Sunday, December 30, 2012

I wonder ...

How often have we thought we've understood something only to realise later that we hadn't understood at all.

This has happened to me many times in my life.

As we grow and learn our understanding and consciousness expands.

How often have we looked at images, like the multi faced Buddha below, and thought they were just idols from earlier cultures.

Multi headed, armed and legged gods abound in eastern religions.

Temple at Mt. Emei, China.

Adrian Baljeu

Brahma - the divine Creator.

            Chart of Hindu Gods & Goddesses |


Parvati - the divine Mother.

Chart of Hindu Gods & Goddesses |


Gods and Goddesses of Ancient India - Crystalinks

In Genesis the Bible, talks of Joseph and his "coat of many colours".

Could it be that these multi ... God ... images,  were aspects of ourselves?

Were they members of some ancient being's soul moving through their electro magnetic field to communicate with them?

As I questioned in my last blog ...

"Did beings of higher consciousness move in from their reality to ours, and overlay a receptive early human being's electro magnetic field and communicate the information to them in a way that they could pass it on to their fellow human beings?"  ...

Since those times we have evolved and developed to the point where we now understand that there are physical and non physical realities.

Could these images be depicting the non physical parts of ourselves ... ?

I wonder ...

Moses was asked when he came down from the mountain with the Ten Commandments ...

"Who were you talking with?"

He replied ... "YHWH"

This translates "I am".

Was he talking with himself?  Did he understand what these sculptures and images from Eastern religions were visually showing to early man.

Joseph was in Egypt with his Coat of Many Colours.

Did he understand he was an electro magnetic field of varying frequencies and colours?
Did he know we are surrounded by non physical realities that are inhabited by conscious beings?
Did he visit these non physical realities when he had his dreams?

Have these images and stories from our mythologies come down to us through the ages, in our spiritual history, until scientific knowledge advanced to the point where we could prove these things.

When we moved officially from the age of Pisces into the new age of Aquarius on the 21st December, 2012, it was not the end of the world, but the world as we knew it.

It was the formal acknowledgement of an expansion of our consciousness?

Our world was never going to end on that date, but it has changed forever.  While many may not realise it ... we have changed forever.

How fast our world changes for the better is up to us.

On Dec 26th I posted on Facebook Janet Baljeu a movie length video from Youtube which talks about "A World of Love" coming.

Let's all work toward this everywhere in the world.

As we approach the entry into 2013, the first year of the World of Love,
I wish everyone everywhere ...

Peace on Earth, Good Will to all ...

It's time to change our world
Let us walk through any fear that may be known to us or buried deep within us ...
It is time to be free and know who we are.

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