Wednesday, May 08, 2013

Do, or do not. There is no try.

Can we succeed, or will we fail?

The question that haunts us in this world.

To succeed ... can we?  Dare we?

May the Force be with you ... and with us all.

Our world is changing.

We must go with the change and change ourselves ...

or be left behind.

I believe in us ... in human beings ... we are aspects of consciousness and light.

Words that realistically, in our world today, convey that which we have come to know as God,


We are light filled aspects of this extraordinary BEING of totality,

which gives rise to our awareness, and our ability to learn, grow, and expand our


To never die ... because once conscious, self conscious, and soul conscious ...

we are self perpetuating aspects of an expanding Universe, 

an ever expanding Source of Spirit, light and love.

We are one with all that is.

Once we know this ...

believe this ...

Once we act and create with love as our motivation,

we can only succeed.

Know yourself ... believe in yourself ... 

and your light will shine.

You will fulfill your reason for being here this time.

Nama Amida Butsu.

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