Monday, October 29, 2012

Voices ... are they real?

In my last blog I questioned: "Can the members of our Soul group influence us in any way?" 

I believe that they can ... but how do they do it?

Most of us admit that we have a conscience, something inside us that tells us that something is right or wrong. That's communication and we think of it as a voice.

Then there's those unexpected strokes of brilliance when we solve the insoluble problem ... from where did that knowledge come? Sometimes we just know something ... but how did we just know it ... how was it communicated to us ... was it a voice?

Jack Nicholson is a brilliant actor who has starred in many movies.  Many of these parts have given us insight into aspects of mental health issues. He won Oscars for  his roles in One Flew over the Cuckoo's Nest and As good as it Gets. He has the gift of making us laugh at what, in real life, can so often be tragic. He also has the ability to make us feel and understand that people who have problems that get classified as mental health issues, can be completely "normal" in their hope and desire to have a good life, to laugh, to love.

He also seems to hear voices ... 

... and yes, they do come up with some great ideas.

Unfortunately, too often fear of being misunderstood, fear that we might have a mental problem, stops people talking about these experiences. It can be frightening because we don't understand how it happens. We try to ignore these things, pretend they don't exist. When we do this we limit ourselves to only using about 10% of our brain.

Sometimes, the voices in these experiences can be symptoms of clinical problems, but more often than not, they are just a part of the human experience. That part of our consciousness that has the ability to meet other non physical consciousnesses. 

Voices have a frequency ... they are an energy.  As Einstein said:

Einstein would often just quietly sit, and listen to what he would discover inside him.  He was not frightened to venture into the mental areas no one had explored before.  What an extraordinary man he was.

Another Genius who did this was Nikola Tesla.

Also an extraordinary man.

Science and Spirituality are the 
Yin and Yang of Consciousness.

We would achieve so much more in our lives if we could open ourselves to these inner experiences ... to listen to our inner voices. Think what could happen, what we could create if we actually have an inner, real-imaginary dialogue with them. The important thing is to know exactly what we are doing and know what is possible in the physical world we live in. 

There is an excellent book by John Watkins, called, Hearing Voices - A Common Human Experience. It is published by Michelle Anderson Publishing Pty. Ltd., and its ISBN is 978-0-8557-2390-3.
Reading it can help to understand and remove the fear that is often experienced by so many people. 
It explains to us the many ways in which people hear voices. 

It's also worth listening to the podcast which can be downloaded from the following link:

In my next blog I'll put forward some of my own thoughts as to how these voices can sometimes link us to our Soul Group. How physical reality and non physical realities create our total being, our Soul.  
I'll suggest an answer as to who and what these voices are. 

I write in detail on all of these things in Downloading Spirit.  If you are interested to read the book you can go to    
    to purchase it.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

As above, So below.

So often we hear the words "we are all one".  "We are all part of the whole."

Yet so often we feel separated and cut off.  Isolated from something or someone intangible that we can't explain.

We know we are living in this world, born to our parents who live in a particular place. We know how we were physically conceived.  But ....
There is always this but ... something is missing.
Most of us switch off to this and just get on with living our lives until we die.
But again ... is that all there is?
Where do we go from here ... or is there just nothing?

This consciousness that is somehow, non physically inside of us, which makes us aware, which enables us to feel, think and experience non physical realities ... Where does it come from ... How does it get into us?

I address this issue in Downloading Spirit.

All of us talk about our Soul.  There is our Self, and our Soul.
We are conscious of our Self ... but ... we are not conscious of our Soul in the same way.  
There is a separation between the physical Self and the non physical Soul.

We don't really understand what our Soul is?

It's a vague, emotional, spiritual, non physical thing that is somehow real for us ... important for us.

In Downloading Spirit I put forward my belief as to what our Soul is composed of.

I put forward a theory as to how our non physical Soul and its members involve into our physical being without being fully integrated with us physically.

We are subconsciously aware of our other Soul members.  Occasionally we intuitively know something, or our conscience speaks to us, or ... it's like there's a voice, a Higher Self,  talking to us ... sometimes, it's more a gremlin ... how can you put your finger on this intangible, non physical communication ... this angel or demon ... that is somehow part of you ... yet you're separate.

How did you get that inspired ... or horrible ... thought?  What you just did wasn't behaviour typical of you.  Yet you did it.

Do these non physical members of your Soul, these intangible beings, somehow influence you?

Read Downloading Spirit.  Consider the theory I put forward.  Does it somehow resonate deep within you?

Is it possible our self conscious physical human being is about to become soul conscious multidimensional human being?  

Can we make the non physical experiences and thoughts of our non physical soul members realities in our physical world by becoming conscious of who our Soul members are and what they might like to express here through us ... our Self ... their representative here on Earth?

Think how much more creative we would be ... the amazing things we could do ...
with just a little help from our (imaginary Soul) friends.

Tuesday, October 09, 2012

Back to the ocean.

All day I have been seeking the inspiration for my next blog.

My seeking has taken me through moods that shift and change like the tides.

I've asked myself: "Why in the face of this patient, persistent sea, whose waves pound the rocks of the earth shaping them over eons of time do I think that anything I might do, think or say in my short, brief time here will have any impact, benefit or effect on our world."

Why do I think or hope that I can make any difference?  Why do I doggedly persist.

I don't know ... there's just something inside me that says: "Keep going.  We are never asked to do anything we cannot do."

After feeding my dogs, Gloria and Monk, I took myself down to the rocky shore.

As I walked along the rocks, stepping between the pools of water, surrounded by dried salt, my mind went back to my childhood at Bondi, and a brief time out, when I was 54, at a place called Patonga.

The sea does something for me.  It is beyond words ... it rejuvenates my being.


I looked down at some shells and saw the remains of a Nautilus Shell.

Immediately I knew what I would write about.

Shells, the sea, took me to sacred geometry ... and the Fibonacci Sequence.

Whilst I don't talk about Sacred Geometry specifically in Downloading Spirit, it dramatically influenced my thinking and consequently, my writing. It particularly influenced my thinking in relation to the Fibonacci Sequence and how I believe that non physical Spirit and consciousness move into a human being.  

I've given links to three websites which give information and more detailed explanations of the Nautilus, and the pattern within its shell which visually displays the Sacred Geometry of creation.

If your curiosity is aroused ... check them out.
Even better, get a copy of Downloading Spirit.

I've also uploaded the following Youtube video by achozen shaman - Sacred Geometry Explained.  This link is for Part 1 of 2 videos.

When we begin to understand these things we begin the journey of understanding how consciousness and life itself happened.

I think this intense curiosity and desire to understand is in all of us.  For me it is something I can't escape.  So I persist ... I keep going.  Even if a few people understand me ... the effort is worth it.

After writing this, I persisted with my promotion of Downloading Spirit by visiting Lotus Health and Wellbeing Centre in Wollongong, where I met and talked with Delyse Wright.  

I'll be giving a talk and presentation of Downloading Spirit there on the 23rd November.

Saturday, October 06, 2012

Who are we?

The old saying "As one door closes, another door opens" is so true.

If we allow the past to shape us we often function from a fear that something bad that happened in the past may happen again.  We do not want this to happen, and without realising it the fear controls our behaviour.

As Jung said:-

Many people say to me:  

I saw your book.  It looks really interesting.  I love your writing.  
These things you talk about, I've had some experiences of, but I'm so busy making a living .... xyz#$$$..fff..@%*** &!!! ?... that I don't have time.  I'm too busy dealing with the now, the physical world in which I live.  

Are they lazy, apathetic, frightened?  I don't know ... probably a bit of each of those things.

Are they conscious of it ... probably not.

Again to quote Jung:-

Downloading Spirit is about becoming aware of what is unconscious and frightening to us that shapes and frequently limits our achievements and creation in our physical lives.  
 Downloading Spirit does require a little effort to read - not a lot.  
It does require a desire to take our understanding of life a little further.  
It does require us to step out of their comfort zone, and bring the unknown into consciousness.  
It does encourage you to trust enough to walk the edge of the abyss.  

As my husband used to say to me.  I love you ... but I didn't promise you a rose garden.

I love life ... but who said it would be easy.   

I've written this book to help people understand how a little bit of time interacting in the non physical worlds, can seriously improve our experiences in the physical.  How we can learn to use our fear as a means of creating an amazing new world.  

We just have to open our hearts and set our spirit free.

"In many shamanic societies, if you came to a medicine person complaining of being disheartened, dispirited or depressed, they would ask one of four questions. When did you stop dancing? when did you stop singing? When did you stop being enchanted by stories? When did you stop finding comfort in the sweet territory of silence?" 

It is in these areas ... the deep, non physical pools of creation within our beings ... that we find our answers and our solace as we face the challenges of living in a physical world.

Following is a brief excerpt from Chapter 1, Wake up Sleepyhead, of Downloading Spirit:-

Making the decision to know yourself is never easy.  As I’ve explained, the trigger for me to do this was John’s death.  So often we do this as a result of pain or loss when emotions are heightened and we are very sensitive;  often we think we have nothing more to lose.  It takes courage to accept that we are more than we appear to be.  At this point we can learn to walk through our fear of understanding who and what this sleeper really is.   
This was the beginning of my journey to consciously re-unite my ‘self’ and my ‘soul’.  To realise that this journey was meant to become a book had it’s roots in my considering whether or not to do a Masters degree on paranormal psychology and consciousness.  To do this I needed to meet  someone who was psychic to help me with my research.  I focused intent for a psychic research assistant to come into my life.  Experience has taught me that if something is meant to happen, focussed thought always brings whatever or whoever is needed.  
As always, it worked.  A lady called Paula appeared.  We found we had a lot of common interests and a friendship grew.  One night when we were having some dinner she said:   “There’s someone here wanting to speak with you.  She says her name’s Molly.”
Laughing she said:  “She wants me to do this.  Can I have you hand?”
I looked at her, curious and gave her my hand.   “This is  crazy.” she said.  “Molly’s asking me to do this.”
Her finger started going in circles in the palm of my hand, and she said:  “Round and round the garden, like a ....”
I had a sense of total disbelief.  I’d never discussed my childhood with Paula at that time; never told her Mum’s name was Molly.  She could not have known about it unless Mum had told her.  
“Mum played that with me when I was little.”  I looked at her.  “How long have you been doing this?”  I asked.
“All my life.” she answered.
My P S Y Chic had arrived.
After Paula went home, I went to bed and had a relatively sleepless night with many cups of tea; a busy night of Night Talk.  I woke the next morning knowing that I was to write a trilogy called Downloading Spirit. 
In 2005 we began the channelling and night talk sessions which lasted for eighteen months.  In this time, enormous amounts of confusing and teasing information came.  The channels and Night Talk are compiled in seventy two tapes.  Only a small amount of this information is reported in this book, but what came through contained many clues that triggered my remembering.  
One of the beings coming through called himself Mischka.  He kept telling me to extrapolate.  Over the next three years I did so much extrapolating I often felt I’d never finish.  I seemed to be going in circles, pacing the floor, crying with frustration, learning, reading, researching, making notes, drafts.  I was obsessive, being driven by I knew not what.  At times I was exhausted and overwhelmed.  Then finally I began to understand.  It was a moment of epiphany.  The writing began.  
In one of the early sessions I asked the self conscious Spirit coming through: 
“What is the purpose of this book?  What am I supposed to be communicating?”
The reply was: 
“You’re certainly not to talk about consciousness.  It’s what’s going on behind the facade of consciousness that we want to communicate.  The DNA, genes, consciousness levels, dimensions and their realities, all tie together.  For the average human, none of this makes any sense.  Conveying the information as you have pulled the threads together is what it is about.  We only need the essence, the DNA, the history and how it all happens.  What energises it.  How it works and how it just keeps working, this mechanism for being.  And it works for everything, absolutely everything.  Tie the threads and information together.  Do not use quattrains or arcane language.  We want all people to understand this clearly”.
What I originally thought would be a light, breezy and funny book proved to be very different.  The results of all this compiled into Downloading Spirit which has taken six years of channelling, researching, writing and seemingly never ending edits as `I try to improve structure, simplify and minimalise expression.  I keep trying to unite the scientific and the spiritual concepts in such a way that everyone can understand not only what they are reading, but that science and spirituality are part of the same thing.  I’m not sure I’ve done that, but I have tried to tie the threads and information together.
What follows is my extrapolation of what Spirit brought through to me.  It is a woman’s understanding and intuitive interpretation of the creation, evolution and history of human beings and our Earth, who we are and why we’re here.   Hopefully it will help sleepers like myself, as they wake to the new world that is, inexorably, overtaking our planet.  Powerful as we are, we cannot stop this process.  Shining through is my passionate belief that every human being has the potential to live a life of love and compassion, expressing and manifesting their one off creative gift in our world and living comfortably, in harmony with all humanity, our planet Earth and all the life she supports.  
Strange as it might seem we’re a bit like a biological computer housing different software programs.  Our physical body is the front end.  Our aura and chakras holds the interfaces and programming that connects us to the backend, which is Spirit, God, the Matrix of all that is.  The connection is our silver cord.  We really are an aspect of God.  We are a small ‘s’ spirit of our Source, the Great Spirit.
Many of us are just discovering that we’re more than a ‘self’ conscious, physical body.  We’re beginning to understand that we’re also a group of conscious spirit beings which make up our ‘soul’.  We are becoming ‘soul’ conscious. These other parts of ourself, our archetypes, the members of our group ‘soul’, are housed in the layers of our surrounding aura and linked to our human body.  This is not an easy realisation.  
First we come to think of ourself as our physical body.  Then we realise that our physical body is affected by the metaphysical, non physical bodies, our emotions, mind and spirit linked yet separate to our self conscious human animal.  At first we feel these emotions, but don’t understand how they penetrate and affect our entire being.  Then we begin to get the message.  We realise that each human being is a manifestation of expanding consciousness.

If you read Downloading Spirit, you might be surprised what you can discover and set free in your life.