Thursday, November 15, 2012

How can we meet our Soul Mates.

There are different ways we can meet out Soul Mates.

Personally, I have used meditation journeying with crystals like
this Elestial Quartz.

Astroshamanic journeying and bodywork journeying also work very well for me.

These three techniques can also be used in combination.

I use the word journeying because part of your consciousness moves out of your physical body and travels in non physical spaces. To begin with, I always worked with someone who is a trained therapist in these areas.  This is very important, as when doing this journeying, it is essential to maintain the connection to and awareness of your physical self.

Once you understand these experiences and places, it is then possible to journey from the physical world on your own, but it is not wise to do this in the beginning. The reason for this is simple. In the physical world there are good and bad experiences.  This applies to all worlds, physical and non physical.  We need to be a little street wise in the non physical worlds before we strike out alone.
It’s also necessary to avoid using any drugs when doing this work.  

Once I was a little more accustomed to these non physical journeys, I started to work with my own techniques of self hypnosis with crystals and music using the solfeggio scale.

Shamanic Drumming also works very well for many people.

There is another technique that I use, or perhaps Spirit uses on me … that is a type of lucid dreaming.

Lucid dream - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Another site worth looking at is ...  Is lucid dreaming safe? | dream studies portal.

This happens for me when I am in a liminal state, not awake or fully asleep.  I am conscious of being in this state.  I call this my Night Talk Journeying.  This technique evolved out of my dreaming.

In 1979 I began to have occasional dreams, you could say premonitions, which would later happen in real life.  Then in 1989 after my husband died, my dream life became more and more active.  This is when I decided to explore the worlds to which my Night Talk Journeying took me.

Another amazing tool is Astrology.  Edgar Cayce's work in this field was profound.
Another link worth looking at is:-

Astrology enables us to understand just who and what the members of our Soul are. 
Our birth chart gives us a map of our total psyche, or if you like our electro magnetic field and its layers of consciousness. 
Our Soul Mates are caught in a limbo land floating around us.  
Our heart is the star around which our electro magnetic field spins 
just as the Sun is to the Solar System. 
As above, so below.  
The Sun imprints our physical DNA, the planets imprint our non physical DNA.  
They all work at different frequencies.

How  does this happen?

I believe that at conception, the electro magnetic fields of our Solar System and the planets overlay and imprint our DNA with the individual planetary frequencies and that of the Matrix.

This is an image of the magnetosphere. Here you can see the interaction between the solar wind and the earth's magnetic field.
Courtesy of NASA

Then at birth the frequencies of the Solar System, described in our birth chart, put in place the program for the experiences that will occur each day throughout our life. The daily transits and their aspects with our birth chart are the key to understanding this.  

This gives us the probabilities of our destiny ... 
but we have the free will to choose which probability we will follow.

As above, so below ... 
but  always remember that we have the freedom of choice
 to choose which path of probability we follow.

This diagram is a visual interpretation of these multidimensional realities 
in relation to our electro  magnetic field.

I discuss these this things in depth in Downloading Spirit.

Hopefully I’ve raised your curiosity enough to read the book.                Click on

and you can buy it in soft or hardcover, or if you have a kindle, it is also published as an e-book.

The first of my presentations and workshops is next week at Lotus Health and Wellbeing Centre, 
246 Crown Street, Wollongong, 
on Friday, 23rd November, between 6 pm and 9 pm.

If you live in the area, it would be great to see you there.  
The book will also be available for sale at a special price to mark the occasion.

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