Sunday, July 15, 2012

Peace at last, I return to my core.

I woke at 5.30 am.  It was dark still, and I went to the kitchen to make a cup of tea to take back to bed with me.  I enjoy being able to contemplate/meditate quietly, sipping a 'cuppa' watching the sun come up.  It hasn't happened for me in a while.

Waiting for the kettle to boil I  went to get my computer to take back to bed with me.  "Maybe I'll feel like writing that pregnant, gestating blog that's been brewing in me", I thought.

I looked out into the garden, through the trees to behold a vibrant sliver crescent moon surrounded by the brightest stars, and I thought: "It's been so long since I have been in touch with the sky and the earth."  A feeling of joy ran through me as I connected again with the Moon and the stars.

Tea made, I put my pugs back to bed.  They thought because I was up it was breakfast time.  But no, it's back to bed time, for all of us.

I turned lights off, drew my bedroom curtains, and sat in bed watching the pink intense glow of morning slowly lighten the sky, and cause those beautiful stars and sliver of moon to fade.  The silhouette of the trees still dominates, but colour is coming into the plants just outside my window.  Greys become green, bricks and clay dirt become a kind of ochre pink.

And so it's day.  And unbelievably, I'm writing a blog again.

I've been wanting to do this since the end of May, when I valiantly, believe me, valiantly, tried to focus my thoughts back on Downloading Spirit.

It wasn't meant to be. Still too many family and personal duties to fulfill.  Now that is done.  I hope.  I have each day a sense of greater freedom to pursue everything I wish to do with Downloading Spirit.

I have a so much news to tell you, but now it's daytime and two pugs are letting me know in no uncertain terms that it's time to go outside, and need I say it, breakfast.

Stay tuned today,  I'll be jotting bits and pieces, when I have a break in what I suspect is going to be a very busy day.

Back soon.

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