Monday, July 16, 2012

Off - into the wild blue yonder.

It's now after 9.00 pm.  This is definitely the last blog for the day.
I'll probably have a few days off after this.
But check in regularly, the updates will be more frequent.

So what is it that's likely to happen, that I hinted at in my 2nd blog of the day?

I've bought myself a motor home.

I'm about to become a grey nomad and head off into the wild blue yonder.

Downloading Spirit is ready for launch.  August 12th is the date.
You know it seems a good idea, not only to keep on blogging,
but to spread the message as I travel around this vast land of Australia.
Maybe even have talks about Downloading Spirit in the many places
I visit.

I'll also get to finish the final three chapters of 
Downloading Spirit - 
Book 11 - Gaia and Galactica.

It's exciting.  A whole new world to explore ... meeting new people ... wow!

Walk through all your difficulties, your fears, hold to love and life, 
and remember,
we create what we think.

I'll be online throughout my travels.
Stay in touch and share your thoughts with me.
Let me know what you think of the book ...what you think of my discoveries.

Well I started the day with a "cuppa" - think it's time to finish the day with one.
I'm tired.  It has been a long day.

Sleep well everyone.  Catch you again soon.

Nama Amida Butsu.

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