Monday, September 24, 2012

I want to see with the eye of my heart.

Our SELF, that I refer to in my Preface, is the innermost part of our electromagnetic field.

Our SOUL is our entire electro magnetic field.

I believe there are seven layers to our electro magnetic field, just as there are seven colours in the rainbow.

We too are made up of the frequencies of the colours of the rainbow.
My Inner Self, Rainbow Water, has taught me how to flow through the layers of my electro magnetic field.  When we do this we make contact with the other levels of consciousness that compose us, and we can access knowledge we’ve forgotten that we have.  

Each layer is a different frequency.  Only one layer of our electro magnetic field appears physically, this is our physical self in our physical world.

However, there are other non physical worlds, where non physical consciousness aspects of our self, live.  These are the members of our SOUL.

A numinous/noetic experience is a journey to one of these worlds.  Sometimes we refer to these journeys as daydreams or fantasies.  Some can be good, some bad.  It is important to learn how to do these trips so that the outcome of what we experience is positive.  We need to walk through the negative or bad without being overcome or affected by it, but learning the lessons it teaches. 

This is important to be able to do, as all electro magnetic worlds and beings are both positive and negative.  This is why we have to understand how to walk through our fear.  Fear is as much a part of our reality as is courage.

At this point of time in our world we are seeing the negatives of the world we have created.  Institutions and belief structures that once motivated us to create and improve our world have become outdated.  The way they functioned no longer works effectively.  Change is essential as we've run out of answers using our old techniques.

This has happened before ... but humanity is an amazing species … we adapt.  We change.

We walk through our fear.  With courage, we walk the edge of the abyss.  
We move beyond old beliefs and find the inner spiritual core of our being.
We tap into our Soul.  We return to Spirit.  

When we do this we have one of those experiences when somehow we know how to solve the problem, but we don’t really know where this knowledge comes from … but it works.

When this happens, if we could see our total being, we would look something like a physical human standing in a tunnel, like a hole, in the middle of seven donutsEach donut is a different colour and each donut is a little bit bigger than the donut within it.  We are in the very middle.

It looks like this:-

This is one of the diagrams that I created for Downloading Spirit.  

(My son Adrian did the graphics for me ....   

If you read the book ... which you can do by clicking this link >>>>>>>>>>>>>> 

you will understand a lot more about this and how it happened for me.
The first part of the book is about my personal journey.

When we learn how to re-connect with all the layers of our electro magnetic field, our SOUL, we look like this:-

Another of the diagrams I created                  
for Downloading Spirit.  I call it                                           Tao Angels.

I think this is why we talk about angels.  

We are the ANGEL who fell to Earth to remember and put our SOUL back together again ... 
just like Humpty Dumpty.

1 comment:

  1. An excellent blog, I have read downloading spirit and can highly recommend it. It is a beautiful spiritual journey.
