Thursday, October 18, 2012

As above, So below.

So often we hear the words "we are all one".  "We are all part of the whole."

Yet so often we feel separated and cut off.  Isolated from something or someone intangible that we can't explain.

We know we are living in this world, born to our parents who live in a particular place. We know how we were physically conceived.  But ....
There is always this but ... something is missing.
Most of us switch off to this and just get on with living our lives until we die.
But again ... is that all there is?
Where do we go from here ... or is there just nothing?

This consciousness that is somehow, non physically inside of us, which makes us aware, which enables us to feel, think and experience non physical realities ... Where does it come from ... How does it get into us?

I address this issue in Downloading Spirit.

All of us talk about our Soul.  There is our Self, and our Soul.
We are conscious of our Self ... but ... we are not conscious of our Soul in the same way.  
There is a separation between the physical Self and the non physical Soul.

We don't really understand what our Soul is?

It's a vague, emotional, spiritual, non physical thing that is somehow real for us ... important for us.

In Downloading Spirit I put forward my belief as to what our Soul is composed of.

I put forward a theory as to how our non physical Soul and its members involve into our physical being without being fully integrated with us physically.

We are subconsciously aware of our other Soul members.  Occasionally we intuitively know something, or our conscience speaks to us, or ... it's like there's a voice, a Higher Self,  talking to us ... sometimes, it's more a gremlin ... how can you put your finger on this intangible, non physical communication ... this angel or demon ... that is somehow part of you ... yet you're separate.

How did you get that inspired ... or horrible ... thought?  What you just did wasn't behaviour typical of you.  Yet you did it.

Do these non physical members of your Soul, these intangible beings, somehow influence you?

Read Downloading Spirit.  Consider the theory I put forward.  Does it somehow resonate deep within you?

Is it possible our self conscious physical human being is about to become soul conscious multidimensional human being?  

Can we make the non physical experiences and thoughts of our non physical soul members realities in our physical world by becoming conscious of who our Soul members are and what they might like to express here through us ... our Self ... their representative here on Earth?

Think how much more creative we would be ... the amazing things we could do ...
with just a little help from our (imaginary Soul) friends.

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