amazing times together, but I shall have to leave it behind one day.

The years of our lives pass as do the festive seasons of Christmas and New Year. This annual holiday time can be both wonderful, and difficult for us.  I suspect that in our lives, somewhere along the way, we all experience both the wonder and the difficulties, and possibly most stages in between.

With age, time changes the lenses and the filters through which we see things.

Now, 68, my memories seem to become more and more vivid.  I remember so many different expressions of Christmas and New Year.  Times of little money, times of abundance, times of indulgence and times of abstinence.  Times of euphoria and great joy, and times of unbelievable grief and sadness.

That first Christmas without my husband was when I began to remember.  That year I scattered his ashes with my family and friends.

Throughout my life, one defining emotion and feeling has remained in me.  It is with me every day and will be till I die.  That emotion and feeling is love.

In my last blog I included Sting's Youtube video, the Shape of My Heart, the song begins with the lyrics:-

"I use the cards as a meditation ..."

My memory is of my mother who played solitaire almost every day of her life.  It was her meditation.  It was her time for her self.  Now she is dead, I continue her tradition each day.  For me it can be a meditation of gratitude, of how to deal with a difficult situation.  How to deal with my frustration, my anger, with my pain or hurt.  It gives me time to observe myself, and consider how I can become more aware, a better person.  It gives me time to consider who I truly am.

Learning to observe ourselves is so important.

Simple acts in the physical are essential to being at all levels.

Whilst writing this, my thoughts have brought back to life so many who have now crossed or left me in the physical for whatever reason.

But my thoughts make them alive.  My thoughts are real.  Those on whose shoulders I stand, those who have taught me, and loved me, those who I love ... they never die.

Once a living consciousness and being is manifest, has personality, and explores archetypal energy, we are immortal.  We do not stay in the physical eternally.  We may visit it more than once.  But as Christ said:  "In my father's house are many mansions."                                                                                      

There are so many worlds, not all of them physical.

But our conscious thoughts are real.  They do not die.  The beings we acknowledge ... live.  Our Universe, our Matrix expands on these thoughts, lives and grows on this conscious, physical and non physical expression of who we are.

Our thoughts create this vibrational reality.  Thought creates all vibrational realities - physical and non physical.  I believe that one day, the particle faster than light, will be defined as essential thought, consciousness.

We just have to learn how to communicate thought, without fear, between the physical and non physical realities.  We need to make good things real.  We have to learn how to think, so we can create the most extraordinary realities - whether they are physical or not.  Thoughts are the blueprints for what can be manifested.

Did I think this would go where it has - no.  But then, I did tell you that I was fascinated with consciousness.

So I come back to what I felt as I walked on the grass, with the earth between my feet, and my beautiful dogs, and the trees, even the worms underneath my feet that I cannot see, and the birds - the black cockatoos of the void, the parrots of light and joy.

Walking I move within.  I come to the Tree of Life, the Tao of being.  I  ground the light, the joy of living and being, able to express and create physically through my body onto this plane.

This happens because I am an electro magnetic, conscious being in this body known as Janet Baljeu within the electro magnetic soul who is Rainbow Water, communicating through Lucinda Thunderwand, my Higher Self, connecting me to the electro magnetic Source of Great Spirit.

I'm only one human being, one physical life, but I have the ability to connect this third dimensional world, my planet Earth, with ALL that is; to be a conduit of communication between the physical and non physical worlds.

I am Downloading Spirit.

We all have this ability.  Our thoughts are real.  We create what we think.  Imagine what could happen if we all make this connection.

It is time to change our world.  It is time to make our highest thoughts a physical reality.

We can change our world and make it a better place.

Our thoughts are real.

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