Thursday, November 29, 2012

Is Downloading Spirit only about hearing voices?

Now that the excitement of the presentation is behind let's return to Downloading Spirit itself and focus on the above question ...

Is Downloading Spirit only about hearing voices?

Hearing voices is a part of what's behind consciousness, not all of it.

As you know from two earlier blogs "Who are we?" published on the 6/10/2012 and "A Little about Downloading Spirit" published a year earlier on the 29/10/2011,

it's one of the many interconnected aspects that create consciousness in a human being.

So what is the complete picture of what goes on behind consciousness ... what enables us to be aware?

        "... come, this is the way."    Rumi.

The key subjects I was told to focus on were DNA, genetics, consciousness levels, dimensions and their realities.

Not only this vast area of scientific and spiritual realities, but Spirit also wanted me to explain
"... the essence, the history and how it all happens. 
What energises it.  
How it works and how it just keeps working, 
this mechanism for being which works for everything, absolutely everything."

That's not asking a lot, is it?

I mean we’re only talking about quantum physics, astronomy and astrology, DNA, genetics, conception, the history of our species and world, psychology, consciousness, dimensions, realities ... and ...

This may help you to understand why, from 2005 to 2010, I was in overload, trying to organise my research, my writing, the structure the book would take.
The challenges I faced were enormous.

The first draft was nearly 600 pages.
After somewhere between 12 to 15 rewrites ... I lost count ... I finally got the book down to 133 pages ... that's without the endnotes, index etc.

Considering I'd been told in the beginning to ...

“Extrapolate ...”  I felt quite pleased with myself having reduced 600 pages to 133 pages.

So how did I ... "Tie the threads and information together.”

With great difficulty, endurance and tenacity, and probably a touch of madness ...

         but I found that ...

Let's take the cues I took from my presentation last week and deal with each aspect - one at a time.

In my next series of blogs I'll write on the following subjects:-

the Ancient Teachings and their links with modern science, quantum physics, astronomy and astrology, DNA, genetics, conception, the history of our species and world, psychology, consciousness, dimensions, realities ... and ... ?

Until next time and the Ancient Teachings,

you might like to watch this video ...

Saturday, November 24, 2012

From Little Things Big Things Grow ...

Marketing and promoting a self published book can be a challenge, but it also brings a lot of joy.  I've learnt so much in doing this.
As you know from my last blog I had a book launch and presentation at the Lotus Health and Wellbeing Centre in Wollongong last Friday evening.

My presentation, which covered the how and why Downloading Spirit came about, where and when it happened, and what it's purpose is, was well received.

People present were keen to hear about the book and what is behind consciousness.                    

There were lots of questions and everyone was  interested and supportive of the book.  A number of copies of Downloading Spirit were sold and signed.

So many things in life start off in a small way, and then steadily grow ... particularly things that are trying to bring about change and improve our way of living and our understanding of life itself ...  

but as Paul Kelly sings ...                                                    

There will be workshops on Downloading Spirit at the Lotus Health and Wellbeing Centre next year.  The book is also available for sale at the shop.  

As well you can purchase it from 

A video of the presentation has been made.  It's about 30 minutes long.   I'm thinking about posting it on the blog.
Also if anyone is having problems posting comments, I suggest you become a follower, which you
can do by clicking on that option at the lower righthand side of the blog frontpage.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Presentation and Book Signing.

On the 23rd November, 2012, 
between 6 pm and 8 pm.

I shall be giving a presentation on

Downloading Spirit
Book 1 ... Babushka.


246 Crown Street,

Afterwards there'll be time for discussion and questions.

To celebrate the event,
signed copies of the book will be available for $45
(reduced from RRP $65).

Thursday, November 15, 2012

How can we meet our Soul Mates.

There are different ways we can meet out Soul Mates.

Personally, I have used meditation journeying with crystals like
this Elestial Quartz.

Astroshamanic journeying and bodywork journeying also work very well for me.

These three techniques can also be used in combination.

I use the word journeying because part of your consciousness moves out of your physical body and travels in non physical spaces. To begin with, I always worked with someone who is a trained therapist in these areas.  This is very important, as when doing this journeying, it is essential to maintain the connection to and awareness of your physical self.

Once you understand these experiences and places, it is then possible to journey from the physical world on your own, but it is not wise to do this in the beginning. The reason for this is simple. In the physical world there are good and bad experiences.  This applies to all worlds, physical and non physical.  We need to be a little street wise in the non physical worlds before we strike out alone.
It’s also necessary to avoid using any drugs when doing this work.  

Once I was a little more accustomed to these non physical journeys, I started to work with my own techniques of self hypnosis with crystals and music using the solfeggio scale.

Shamanic Drumming also works very well for many people.

There is another technique that I use, or perhaps Spirit uses on me … that is a type of lucid dreaming.

Lucid dream - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Another site worth looking at is ...  Is lucid dreaming safe? | dream studies portal.

This happens for me when I am in a liminal state, not awake or fully asleep.  I am conscious of being in this state.  I call this my Night Talk Journeying.  This technique evolved out of my dreaming.

In 1979 I began to have occasional dreams, you could say premonitions, which would later happen in real life.  Then in 1989 after my husband died, my dream life became more and more active.  This is when I decided to explore the worlds to which my Night Talk Journeying took me.

Another amazing tool is Astrology.  Edgar Cayce's work in this field was profound.
Another link worth looking at is:-

Astrology enables us to understand just who and what the members of our Soul are. 
Our birth chart gives us a map of our total psyche, or if you like our electro magnetic field and its layers of consciousness. 
Our Soul Mates are caught in a limbo land floating around us.  
Our heart is the star around which our electro magnetic field spins 
just as the Sun is to the Solar System. 
As above, so below.  
The Sun imprints our physical DNA, the planets imprint our non physical DNA.  
They all work at different frequencies.

How  does this happen?

I believe that at conception, the electro magnetic fields of our Solar System and the planets overlay and imprint our DNA with the individual planetary frequencies and that of the Matrix.

This is an image of the magnetosphere. Here you can see the interaction between the solar wind and the earth's magnetic field.
Courtesy of NASA

Then at birth the frequencies of the Solar System, described in our birth chart, put in place the program for the experiences that will occur each day throughout our life. The daily transits and their aspects with our birth chart are the key to understanding this.  

This gives us the probabilities of our destiny ... 
but we have the free will to choose which probability we will follow.

As above, so below ... 
but  always remember that we have the freedom of choice
 to choose which path of probability we follow.

This diagram is a visual interpretation of these multidimensional realities 
in relation to our electro  magnetic field.

I discuss these this things in depth in Downloading Spirit.

Hopefully I’ve raised your curiosity enough to read the book.                Click on

and you can buy it in soft or hardcover, or if you have a kindle, it is also published as an e-book.

The first of my presentations and workshops is next week at Lotus Health and Wellbeing Centre, 
246 Crown Street, Wollongong, 
on Friday, 23rd November, between 6 pm and 9 pm.

If you live in the area, it would be great to see you there.  
The book will also be available for sale at a special price to mark the occasion.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Hearing voices as we hang on the cross of life.

I believe the voices we hear, are the members of our Soul group, surrounding us in our matrix. These Soul mates are non physical aspects of our total consciousness. They live at different frequency ranges - non physical worlds or dimensions - within our total electro magnetic field.

We know that a human being is an electro magnetic field composed of seven layers. Seven donuts of energy nestling within each other in layers of descending frequency.

The central donut, with the lowest, most condensed frequency, is our physical self. We are conscious of our self in our physical world. We know we shall die. At this point in time, the majority of us are not aware of (or in touch with) the other layers of our electro magnetic field. Occasionally we might be aware of what we call our conscience (our higher self or super consciousness) or a gut feeling (our inner self or subconscious).

Just as early, prehistoric man had a bicameral brain, until around 3,500 - 4,000 years ago, so recent mankind (approximately 1,500BC to today) has a self conscious brain at varying stages of development. I discuss this in detail on Page 47 of Downloading Spirit.

These are two distinct stages in the evolution of consciousness in the human, animal body.

We are entering a new stage in human evolution ... the third stage. This is the period when we become aware of our total being ... our physical and non physical selves.  When we have fully understood and developed these levels of our total being, humanity will be multidimensional.

We are in the process of evolving into a person who is soul conscious. In the process of this happening we face many challenges.

Most of us understand self consciousness, but what is soul consciousness?

Soul Consciousness is living in our physical body on this planet, sane, healthy in body and mind, and functioning to our highest ability.  We are in communication with the members of our Soul, and able to express their gifts through our Self, in this physical world.

This is when we use, not 10% of our brain, but, our total brain.

I believe that a person becomes progressively aware of the different layers of consciousness in their personal electro magnetic field.  As this happens we can hear the voices from the individual levels of consciousness and the conscious beings who live in these levels around us.

Each unit of consciousness nests within another unit of consciousness.  Once we understand this, that unit of consciousness can then learn to communicate with the other conscious layers of its matrix.
We learn to communicate with them, and at times mediate at the physical level.

We are like a blood cell in an ocean of blood.  Just as in our blood there are many different blood cells flowing through our body, so there are different members of our Soul, all flowing in the ocean of consciousness flowing throughout the our electro magnetic field.

We must walk through the fear of hearing these voices, open ourselves to communicating with them.  It's important to know that we have the right to say "I don't want this" ... "How can we do this without hurting?" ... "How can we do this in a way that does not damage or hurt the world I live in or anyone in it?" ... We must be grounded, use common sense, and remain firmly in the reality in which our self is living when we communicate with our Soul members, who are not living in our reality.  
This is a critical distinction to be aware of in our encounters.

We hang on this cross of consciousness. Our physical self anchored in this third dimensional world, walking on the horizontal axis through our physical life from birth to death.  Our non physical selves surrounding our self on the vertical axis. 

This electro magnetic field, our Soul, rotates and spins through us and around us as if we are ingredients in the bowl of a mixmaster, slowly being mixed together to create a masterpiece.

We can hear voices and live sanely, constructively and sensibly in our physical world.

We climb a staircase ... sometimes it can be dark ... sometimes it is light-filled. Sometimes it goes back down, only to go in another direction, only to take us back up.

When we reach the top of the staircase, we see there is always another one to climb ... who knows where until we do it.

But what an amazing journey we are on ... as we move from Self to Soul consciousness.

We shall always achieve what our mind and attention is focused on.  That's how energy works.  

If we focus on love ... love creates 
If we focus on fear ... fear creates 

I know which feeling I focus on ... 
there can only be LOVE ... 
Love is all you need.