Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Don't Worry Be Happy.

It's Christmas.
There are two blogs I said I would write next, but they will come after this one.
I think I need to get a blog where I just write what I feel is important in the moment ... 
and keep this for Downloading Spirit.  
While I get this organised, I still feel a need to write this blog.
The two I said will come next, will ... but after this.

Yes, it's Christmas.  
For me, a time of so many memories.
My Wedding Anniversary is Christmas Eve,
Christmas with our children and family, 
and then the day after was my husband's birthday.
He died when I was 45.  Long time ago now.
During the time he was dying,
one of my sons brought home this piece of music.
It created a very special moment.

Let us never forget ...

Life is a moment, a blink ... and it's gone.  
We're not gone, but the body we inhabit has.
It could not continue any more.

While we are here in this body, let us live our life to the full.  
Let us be happy.

It's time to understand just how important each of us is, 
what we are here to contribute.

A flower blooms ... what can be more beautiful ... a work of art.
A flower dies ... but ... every bloom contributes to the next blossom.  
Every bloom is the grounding for the next generation.
Every bloom has the potential to expand the consciousness of beauty and love.

Live your life to the full.  
Don't worry be happy.  
Find joy and love ... share these gifts throughout you life.  
As you expand and grow everything expands and grows.

Live, Love, Laugh, Learn.  
Not sure of the right order of these experiences.
 I have a sense they happen as we experience each of them.  
They overlay each other, as life overlays us.

May this be a special Christmas for each of us.  
One when more and more of us not only understand, 
but consciously act to spread 

Peace on Earth, and Good Will to All.

Nama Amida Butsu.

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