Sunday, April 15, 2012

In London for the Book Fair ...

I'm back in London for the first time in years.

I have to admit ... I'm a little excited.

I've come to attend the London Book Fair ... to promote Downloading Spirit.
The Book Fair is being held at the Earls Court Exhibition Centre.

Earls Court Exhibition Centre from Warwick Road SW5

Earls Court Exhibition Centre from Warwick Road SW5
During the 2009 London Book Fair


I've brought with me a few copies to be able to show to the agents, publishers, distributors and marketers that attend the fair.  It's the wholesaling side of the book industry to which I'm interested in promoting Downloading Spirit.

I'm on an amazing learning curve as I explore the multi faceted and multi layered backend of publishing - what's behind the scenes of selling a book.

I'll be able to give you the date the book will be available to buy sometime in the next couple of weeks.
The e-book will be available soon after the hard and soft cover book is released.
I'll also give you info as to when and where the launch will take place.

Thanks for all the support.  
I'd love to see some of my emails translate into comments on my blog.
Feedback from you all, once it's out there, would be great.

Wish me luck.

I'll keep you posted on what is happening.

Oh by the way, my website has also been launched.
Check it out at Downloading Spirit

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