Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Update on the Update ... thoughts from a very tired me.

There'll be another post tomorrow.  One that is more exciting and elated.  The amazing things I've learnt and been blessed with whilst I've been here.

But now, tired and processing my impressions and experiences I consider what I've seen as I walk the streets of London.

It's fascinating the different aspects of life we encounter when we travel ... the things that are good, and the things which are not so good.  They exist in every country.

Here in London, UK, many things necessary to basic life are similar, many very different.

Toiletry items, processed foods ... are similar, even with the exchange rate ... but ...

Food, fresh food, wine, in most cases is decidedly different.

It's the fresh food where I find the greatest disparity (and you all know how I love good food and wine).  To some extent the difference is in the price ... but mostly in the quality.  It looks ok ... but there is no freshness or flavour, despite the appearances.

For convenience, I've taken an apartment while I'm here.

Whilst I've been at the book fair, I've come back to the Tesco's on the corner, to get my evening meal.  Tesco's is a Coles or Woolies equivalent.
I've been too tired to go out, so I've had a taste of what the local people experience.  I always like having that experience.

Where I'm staying is probably one of the better parts of London, but it's kind of a melting pot between the haves and the have-nots.  It seems to me that the have nots are increasing in numbers.

You see emaciated guys ... probably homeless ... covered with clothes almost falling off them.  They check the ash trays on top of the rubbish bins, to pick up the buts, and wander off with the crotch of their trousers flopping around at their knees.

You see respectable looking women from their 40's on, stressed and carrying so many bags ...  not meeting your eye, or your smile ... their mouths turned down, no sign of a smile ... then you look at their feet and lower part of their bodies.  You realise they are wearing sneakers and old, shoddy trainer pants, with dirty cuffs ... you look up and see an old, out of date coat ... no more warmth ... and in spring it's wet, and 6 degrees celsius.  They're cold, and trying to preserve a sense of dignity.

This is London, a city of  7,825,200 people.  This is in Kensington ... in Earls Court ... not far from Harrods ... not that far from the Palace ... but a world away.

We have this in Australia, but  they don't seem quite as many, and not in the more middle class areas.  They don't seem quite so cold or skinny.  Admittedly we only have a population of 4,504,469 (2010).

What to do about these problems?

As for the food ... unless you go to Harrods Food Hall and pay GBP 1.55 for 1 piece of Sushi, you don't get to eat food with any taste.  We can buy a 6-8 pack of Sushi for AU$5.  Made with fresh products with at least as much taste.  

Fruit and veg. is either imported from the tropics, or greenhouses,  grown hydroponically.  By the time you eat it ... it's like eating dead food.  There is no flavour.  There's no natural vitamins ... they're fed in artificially.  Even more, there is no sense of life in what you consume.  I wonder how much nutritional value there is ... ?

I see people going from the supermarket with 6 full bags of shopping waiting at the bus station ... having stressed out conversations with ???? on their mobiles.
They look tired ... it's been a busy day.

Supermarkets in inner London, don't have car parks where people can park their cars, and take their groceries home easily ... it's all public transport, sometimes with one or two changes. 

People can't afford cars ... or more importantly, petrol ... or parking ... and still there's pollution and noise.  The sirens, screaming, make me jump.  I've just heard the fifth wailing banshee tonight.

Yet there are still so many wonderful things here to experience.  The cabbies are a joy, even when they're fed up.

But what about the people?  The people who create the life of this city.

When are we going to solve these problems of inequality???

Soon I hope.

I'm not talking here about the gifted and trendy people who get out there and find the rewarding lane of life ... the ones constantly shrinking in numbers.  

I'm talking about people ... who work, and lose jobs, and fall from grace.  Good people from all walks of life, who try to cope with so many challenges ... people who get tired, who give up, who accept mediocrity, but still keep trying ... trying just to live.

All of us have these thresholds which exhaust us ... or somehow we overcome. 

To overcome them we have to walk through fear ... some of us just get too tired ... or do not have enough support or wealth ... not quite enough resilience.

To lift ourselves above, to achieve higher levels of consciousness ... some how we have to resolve these problems of inequality ... for ... here but for the grace of god go I.

We are all one, living in a world of challenges and extremes ... 

We need to remember ... he ain't heavy, he's my brother.

May our consciousness expand, and raise to a level where we can create change and improvement.

Then, we can at least move on to solving the next challenges of our world and our species.
We live in a world of extremities ... a world whose purpose is to teach us.  Our life here is to learn.

Let us learn to love, and forgive, and share.  Then love a little bit more.

Let us walk through our fear of losing our sense of identity.

Let us understand this is not possible, if we so choose.  

Let us remember that we are one with all that is.

Nama Amida Butsu.

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