Sunday, April 08, 2012

It's Happening ... who'd have thought?

What to say?

Where to start?

A dream, and 7 years work to make it real.  

The dream is about to become a physical thing that can be touched, seen, and hopefully, bought.

My dream is soon to be a physical reality.

Downloading Spirit will be available for sale in May.

Look for this cover.

I hope it will be bought by people of all beliefs, all races, all backgrounds.

Bought by people who want to know who they are, why they are here.

Whilst I am the  conduit, I am not the Source.

Merely the messenger.

Perhaps the message will not be heard by all who read - 

but, hopefully, the book will challenge and make people think.

If only one person understands, the effort will have been worthwhile.

Downloading Spirit will be available in bookstores and on line.

My website, goes live on Monday 9/4/2012.

You can also order the book from there.

On Wednesday, I am going to London, for the London Book Fair, where Downloading Spirit

 will be promoted and be able to be seen by all who attend.

I've taken a quantum leap ... it's time to fly ...

off the 33rd floor ...    

Pinned Image

off this 3rd dimensional virtual reality ...

and there's nothing underneath.

I have made public why I am here ... who I am.

This is more than posing nude ... that is just the body.

I'm communicating my Soul.

I've never felt so vulnerable in my life.

But as always, I shall walk through my fear...

Trusting ...

Loving ...

For the moment, there's nothing else - just a huge sigh.

I have expressed my feelings, exposed my soul, which is what the human journey is about.

May every one of us be strong enough to shine our light and show who we are.

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