Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Ancient Teachings - Taoism.

In my last blog, I wrote that my next series of blogs would be about the following subjects:-
the Ancient Teachings and their links with modern science, quantum physics, astronomy and astrology, DNA, genetics, conception, the history of our species and world, psychology, consciousness, dimensions, realities ... and ... I'll probably discover more as I go.  I find the more I explore something, and then extrapolate about it ... the more I learn and understand.

I'll start this with this blog which will consider Taoism (one of the major ancient teachings).  I'll also include a little of what I've written on this subject in Downloading Spirit.

As a quick aside ... it is interesting to note that every major culture around 4,000 years ago produced a great teacher.  Then around 2,000 years ago, came another great teacher.  It is fascinating that they all seemed to appear at an approximately similar time.  There'll probably be a future blog on them, and comparison of their similarities.

For the moment, let's consider Taoism.

Oral tradition maintains that Taoism came from the Kunlun Mountains of northern Tibet to China between 4,000-5,000 years ago. Taoism is associated with three prominent texts: the 4,000-year-old I Ching or Book of Changes; the writings of Chuang Tzu; and the Tao Te Ching, the second most translated book in the world, composed 2,500 years ago by Lao Tse.
The symbol by which it is immediately recognised is:-

This is a two dimensional visualisation of spin, involution and evolution.  If you move your mouse with the picture below you will see the Tao in motion.

This is how everything in every reality moves into and out of that reality.  This shows the motion of the Tao and how everything works.  This is what you would see if you could look down or up through the central hole.  Each matrix of spin is an electro magnetic field.

If you depict the original two dimensional image as a multidimensional image, it will look like this image below.

Click 中国道教协会  and you will see an image at the top of the page with a Tao surrounded by the I Ching hexagrams.  They have animated it, and the hexagrams move round a moving Tao.  It is another way of depicting what I have shown here.

As it spins, the energies from the higher or lower frequencies spin around the centre. When it spins to the point that the central tunnel is aligned, then it is possible for the surrounding energies to move through affecting each other and allowing easy movement from one reality to another.  Easy movement through also occurs when the spin reaches a point of 45° allowing an easy slide into and out of different realities.

If you look at this vertical, skeletal cross section of the Tao in multidimensional format, you see a series of donut-like fields encased within a matrix and moving in from higher to lower frequency ranges.  This is how a human being and everything in our reality is made "real" so that we can see our amazing world, which is in fact, a virtual reality.

In this diagram (taken from Downloading Spirit) I've used the emerging series of stick figures to show the different consciousness beings found in each layer of the electromagnetic field that surrounds the human being who exists at the centre of this Tao energy swirl.  The matrix of this field contains the members of our Soul, each at a different frequency level layered around our physical frequency level.  I've called this diagram Tao Angels.  It is possible for each of the different layers to communicate with the layers below or above. These communications are sometimes conscious within us, sometimes unconscious.

If we can learn to focus our attention we can become more aware.

Early prehistoric man was not capable of such advanced thinking.  Yet somehow the knowledge came through to us.

Whoever gave this information to early, prehistoric man, had to be an highly advanced consciousness being.  

Were we invaded by beings from outer space who became our teachers and Gods? 


Did beings of higher consciousness move in from their reality to ours, and overlay a receptive early human being's electro magnetic field and communicate the information to them in a way that they could pass it on to their fellow human beings?

Did this happen as the Bicameral Mind became Self Conscious Mind in early human beings?

Is this what happened to Chuang Tzu and Lao Tzu?

Is this what happened to Abraham and Moses?

I wonder ...

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