Monday, December 30, 2013

Imagine a world of peace.

The astrological aspects for this New Year are powerful and dramatic.  Only the next few days will tell how these energies will play out in our world and lives.

We cannot change the events of nature or other people, that may affect us... 
but we can choose how we shall react to these events.

If enough of us think positively, we can change our world for the better,
the group consciousness will reflect these thoughts.

This approach works not just for the New Year period, 
but throughout the entire year ...
throughout our entire life.
Let us change our way of thinking, 
let us think with love, not fear,
and change our world for the better.    

 Never forget what the Buddha said:-                                                            

  We are what we think.                                                                                                     All that we are arises with our thoughts.                                   With our thoughts, we make the world.

May peace come in our time

Peace on Earth, Good Will to All.
May we all have a life ...
with enough food and water,
with a shelter called home,
with health
and education.

Happy New Year.

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