Wednesday, May 22, 2013


At 6.00 am tomorrow morning I shall officially be 70 years of age.

Three score years and ten.

According to the Bible ... I have lived a full life. 

What do you say?
it's time to die ... to throw in the towel.

No ... I still have a lot to do.

I have at least another two books to write.

At this moment I remember Jessica ... 
I included this video in one of my first blogs ...

You guessed it ... she reminded me of me as a child.

I still feel young and vibrant ... 
even though my body is different ... I have a different perspective ... 
a broader view of life ... 
but ... 
I'm seriously alive.

This joy of life will never be diminished ... no matter how much I ... hurt ... suffer.  

I love life.

I still feel like Jessica feels.

Whether I'm in this body ... which I look at every morning in the mirror ... 
with its wrinkles.

It's a really beautiful, very highly valued ...  exceptional vintage car ... 
that has carried me through so much.

No longer beautiful ... 
once I was ...
No longer physically able to do all I used to do ...
That's not important.

Whether I have this body or not ... I shall always be alive.  


I shall always be vibrant and full of life ... loving being ...
even the day I die ... 
for I shall continue to be.

Wherever I go from here I do my human (my animal's) best to go with love.

My animal, to whom I shall always be so grateful for physical life, is not perfect.
It, she, I, have been shaped by genetics ... inherited ... conditioned behaviour ... 
shaped by all that my parents, and their parents inherited ... 
shaped by my experiences ... shaped by my parents and loved ones experiences ...
both good and bad ... in my life of learning.

As the Bible said ... "the sins of the fathers" ... are visited on us ...

BUT ...

let us also remember the beauty, the joy, the positive achievements that our forebears ... 
and we ... 
have achieved ...

Let us aim to put the "sins of our fathers" behind us.

Let us not dwell on the negative, instead acknowledge and 
retain all the good that has been done.

Let us consider where this prehistoric, stone age homo ... 
who became home sapiens ... who became homo sapiens sapiens ... 
has brought our species ... and our world.

It's amazing.

However, some of it is horrible ... not good. 
Our Mother Earth is screaming at us now ... to wake up, to change.

In the past we have always risen to the occasion.


Let us aim to put the "sins of our fathers" behind us.

Let us put our negative animal instincts behind us.

BUT  ... Let us keep our positive animal instincts.

May LOVE ... UNCONDITIONAL LOVE ... enter and
 take over our extraordinary animal being ...
May our SELF conscious human become 
SOUL conscious and 
fulfill our destiny not just as an animal species
but as a SPIRITUAL being.  
Let us awaken to the fact that we are not separated from God ... 
we are One with God.

Let us become fully conscious ... love our Mother the Earth, care for her.

It is time to awaken to the fact that we are ONE with EVERYTHING.

This is my wish on the eve of my 70th birthday.

Nama Amida Butsu.

I love life.

Live - Learn - Laugh - Love.

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