Saturday, November 24, 2012

From Little Things Big Things Grow ...

Marketing and promoting a self published book can be a challenge, but it also brings a lot of joy.  I've learnt so much in doing this.
As you know from my last blog I had a book launch and presentation at the Lotus Health and Wellbeing Centre in Wollongong last Friday evening.

My presentation, which covered the how and why Downloading Spirit came about, where and when it happened, and what it's purpose is, was well received.

People present were keen to hear about the book and what is behind consciousness.                    

There were lots of questions and everyone was  interested and supportive of the book.  A number of copies of Downloading Spirit were sold and signed.

So many things in life start off in a small way, and then steadily grow ... particularly things that are trying to bring about change and improve our way of living and our understanding of life itself ...  

but as Paul Kelly sings ...                                                    

There will be workshops on Downloading Spirit at the Lotus Health and Wellbeing Centre next year.  The book is also available for sale at the shop.  

As well you can purchase it from 

A video of the presentation has been made.  It's about 30 minutes long.   I'm thinking about posting it on the blog.
Also if anyone is having problems posting comments, I suggest you become a follower, which you
can do by clicking on that option at the lower righthand side of the blog frontpage.


  1. Congratulations Janet! I'm very happy for you. Keep up the good work.


  2. Thanks Rand. Good to hear from you. Hope you're well.
