Tuesday, October 09, 2012

Back to the ocean.

All day I have been seeking the inspiration for my next blog.

My seeking has taken me through moods that shift and change like the tides.

I've asked myself: "Why in the face of this patient, persistent sea, whose waves pound the rocks of the earth shaping them over eons of time do I think that anything I might do, think or say in my short, brief time here will have any impact, benefit or effect on our world."

Why do I think or hope that I can make any difference?  Why do I doggedly persist.

I don't know ... there's just something inside me that says: "Keep going.  We are never asked to do anything we cannot do."

After feeding my dogs, Gloria and Monk, I took myself down to the rocky shore.

As I walked along the rocks, stepping between the pools of water, surrounded by dried salt, my mind went back to my childhood at Bondi, and a brief time out, when I was 54, at a place called Patonga.

The sea does something for me.  It is beyond words ... it rejuvenates my being.


I looked down at some shells and saw the remains of a Nautilus Shell.

Immediately I knew what I would write about.

Shells, the sea, took me to sacred geometry ... and the Fibonacci Sequence.

Whilst I don't talk about Sacred Geometry specifically in Downloading Spirit, it dramatically influenced my thinking and consequently, my writing. It particularly influenced my thinking in relation to the Fibonacci Sequence and how I believe that non physical Spirit and consciousness move into a human being.  

I've given links to three websites which give information and more detailed explanations of the Nautilus, and the pattern within its shell which visually displays the Sacred Geometry of creation.

If your curiosity is aroused ... check them out.
Even better, get a copy of Downloading Spirit.

I've also uploaded the following Youtube video by achozen shaman - Sacred Geometry Explained.  This link is for Part 1 of 2 videos.

When we begin to understand these things we begin the journey of understanding how consciousness and life itself happened.

I think this intense curiosity and desire to understand is in all of us.  For me it is something I can't escape.  So I persist ... I keep going.  Even if a few people understand me ... the effort is worth it.

After writing this, I persisted with my promotion of Downloading Spirit by visiting Lotus Health and Wellbeing Centre in Wollongong, where I met and talked with Delyse Wright.  

I'll be giving a talk and presentation of Downloading Spirit there on the 23rd November.

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