Thursday, November 29, 2012

Is Downloading Spirit only about hearing voices?

Now that the excitement of the presentation is behind let's return to Downloading Spirit itself and focus on the above question ...

Is Downloading Spirit only about hearing voices?

Hearing voices is a part of what's behind consciousness, not all of it.

As you know from two earlier blogs "Who are we?" published on the 6/10/2012 and "A Little about Downloading Spirit" published a year earlier on the 29/10/2011,

it's one of the many interconnected aspects that create consciousness in a human being.

So what is the complete picture of what goes on behind consciousness ... what enables us to be aware?

        "... come, this is the way."    Rumi.

The key subjects I was told to focus on were DNA, genetics, consciousness levels, dimensions and their realities.

Not only this vast area of scientific and spiritual realities, but Spirit also wanted me to explain
"... the essence, the history and how it all happens. 
What energises it.  
How it works and how it just keeps working, 
this mechanism for being which works for everything, absolutely everything."

That's not asking a lot, is it?

I mean we’re only talking about quantum physics, astronomy and astrology, DNA, genetics, conception, the history of our species and world, psychology, consciousness, dimensions, realities ... and ...

This may help you to understand why, from 2005 to 2010, I was in overload, trying to organise my research, my writing, the structure the book would take.
The challenges I faced were enormous.

The first draft was nearly 600 pages.
After somewhere between 12 to 15 rewrites ... I lost count ... I finally got the book down to 133 pages ... that's without the endnotes, index etc.

Considering I'd been told in the beginning to ...

“Extrapolate ...”  I felt quite pleased with myself having reduced 600 pages to 133 pages.

So how did I ... "Tie the threads and information together.”

With great difficulty, endurance and tenacity, and probably a touch of madness ...

         but I found that ...

Let's take the cues I took from my presentation last week and deal with each aspect - one at a time.

In my next series of blogs I'll write on the following subjects:-

the Ancient Teachings and their links with modern science, quantum physics, astronomy and astrology, DNA, genetics, conception, the history of our species and world, psychology, consciousness, dimensions, realities ... and ... ?

Until next time and the Ancient Teachings,

you might like to watch this video ...

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