Thursday, September 27, 2012

Move Forward

Mask of Agamemnon

One day, long before many gods were born, I woke from a deep sleep and found all my masks were stolen. The seven masks I have fashioned and worn in seven lives. I ran mask-less through the crowded streets shouting, 'Thieves, thieves, the cursed thieves.' And when I reached the market place, a youth standing on a house-top cried, 'He is a madman.' I looked up to behold him; the sun kissed my own naked face for the first time. For the first time the sun kissed my own naked face and my soul was inflamed with love for the sun, and I wanted my masks no more. And as if in a trance I cried, 'Blessed, blessed are the thieves who stole my masks.- Kahlil Gibran

All of us create personality masks that we hide behind.  We do this without knowing to protect ourselves.
As I understood that I did this, I sought to remove my masks ... to become a more open and authentic person.  I began to understand the programming that had shaped me ... the positives and the negatives.
As I did this I became more aware of the members of my soul group.  Even as I'm writing this, I must admit, I'm still learning who and what I am.

As we become more authentic and true to who we are, friends change ... some leave, new ones appear.  This happens because our friendships, rivalries ... all our relationships, are the sources of our greatest learning.  Every relationship is a reflection of an aspect of ourself.  The things that trigger us the most, are often the parts of our self that we don't want to know about.

This can cause us to react by ending a friendship, a love, thoughtlessly hurting someone because we are frightened ... unknowingly ... frightened of our self ... frightened of not managing a weakness positively ... frightened of knowing who we are.

Most of the time our relationships are conditional.  Again, we don't like to admit this to ourselves, but as our masks are removed, we realise this is true.

Do we ever come to a point of loving and being that is truly unconditional? Probably not, but what a goal to aim for. The closer we come to it, the more turbulent and difficult our experiences can be, the greater our hurts and pain. Then suddenly, as if a door opens, we understand that when these things happen, it's just part of the journey of life and learning we all must experience to expand our consciousness. It's better not judge, get angry or hurt, react and end things. Instead, accept where people are at ... that they need to do this. This is their truth, and everyone's truth is unique. We do not close the door to that friendship or relationship becoming joyous and satisfying again. We let people live their life in their way with no judgement. Perhaps the friendship can even be regenerated again.

If we can do this, love expands, our joy of life increases, we learn more about ourselves. If we think it's necessary we make changes or modifications ... we could have done this or that better.  We grow.  Our awareness increases.  Our ability to love surrounds us and expands.

We now know that we can use meditation to change our brain, and how it functions.

Love... it surrounds every being and extends slowly to embrace ALL that shall be. ~  Khalil Gibran

We are evolving into a new human being who will be able to solve the problems that we have created reaching our present level of consciousness and awareness. Let us always remember that when there are positives there are also negatives.  For this is how we learn and grow.

Let us keep the good things our predecessors have created, and change and adapt, or stop doing the negative things they created.  They did their best.

We too will do our best, and we too, will make mistakes.  Mistakes are our teachers.

Let us not judge, but realistically assess, what we must do; let the past go, and walk positively and bravely into a new age, a new world.  Will it be easy ... no; can we do it ... yes.

We are Rainbow Warriors!

"When the Earth is ravaged and the animals are dying, a new tribe of people shall come onto the Earth from many colors, creeds, and classes, and who by their actions and deeds shall make the Earth green again. They shall be known as the Warriors of the Rainbow" - A Hopi Prophecy

Downloading Spirit tells a little of my journey to know myself.  It offers ways to help people understand how to expand their awareness of who and explains what I believe a human being is and what we are becoming.

We are evolving from a being that is self conscious, physical and mostly left brained to one that is multidimensional, left and right brain united and soul conscious, able to communicate with our soul members and express their knowledge and wisdom in our physical world.  The physical cannot exist without the non physical.  Humanity, as a whole, is just beginning to understand this. Many great people like Einstein understood this.

In Downloading Spirit I present a theory of how this happens with human beings in the hope it will help those who read it to make the transition into the new world we are entering.

It is a world where people will learn how to understand and work positively with their fears to create a better outcome.  It is a world where people will learn that we are all one, and that loving and helping each other, is the only way to move forward.

Don't let yesterday use up too much of today. ~Cherokee Indian Proverb

Monday, September 24, 2012

I want to see with the eye of my heart.

Our SELF, that I refer to in my Preface, is the innermost part of our electromagnetic field.

Our SOUL is our entire electro magnetic field.

I believe there are seven layers to our electro magnetic field, just as there are seven colours in the rainbow.

We too are made up of the frequencies of the colours of the rainbow.
My Inner Self, Rainbow Water, has taught me how to flow through the layers of my electro magnetic field.  When we do this we make contact with the other levels of consciousness that compose us, and we can access knowledge we’ve forgotten that we have.  

Each layer is a different frequency.  Only one layer of our electro magnetic field appears physically, this is our physical self in our physical world.

However, there are other non physical worlds, where non physical consciousness aspects of our self, live.  These are the members of our SOUL.

A numinous/noetic experience is a journey to one of these worlds.  Sometimes we refer to these journeys as daydreams or fantasies.  Some can be good, some bad.  It is important to learn how to do these trips so that the outcome of what we experience is positive.  We need to walk through the negative or bad without being overcome or affected by it, but learning the lessons it teaches. 

This is important to be able to do, as all electro magnetic worlds and beings are both positive and negative.  This is why we have to understand how to walk through our fear.  Fear is as much a part of our reality as is courage.

At this point of time in our world we are seeing the negatives of the world we have created.  Institutions and belief structures that once motivated us to create and improve our world have become outdated.  The way they functioned no longer works effectively.  Change is essential as we've run out of answers using our old techniques.

This has happened before ... but humanity is an amazing species … we adapt.  We change.

We walk through our fear.  With courage, we walk the edge of the abyss.  
We move beyond old beliefs and find the inner spiritual core of our being.
We tap into our Soul.  We return to Spirit.  

When we do this we have one of those experiences when somehow we know how to solve the problem, but we don’t really know where this knowledge comes from … but it works.

When this happens, if we could see our total being, we would look something like a physical human standing in a tunnel, like a hole, in the middle of seven donutsEach donut is a different colour and each donut is a little bit bigger than the donut within it.  We are in the very middle.

It looks like this:-

This is one of the diagrams that I created for Downloading Spirit.  

(My son Adrian did the graphics for me ....   

If you read the book ... which you can do by clicking this link >>>>>>>>>>>>>> 

you will understand a lot more about this and how it happened for me.
The first part of the book is about my personal journey.

When we learn how to re-connect with all the layers of our electro magnetic field, our SOUL, we look like this:-

Another of the diagrams I created                  
for Downloading Spirit.  I call it                                           Tao Angels.

I think this is why we talk about angels.  

We are the ANGEL who fell to Earth to remember and put our SOUL back together again ... 
just like Humpty Dumpty.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

What does Downloading Spirit have to give?

As I said in my last blog, this post would deliver a part of the book.  The part I have chosen is the Preface.

I did this for a few reasons:-
  1. It's very short ... and … is at the beginning of the book.
  2. It gives me the opportunity to explain why I would write something as other worldly and possibly, to many people, just too “way out there”
  3. “What does it mean?” many of you might ask.  Let me try to explain.                                                              
Because it’s a short passage, it gives me a chance to do this in the context of a blog.  Once explained, it may help to open doors for the rest of the book.

Many of the experiences I write about in Downloading Spirit are known as numinous.  Experiences from our noetic worlds.  A noetic world is a metaphysical world.   It is real, but at this point in time I believe that no one has tried to explain it in a physical way that makes sense to the average person.  

In Downloading Spirit I’ve tried to do this by explaining my numinous (ethereal, discarnate, intangible, otherworldly, sacred) journeys in life and the discoveries made about myself in these noetic worlds. The final part of the book is when I put forward my own theories.  I have backed what I’ve written by relating it to, and citing, proven physical science.

Aristotle and Plotinus were amongst the first to present doctrines on Noetics.  In fact, we’ve spent more than 2,000 years avoiding this subject as much as we can.

I’m hoping that Downloading Spirit can open people’s minds to wanting to understand the metaphysical aspects of our existence, as well as the physical.   If we can open to these worlds of wonder and understanding,  we can reconnect with our spiritual life in a real and satisfying way.  If we do this, we can live our daily, physical lives in a far more meaningful way.

My Preface is three paragraphs of metaphors,

I, Rainbow Water, stand at the edge of a chasm.  I walk the edge beholding all below.  A whirlwind spins the sand upward in a spiral and in the distance I see a cyclone of life giving water.  The howl of chaos vibrates through my being as it swirls towards me.  I gaze at the cyclonic vortex as it brings rain and scatters sand to the four directions and the heavens above.  

Safe in the eye of all vortices, I walk the edge of the abyss, gazing over my ancient land.  I listen as the voice of Spirit, the self conscious I am in all of us, downloads this story of how knowing who I am, enables me to survive the chaos, to know that without the chaos, I would not be, for the chaos creates the structure that holds me together in the eye of the storm.  

My being travels through each vortex uniting my SELF with my SOUL.  I know I am ONE encompassed by ALL.  This will always be, for the vortex spins through me.  Spirit, the Being of all that is, moves through it.  It creates me.  I feed It by returning to it.  I know I am but an aspect of Spirit and use this energetic force to create.  We are all a part of a spiralling, eternal circle of Being creating structure and order from chaos.

So first, who is Rainbow Water?

He is a part of me ... indeed, my Inner (or Subconscious) Self.
I first knew him as a child as an imaginary friend.  Then I completely shut him out of my mind and life until I was in my late forties.
Then, through a numinous/noetic experience during meditation, I became  conscious of this part of me, again.
Today, we co-exist most harmoniously.

When I am so centred, and grounded, I am protected from the chaos that difficulties and challenges cause in my life.  I am able to overcome any fears I may have and allow the unknown to happen. Then I’m able to create structure and order no matter how challenging or chaotic my life is.

We all live through chaos.

I believe we are never asked to do anything we cannot do.  We only have to believe that we canBelief is a large part of the Noetic Worlds, and we have the ability to make real what we truly believe … make it real in our physical world.

Walk through your fear.  Find your Inner Self.  Believe in who you are and why you're here.

I’m currently writing a workshop to help people remember how to do these things.

Part of me, my Inner Self, is Rainbow Water ... who is your Inner Self?

Monday, September 17, 2012

The Next Stage

I'm sitting at my new desk - the table of my motor home whom I've called Lucinda.
I'm watching cockatoo and crow fossick through the un-mown grass searching for any food droppings from other campers.
Much loved crystals glisten in the sun beside me.

No coffee at the Red Door today.  Instead a plunger brew of Gloria Jean's and two spoons of an exotically spiced sugar, made by a friend, to chai it along.

I haven't been able to write until now.  I needed to get back in touch with the earth, her energy and that sense of oneness which somehow evades me in city and town life - even in a village as beautiful as Leura.

From my last blog until I moved out of the house I was renting, life was frantic. Packing up a household and moving it into storage is never easy.  Cleaning, clearing and organising is stressful and exhausting.

Then getting photographic gear to Adrian in Vietnam after his camera was stolen, and solving internet communication problems in China only added to the pressure.

Finally there were the farewells with friends ... one possibly forever.

Yes a frantic and turbulent period.  As I drove off in my new 'snail' home for a test run - a one week trip to Sydney and Camden, I heaved a sigh of relief.

In Sydney I saw two people who may assist with promotional ventures for Downloading Spirit later in the year.  After this I briefly returned to Blackheath before leaving for Dubbo to see my horse Orlando.

Orlando is from an earlier time in my life; my time as a farmer and horse breeder. He's a beautiful straight Egyptian stallion I imported from Germany.  About six months ago he had an accident and severed the extensor tendon in his left leg. This was then complicated by a stress founder in his right hoof, his pedal bone rotating through the sole of his foot.  Both conditions are life threatening, but together ... ?

It's been a long haul.  He's not completely out of the woods yet ... the healing and recovery will take another 8-12 months, but he will make it barring any further complications.

I wanted to be near him again.  No, I needed to be near him again.

I also want to see parts of Australia I've never seen, and see where I'd like to live and buy my next home.  Possibly a few acres where I can be with Orlando and my dogs, in touch with the earth again.  Lucinda, my motor home was the ideal solution.

So here I am, parked at Terramagamine Reserve, just out of Dubbo, on the Macquarie River,
only a few kilometres up the road from Orlando.  I'm looking out onto the Macquarie River whose banks are lined with majestic gums and Silky Oaks.

I slip easily into that numinous space of oneness, wrapped in the warmth of the sun and rainbow crystal light dancing around me.

I'm looking at ways of promoting Downloading Spirit here in Dubbo.  Promoting a book is not an easy thing.  It's another lesson in life that re-enforces the reality that nothing is simple or easy.  You always have to go through an immense learning curve.

To keep Downloading Spirit and my travels as separate (though linked) parts of my life, I've started a travel blog called Raven's Road.

My next Downloading Spirit entries will give excerpts from the book, which may lead to comments and discussion.  It's now in print and available to purchase.  It can be ordered through bookstores and is available on line or through either of my websites.

Producing it has taken seven years of my life - time now for the next stage, to promote and sell it, and complete the writing of Book Two, Downloading Spirit, Gaia and Galactica.