Sunday, July 15, 2012

Rest and Recuperation.

Rest and Recuperation.  How good is that?
For the next few weeks, it's time for me to re-gather my thoughts, re-organise everything that has been neglected for so long, and replenish my soul.

I need to do this because I'm about to re-undertake two ventures I'd hoped to complete  about 18 months ago and in April-May of this year.

I've now realised there were things to which I hadn't fully attended. Also, that they were linked in a way I had not seen. Consequently, there have been two false starts.

However, I've survived, and learnt.  I'm still loving, now laughing and so keen to just get on with my life.  I know I'll always learn.

It's almost time to effectively launch my work of the last 8 years.

So I'm perched on a peaceful branch, in a serene place, tidying things up, preparing and resting.

I'm going to get my hair done, who knows, I might even have a facial.  Not that it will do this time and weatherbeaten face much good anymore, BUT, it makes you feel good.  Instead of being frazzled and exhausted, I am excited and eager.

Still full of life, I have reached the age and stage of the Crone. 
The third aspect of the female trinity.  

It's time for Downloading Spirit to go out to the world.  

It tells the story of some of the things I have learnt on this journey we call life.  It is my extrapolation of what Spirit has downloaded to me.

May it fulfill its purpose.  May it prove worthwhile reading for many.

The book will be available as both a paperback and hard back, for sale on Amazon on the 12th August, 2012.  It will be available through my website, and as an e-book for Kindle.
You will be able to order it through bookstores, Ex Libris and other online distributors.

Stay tuned, in keeping with trilogies and trinities, there could well be a third blog this evening.

Nama Amida Butsu ...

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