Monday, December 12, 2011

We can change our world to be a better place.

In my last post I spoke about our two different types of intelligence, our mental and our emotional.  I commented that these are what drive us to create our physical reality. 

Our mental intelligence helps us solve the physical problems of the creation, but it is the emotional intelligence generated from our heart that creates the passion, the desire to make something happen.

The inspiration for this post came in the form of a series of "Chinese Whispers" from a friend to a friend to a friend.  The "whisper" was this Youtube video of Gregg Braden.  In this video he talks about the role of our heart, and how it is the most powerful electro magnetic field in our body.  His theory is not dissimilar from mine and he also backs up what he says with science.

While I spoke of our total personal electro magnetic field, he speaks of our heart's powerful electro magnetic field.  But then, it is really our heart that is at the core of our motivation, our passion, and this is what truly drives us to create in our physical world.  It is our heart that is at the core of our being.

If we "walk our talk" (Nov. 12. blog) , if we live and express what we are passionate about, we create a template or a mould, to which the energy of the Spirit relating to that passion, is attracted.  This aspect of Spirit is then able to condense that energy into the mould, and mirror what we are passionate about.  In this way our dream is created and made real in this world.

It doesn't matter what the dream is, we can make it happen.
Our thoughts are real.

This energy originates in the fourth dimensional, non physical area of our world and moves into the physical because of our passion.  These non physical emotions are the interface that communicates to our brain the best way in which we can create what we imagine. We take the blueprint of our imagination and create a physical reality.

It wouldn't happen without our passion, without our emotions and feelings.
These emotions and feelings can be both positive and negative, just like our electro magnetic field.

Often we're frightened of our feelings and emotions for this reason.  This can lead to us suppressing or denying our feelings.  In turn this leads to blockages which sooner or later need to be released.  So often this release is not helpful, and indeed leads to more problems and sometimes even incidents that we label bad.  It can even cause physical illness.

Learning to work with our feelings and emotions, even if they seem negative, enables us to channel them into positive expression.  We don't need to be frightened of our emotions.  Even  anger can be channelled constructively.

Acknowledging that a feeling exists, means we can then understand the reason for its existence.  Then, it's possible to resolve the cause without damage or pain.

If we change our way of behaving from a negative or passive/aggressive response to an assertive interaction, the person or situation with which we're coping, will also change.  It's always a change for the better, because the fear driven reactive behaviours have been replaced with considerate and caring behaviours. Immediately, we have a calmer environment, more conducive to meaningful communication.

If every person does this, we can not only change and improve our own life, we can change our whole world to a better place.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Janet,

    As usual another excellent blog. I became aware of the of the emotional response of the heart when my daughter moved to Queensland to start a business. I suffered heart ache, I could physically and powerfully feel my heart aching, that is when I became aware of it's true power and now go more with my feelings on outcomes as opposed to my thoughts.


