Friday, April 20, 2012

Exhilarated, excited, exhausted, ecstatic ... how's that for alliteration.

Here is the update, promised in the last update on the update.  The photos arrived this morning, so I'm a little late in publishing the latest news.  I wanted to include the following image.

Irina Webster (Australian Self Publishing Group) and myself at London Book Fair.
The final day of the Book Fair brought even more joy ... another two requests to submit to publishers.

Amazingly this brings the number of submission requests to five.  Two from US publishers, one from Scotland, and two from England.  One request is very much due to the forewood that John Woodcock was generous and kind enough to write for me after he read Downloading Spirit.

While I've been here I've learnt so much about the publishing, printing, designing and distribution aspects of the book industry.  So many countries are represented at this Book Fair.

You can get quotes from companies from countries all over the world, for printing, designing, distributing both e-books and bound books if you want to self publish.  I'm awaiting quotes in all areas.

It's important that the book is printed in one of three sizes, which are most favoured by the booksellers.  It's important your books have what's known as returnability to whoever does the distribution or publishing.

Publishers want to know if and how you promote yourself, e.g. blogging, networking, workshops, book signings, speaking engagements ...

Agents and publishers usually concentrate on certain genres.

It's so important for a writer trying to get published for the first time, particularly if they are self publishing, to find a group of like minded people who can help you to reach a learning venue such as the London Book Fair.

I was represented here by the Australian Self Publishers Group.  William and Irina Webster were the people who enabled me to gain access to the London Book Fair.  I thank them for the support, positive suggestions and the introductions they assisted me with.

The other amazing and wonderful thing with the LBF, is that often you get to speak with the CEO's of companies like Amazon and leading publishers in the genre covering one's book.

You just have to get up the courage to overcome your fears of rejection, of believing in what you've done sufficiently, to give it a go.  To go up to the person concerned, introduce yourself, and ask questions.

I'll say it again.  Walk through your fear.  Shine your light, for the world to see.

As Molly, my mother taught me back in the days when most parents told their children to be seen and not heard ... Molly my Mum taught me You have a tongue in your head, Jannie, use it.

This is what I've done here in London.  I've walked my talk and promoted Downloading Spirit, grateful that so many heard me.

So here I am, tired, chilling out and getting over the exhaustion of this marketing and learning experience. Getting my book out to the world has been an amazing experience.

It's been an exhilarating and exciting, roller coaster time here in London for me.

Again I've realised so clearly that being true to yourself, and living your life authentically is the only fulfilling and meaningful way to live.

Walk through your fears and live your life with love.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you everyone who have sent in comments. The more the merrier.
    Please keep them flowing.

    I'll be sending out a monthly Newsletter to signed up members of my blog site, and hope to set up a Forum for discussion of the book for all who purchase it as a book or an e-book.
