Saturday, September 22, 2012

What does Downloading Spirit have to give?

As I said in my last blog, this post would deliver a part of the book.  The part I have chosen is the Preface.

I did this for a few reasons:-
  1. It's very short ... and … is at the beginning of the book.
  2. It gives me the opportunity to explain why I would write something as other worldly and possibly, to many people, just too “way out there”
  3. “What does it mean?” many of you might ask.  Let me try to explain.                                                              
Because it’s a short passage, it gives me a chance to do this in the context of a blog.  Once explained, it may help to open doors for the rest of the book.

Many of the experiences I write about in Downloading Spirit are known as numinous.  Experiences from our noetic worlds.  A noetic world is a metaphysical world.   It is real, but at this point in time I believe that no one has tried to explain it in a physical way that makes sense to the average person.  

In Downloading Spirit I’ve tried to do this by explaining my numinous (ethereal, discarnate, intangible, otherworldly, sacred) journeys in life and the discoveries made about myself in these noetic worlds. The final part of the book is when I put forward my own theories.  I have backed what I’ve written by relating it to, and citing, proven physical science.

Aristotle and Plotinus were amongst the first to present doctrines on Noetics.  In fact, we’ve spent more than 2,000 years avoiding this subject as much as we can.

I’m hoping that Downloading Spirit can open people’s minds to wanting to understand the metaphysical aspects of our existence, as well as the physical.   If we can open to these worlds of wonder and understanding,  we can reconnect with our spiritual life in a real and satisfying way.  If we do this, we can live our daily, physical lives in a far more meaningful way.

My Preface is three paragraphs of metaphors,

I, Rainbow Water, stand at the edge of a chasm.  I walk the edge beholding all below.  A whirlwind spins the sand upward in a spiral and in the distance I see a cyclone of life giving water.  The howl of chaos vibrates through my being as it swirls towards me.  I gaze at the cyclonic vortex as it brings rain and scatters sand to the four directions and the heavens above.  

Safe in the eye of all vortices, I walk the edge of the abyss, gazing over my ancient land.  I listen as the voice of Spirit, the self conscious I am in all of us, downloads this story of how knowing who I am, enables me to survive the chaos, to know that without the chaos, I would not be, for the chaos creates the structure that holds me together in the eye of the storm.  

My being travels through each vortex uniting my SELF with my SOUL.  I know I am ONE encompassed by ALL.  This will always be, for the vortex spins through me.  Spirit, the Being of all that is, moves through it.  It creates me.  I feed It by returning to it.  I know I am but an aspect of Spirit and use this energetic force to create.  We are all a part of a spiralling, eternal circle of Being creating structure and order from chaos.

So first, who is Rainbow Water?

He is a part of me ... indeed, my Inner (or Subconscious) Self.
I first knew him as a child as an imaginary friend.  Then I completely shut him out of my mind and life until I was in my late forties.
Then, through a numinous/noetic experience during meditation, I became  conscious of this part of me, again.
Today, we co-exist most harmoniously.

When I am so centred, and grounded, I am protected from the chaos that difficulties and challenges cause in my life.  I am able to overcome any fears I may have and allow the unknown to happen. Then I’m able to create structure and order no matter how challenging or chaotic my life is.

We all live through chaos.

I believe we are never asked to do anything we cannot do.  We only have to believe that we canBelief is a large part of the Noetic Worlds, and we have the ability to make real what we truly believe … make it real in our physical world.

Walk through your fear.  Find your Inner Self.  Believe in who you are and why you're here.

I’m currently writing a workshop to help people remember how to do these things.

Part of me, my Inner Self, is Rainbow Water ... who is your Inner Self?

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