Monday, December 30, 2013

Imagine a world of peace.

The astrological aspects for this New Year are powerful and dramatic.  Only the next few days will tell how these energies will play out in our world and lives.

We cannot change the events of nature or other people, that may affect us... 
but we can choose how we shall react to these events.

If enough of us think positively, we can change our world for the better,
the group consciousness will reflect these thoughts.

This approach works not just for the New Year period, 
but throughout the entire year ...
throughout our entire life.
Let us change our way of thinking, 
let us think with love, not fear,
and change our world for the better.    

 Never forget what the Buddha said:-                                                            

  We are what we think.                                                                                                     All that we are arises with our thoughts.                                   With our thoughts, we make the world.

May peace come in our time

Peace on Earth, Good Will to All.
May we all have a life ...
with enough food and water,
with a shelter called home,
with health
and education.

Happy New Year.

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Amphibian Humans and their Soul Mates.

Our Soul Mates ... 
what is a soul mate, where are they, how do we know who they are?

When I first saw this image, it immediately caught my attention.  Each time I look at it, it triggers feelings within that are very deep seated, a sense of flying back through time as each part of me evolved. 

The C. S. Lewis quote was used to describe this image ...
"Humans are amphibians - half spirit and half animal. 
As spirits they belong to the eternal world, 
but as animals they inhabit time." ...

So what is the 'half spirit' part of a human that C.S. Lewis talks about?   
The 'spirits' that 'belong to the eternal world, but as animals they inhabit time.' 
These spirits it seems, have to be in us.

How is this possible? 

My personal belief is that they overlay us, and this is how I think it's done.

In the diagram below you see the seven layers of the aura and their connections to their chakras.  The layers are grouped into three planes or worlds.  In scientific terms, our aura is our electro magnetic field (EMF).

Just as we have a spine (a channel with nerves, carrying messages telling our body how to function) running through our physical body, so there is a channel running through each layer of the aura. These channels run straight through the middle of our electro magnetic field.  As each layer of our EMF or aura, is embedded into each other, so these channels are embedded into each other.  These channels comprise the dipole of our EMF or aura.  Each layer and its dipole is the shape of a donut.
In Downloading Spirit I liken our total being to a Matryoshka Doll, that I call Babushka.
Once we understand how to communicate through this dipole the consciousness of every layer of our EMF will be able to talk with the consciousness of every other layer.  We'll be in conscious communication with our soul mates.

In DS, I created a diagram which shows a vertical cross section of a 3D model showing how our aura is constructed.

Each layer contains a conscious being.  Only the conscious being in our physical body can be seen.
That being has come to think of their self, as being who they are.  They have become consciously separated from the other non physical beings caught in the layers of their aura.  At first this was the only way 'spirit' could come in.  I believe that their consciousness is what forms our subconscious.
It is time to remember.

I think of these beings as our soul mates.  Our aura is the energetic capsule that contains our soul.
Each of these beings surrounding us is capable of influencing us.  They form aspects of our personality, and their archetypal energies shape and influence us, how we express ourself, what we do and experience.  The voices we hear and feelings we have, are often communication with our soul mates.

Each layer of our aura is composed of a vibrational frequency spectrum.  These vibrational influences can move from high to low or vice versa.  Just as we, the physical person has light and dark within us, so, too, do the members of our soul.  We all live in electro magnetic worlds.  All of us can be nice or nasty, but we can only find expression through the physical person who is not conscious of these other beings ...  yet.

When the conscious/subconscious relationship between our physical self and our non physical soul mates becomes dysfunctional, that is when some forms of mental illness manifest.                                                                                                      

Never forget that we are layers of frequency fields.  It is possible for the conscious beings in each layer to move through the layers and communicate with us ... and we can communicate with them.

 Information, creative ideas, warnings, gut feelings, fears, all come to us this way.

These are functions of the right side of our brain, it is not logical to the left side of our brain, which organises our expression of this information, how we deal with it. 
We have been developing the left side of our brain for the last 2,000-3,000 years.  It's time to connect the right and the left sides of our brain. Positive mental conversations with our selves are wonderful tools in choosing how we shall act. 

They also re-unite and unify our brain.  
They put us in touch with our soul and our source.     

Four things move energetically and magnetically, through us.  
The energy of the Sun, the Moon, the Planets and Music or Sound, 
Music of the Spheres.

Music and the lunar energy move through us at an emotional level
triggering memories and feelings which move up through our subconscious.
These come up from within through our cellular memory (more about this in my next blog).
The energies from the Sun and the Planets overlay us, moving into our human energy field.

Let us first consider how the Sun affects us.                                                                                           The magnetosphere of the Earth both shields us from the Sun's energetic eruptions, 
but it also allows a certain amount of the particles and energy to move into our world.

This photo shows the interaction of the Sun's energy field as it overlays the Earth's Magnetosphere.
I think the spider like Magnetosphere is what gave rise to the Myths about spiders -
especially the Indian  Spider Grandmother Myth
To see a video explaining how the Magnetosphere and its relationship with the Sun works, just click on this link ...    Mysteries of the Sun.

Just as the Sun influences us, so do the Planets.  We are all part of the same system, just as our physical body is a part of our EMF.  Members of the same system overlap and influence each other.

It is the science of Astrology that gives us the means to understand not only how the Sun and the planets magnetically imprint their archetypal energies on our EMF.  This enables us to access a guide to our personalities and our lives; a road map, if you like.

It doesn't tell us what will happen or what we will do, but rather the energetic probabilities of the situation or our behaviour.  This then enables us (if we are aware) to make the best choice as to what to do or how to respond.

The expression of the archetypal energy of our soul mates' personalities is conveyed to our personality through the magnetic imprint of the planets in our birthchart.  

It's sometimes a bit like we're the ventriloquist's dummy, at other times we're the ventriloquist.  However, most of us are oblivious to this.  It is time to become more aware.

The influence of the Moon is that of a reflective mirror.  I shall talk about this more in the next post.
Music plucks the strings of the soul.  It brings up memories of which we're not even conscious, even though a tear is rolling down our cheek.

Indeed these 'spirits' inhabit us, and so inhabit time.  We are Time Lords, as Dr. Who would say.

We are self conscious, but to become so, paid the price of losing touch with all we are.              
It is now the time to become soul conscious.  We don't have to be frightened, the self is fully  conscious of its being whilst embedded in the soul, as a drop of water is in the ocean.  Now we have the potential to consciously incorporate the one with the all.   Now, we have not only the potential to be whole, and know who we are ... we have the ability to make it happen ... if we are not frightened.

We are immortal ... not in a physical sense ... 
in the non physical universe of consciousness we are immortal and individual.

This is how consciousness, awareness, knowledge and the universe expand.

We don't inhabit one world.  We inhabit many worlds.  
We are multidimensional beings and it's time to remember who we are.
Metamorphosis happens not just in the insect world, or the amphibian world, 
but also in the human world.
The difference is that we're not looking to transition and staying alive in the physical world ...
We are looking to transition and stay alive in many worlds.

The key to these "modes of existence" is meeting our  soul mates,
the aspects of our self, and knowing we are one with them.  
We are one with everything.  

Tune in ... you'll like the music.

For further thoughts on these things, go to

and get 

Downloading Spirit

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Don't Worry Be Happy.

It's Christmas.
There are two blogs I said I would write next, but they will come after this one.
I think I need to get a blog where I just write what I feel is important in the moment ... 
and keep this for Downloading Spirit.  
While I get this organised, I still feel a need to write this blog.
The two I said will come next, will ... but after this.

Yes, it's Christmas.  
For me, a time of so many memories.
My Wedding Anniversary is Christmas Eve,
Christmas with our children and family, 
and then the day after was my husband's birthday.
He died when I was 45.  Long time ago now.
During the time he was dying,
one of my sons brought home this piece of music.
It created a very special moment.

Let us never forget ...

Life is a moment, a blink ... and it's gone.  
We're not gone, but the body we inhabit has.
It could not continue any more.

While we are here in this body, let us live our life to the full.  
Let us be happy.

It's time to understand just how important each of us is, 
what we are here to contribute.

A flower blooms ... what can be more beautiful ... a work of art.
A flower dies ... but ... every bloom contributes to the next blossom.  
Every bloom is the grounding for the next generation.
Every bloom has the potential to expand the consciousness of beauty and love.

Live your life to the full.  
Don't worry be happy.  
Find joy and love ... share these gifts throughout you life.  
As you expand and grow everything expands and grows.

Live, Love, Laugh, Learn.  
Not sure of the right order of these experiences.
 I have a sense they happen as we experience each of them.  
They overlay each other, as life overlays us.

May this be a special Christmas for each of us.  
One when more and more of us not only understand, 
but consciously act to spread 

Peace on Earth, and Good Will to All.

Nama Amida Butsu.

Monday, December 09, 2013

Humans are amphibians - we are spirit, body, soul and personality.

Over the life of my blog the post most read by my followers is "Voices ... are they real?"  

This doesn't surprise me.  Hearing voices is, I believe, a phenomenon that happens to everyone, if we're honest with ourselves.  Even if we only hear one voice consciously, our conscience - our inbuilt guide that tells us right from wrong. 

But, I believe, there's more.  How often do we hear someone say:-
"Something tells me that won't work" or "Something inside is saying ... this will be good".  
I believe this both fascinates and concerns people.  

In my book, Downloading Spirit, I put forward the idea that these voices could be those of our soul mates who like us have positive and negative (and all shades of grey in between) characteristics.  I write:-

"These voices in our head, these feelings in our guts, our heart, desperately want to communicate with us.  Sometimes, because they're so frustrated, they're like gremlins and goblins, our demons.  Other times, when they're wanting to help us, like elves and angels, our guides.  Mostly they're so unsettling or frightening we just don't want to hear them, so we block them out."

We only allow ourselves to hear our conscience.  It would be good to learn to have a positive two way conversation with our voices, so we can incorporate their knowledge and enhance our performance ability.

I believe today, more and more people are wanting to understand what a human being is.  Having to deal with mental health issues opens us to the inescapable realisation that there is more to a human being than just our physical body.  There is our consciousness, and it is multifaceted.

"Hearing voices ... " can be a symptom of mental illness.  However, more often than not, it has nothing to do with mental illness.  Notwithstanding, how many of us are frightened of "hearing voices"?  We need to realise that hearing voices is normal.  There is nothing to be frightened of.  Even if what we hear is negative, we can use it positively to make good things happen.

Again I refer readers to a book by John Watkins, called, Hearing Voices - A Common Human Experience. It is published by Michelle Anderson Publishing Pty. Ltd., and its ISBN is 978-0-8557-2390-3.
It is excellent and helps people to understand that hearing voices is more often than not just a normal part of living.

Psychologists are also learning to help people to work with their voices - Voices inside us.

Coming back to what is a human being?
Without a doubt we are an animal.  However, we are different to other animals ... we are self conscious.
But were we always self conscious?  No, that really only happened somewhere between 3,000 and 3,500 years ago.
So what type of consciousness did we have before that?
It was called the Bicameral Mind.  This  theory was put forward first by Julian Jaynes .  Since then it has become part of psychological theory.  A  brief definition is that:-

Bicameralism is a hypothesis in psychology that argues that the human mind once assumed a state in which cognitive functions were divided between one part of the brain which appears to be "speaking", and a second part which listens and obeys—a bicameral mind. 

For more information see:-

or watch:-

So in 3,000 years human beings have gone from people who heard voices, belonging to non physical beings we called "Gods",  to self conscious people who have a conscience and, for the most part, a "God" or a religion that tells us what to do.  Some of us have come to a point of knowing that "I am that I am."  We take responsibility for ourselves and all we do.  As Moses answered his people, when he brought the 10 Commandments down from the Mount, and they asked him who was he talking with, he said "Yahwey", which translates as "I am."  Moses took responsibility for bringing his people the 10 Commandments, as Jesus did when he told his followers to "Love one another as you love yourself."

We can all have our own personal conversations with God.

Now we are hearing voices again.  We're still self conscious, we know these voices are not "Gods", unless we are mentally ill.  

What is happening here?

Is it possible that we could be evolving to another, higher functioning, more inclusive level of consciousness?
Could we be becoming Soul conscious; could we be meeting our soul mates who are not physical? Could we be accessing our Cellular Memory?

In this blog, I deal, superficially, with who we are.  In the two that follow, I'll deal with our Soul Mates and our cellular memory.

Relative to all 3 posts is the following C. S. Lewis quote ...

"Humans are amphibians - half spirit and half animal. 
As spirits they belong to the eternal world, but as animals they inhabit time." ...

which describes the following image.

A human being is spirit (all that ever will be), 
body (all that is - for a moment in time) and 
memory (all that has ever been).

The spirits inhabit us.  They surround us in our matrix of consciousness which surrounds our physical body in layers of different frequency ranges.  Downloading Spirit - Chapter 8.

The animals not only inhabit time, they and all our ancestors, also inhabit us via our cellular memory.  Downloading Spirit - Chapter 9.  They do not surround us, they are within us.  We have adapted and evolved from them. 
Our present brain is built on the brains of fish, reptiles and all animals that have preceded us, as well as our bicameral brain. Downloading Spirit - Chapters 9 and 10.

We do indeed inhabit both the eternal world and the world of time, and like a library, we hold all this knowledge within us.
As we move from self consciousness to soul consciousness, we shall not lose our Self, just as when we moved from the Bicameral Mind to Self Conscious Mind, we did not lose our Soul.  These levels and aspects of consciousness are what make up every human individual, every human being.  We are one and part of everything, a drop of water and an ocean.

As we become more and more soul conscious, 
we shall lose our fear of our own power and magnificence, our fear of not surviving.  
We shall become multidimensional, capable of time travel, moving between dimensions and lives.  

We shall stop handing our power to money and power hungry people who have realised that they can control us through our fear.  When we do this, we enable them to acquire more money and power, and desecrate our extraordinary and beautiful planet.  As we walk through our fear, our world will heal itself, we shall heal ourselves, and we'll re-create the Garden of Eden that Spirit intended our world to be.  As we walk through our fear, the money and power hungry ones will change, or leave.  

Animals are frightened because they need to survive, humans are frightened because they know they will die, and they will lose their self, spirit is not frightened because it knows it is light, eternal.  

We are spirit/human amphibians, the changelings of our physical world.  We can live in time for a limited time learning how to remember who we are.  When we do remember, we can knowingly cross between the timeless, non physical world of consciousness to the physical world of time.
When that happens, the amphibian, changeling human has become a multidimensional, 
soul conscious spirit being - 
a Time Lord

Let us all walk through our fear and remember who we truly are.

To purchase Downloading Spirit and read in depth what I've discussed here
go to