Thursday, December 29, 2011

Downloading Spirit's first year of blogging.

My blog began at the beginning of 2011.  The subjects I have discussed have been written about and extrapolated on in my book Downloading Spirit.

The blog's purpose is to give you a taste of the book in the hope you will want to read it and tell your friends about it.

The purpose of Downloading Spirit is to communicate what goes on behind the facade of consciousness.

The early blogs talked about our aura or electro magnetic field, vibrations, frequency, the Law of Attraction, and energy.  They discussed totem animals and the archetypal energy they represent for us.

In November, Ahau and the Ancestors were introduced, together with the responsibilities of being self conscious, walking our talk and waking up to our soul consciousness.

I put forward my belief that our archetypal energies represented by our totem animals, inherited through our ancestors in our DNA, and experienced by us through our cellular memories and sub personalities, were indeed the non physical conscious aspects of our soul, our soul mates.

It seemed necessary to explain a little of how these aspects of consciousness manage to communicate with us and move into us so we can express the knowledge they convey to us.
To do this I put forward some of my thoughts on Spin.

In the first December blog I mentioned that Adrian had started Postcard Diary on Facebook and asked you to visit it and support him in this endeavour.  Again I ask this favour of you.
This event caused me to explain a little of how and why I became interested in consciousness.

I talked about our emotionalmental and spiritual consciousness and how information enters through our electro magnetic field and chakras via our meridians and para sympathetic nervous system to be absorbed into the consciousness of our physical body.

We need not fear our emotions ... it is our emotion that creates our passion, and it is our passion that drives us to create a better life and world.  We do need to understand our emotions and manage them effectively.

In a nutshell, we are an electro magnetic field of different frequency layers.  These layers each contain an archetypal energetic aspect, or sub personality, of our total self. That total self is our soul.  We, the self conscious physical person, are for the most part unaware of the rest of our selves.  We're even a bit frightened of them, and don't want to meet them again.  We're a bit like a sleepwalker caught in a physical body, whose self conscious person is too frightened to leave.

It's time to wake up and understand how powerful and extraordinary each of us is.

Amazing events happened in 2011.  One man set himself alight and self immolated in his passionate protest against inequality, discrimination and a system of tyranny.  His name was Mohamed Bouazizi.  Truly he walked through his fear.  In doing this he empowered millions to walk through their fear.
He has changed our world so much that Time's Person of the Year is The Protestor.
Even in the USA protestors march on Wall Street against greed and corruption.
Everywhere people want a better world.
Such is the power of one who walks through their fear.

Possibly, most people, regardless of their religious faith, join in the spirit of giving gifts at Christmas because Christmas is more than just religious.  Christ was not born on Christmas Day.  Some sources place the date between March 28 to May 20, while others somewhere around the end of September.  This fact is recorded in the New Testament (Luke 2:1 to 2:8 and Revelation 12:1-2).
December 25 was adopted as a day to celebrate the birth of Christ as a Christian substitute to the Roman festival Saturnalia in the third century.  Saturnalia was celebrated as the Feast of Sun and was actually considered the birth date of the Sun God.
It is the Pagan time of the solstice, the coming of light.
May light and love return to our world.

Christmas, for me, is more a celebration of a consciousness, an inherent belief in all mankind that love and peace will come to all people here on Earth.  

Downloading Spirit has been written to help people understand their enormous power and potential which will be experienced every time we walk through our fear, and act with love.
Let's walk our talk, show our compassion and strength, unite our heart and our brain and create a better world.
My book is about me trying to communicate the Shape of My Heart, who I am and why I'm here.

This is a song by Sting and the Shape of his Heart:-

With love we can change our world.

Downloading Spirit will be published in 2012.


  1. Hi Janet,

    As usual another interesting and thought provoking blog and again looking forward to your book in 2012. I believe everyone on earth is our soul mate as we are all part of the one, if this ever can be accepted by the human race then love will prevail and there will be peace on earth.


