Wednesday, May 01, 2013

The Latest News ...

I'd started to write two posts for my blog, and each time been distracted and left them unfinished.  For whatever reason ... I didn't get back to them.

In between these times in my attempts to contact Eben Alexander, MD, Neurosurgeon and author of Proof of Heaven: A Neurosurgeon's Journey into the Afterlife, I contacted Nancy du Tertre.  She calls herself the Sceptical Psychic.  Nancy believes that we are all psychic ... and ...
I agree with her.

Check out her website ...

Nancy du Tertre, the Sceptical Psychic

After we spoke, Nancy asked me to send her a copy of Downloading Spirit ... she was interested to read it.  A week or two later she contacted me and asked if I'd be interested in doing an interview with her on her New York Radio Show ... 

 Hot Leads Cold Cases, Para-X and CBS Radios.

Needless to say, I jumped at the chance.

The interview goes to air on 
Friday, 10th May, 2013 between 8-9 EST ...  US time.

Once it's gone to air, I'll be able to
upload the podcast onto my blog, Downloading Spiritand my website.

Synchronicity is an amazing thing. 

I invite you to listen once I've uploaded the interview.  
It covers some interesting and diverse subjects.  
I hope you enjoy, and who knows, maybe you'll log on to

take a leap of faith, and buy

Downloading Spirit

by ... Yours Truly ...

Janet Baljeu.

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