Monday, October 29, 2012

Voices ... are they real?

In my last blog I questioned: "Can the members of our Soul group influence us in any way?" 

I believe that they can ... but how do they do it?

Most of us admit that we have a conscience, something inside us that tells us that something is right or wrong. That's communication and we think of it as a voice.

Then there's those unexpected strokes of brilliance when we solve the insoluble problem ... from where did that knowledge come? Sometimes we just know something ... but how did we just know it ... how was it communicated to us ... was it a voice?

Jack Nicholson is a brilliant actor who has starred in many movies.  Many of these parts have given us insight into aspects of mental health issues. He won Oscars for  his roles in One Flew over the Cuckoo's Nest and As good as it Gets. He has the gift of making us laugh at what, in real life, can so often be tragic. He also has the ability to make us feel and understand that people who have problems that get classified as mental health issues, can be completely "normal" in their hope and desire to have a good life, to laugh, to love.

He also seems to hear voices ... 

... and yes, they do come up with some great ideas.

Unfortunately, too often fear of being misunderstood, fear that we might have a mental problem, stops people talking about these experiences. It can be frightening because we don't understand how it happens. We try to ignore these things, pretend they don't exist. When we do this we limit ourselves to only using about 10% of our brain.

Sometimes, the voices in these experiences can be symptoms of clinical problems, but more often than not, they are just a part of the human experience. That part of our consciousness that has the ability to meet other non physical consciousnesses. 

Voices have a frequency ... they are an energy.  As Einstein said:

Einstein would often just quietly sit, and listen to what he would discover inside him.  He was not frightened to venture into the mental areas no one had explored before.  What an extraordinary man he was.

Another Genius who did this was Nikola Tesla.

Also an extraordinary man.

Science and Spirituality are the 
Yin and Yang of Consciousness.

We would achieve so much more in our lives if we could open ourselves to these inner experiences ... to listen to our inner voices. Think what could happen, what we could create if we actually have an inner, real-imaginary dialogue with them. The important thing is to know exactly what we are doing and know what is possible in the physical world we live in. 

There is an excellent book by John Watkins, called, Hearing Voices - A Common Human Experience. It is published by Michelle Anderson Publishing Pty. Ltd., and its ISBN is 978-0-8557-2390-3.
Reading it can help to understand and remove the fear that is often experienced by so many people. 
It explains to us the many ways in which people hear voices. 

It's also worth listening to the podcast which can be downloaded from the following link:

In my next blog I'll put forward some of my own thoughts as to how these voices can sometimes link us to our Soul Group. How physical reality and non physical realities create our total being, our Soul.  
I'll suggest an answer as to who and what these voices are. 

I write in detail on all of these things in Downloading Spirit.  If you are interested to read the book you can go to    
    to purchase it.


  1. Hi Janet, I hope your travels are going well, inner and outer. I found your blog on voices very interesting and thought I would add my book, Hearing Voices: the reality and wisdom of figures of speech (2011) which is freely available on my web site:

    Also the Hearing Voices Network which I mention in my book is a worldwide network of 'voice hearers' (formerly called "schizophrenics")

    Needless to say, unlike Jack Nicholson, I know these voices are real. The only question is what form of reality are they. I attempt to answer that in my book.

    John Woodcock

    1. I attempt to answer the question as to what form of reality they are in my next blog. Thanks for your comment, John.
