Wednesday, November 09, 2011

Ahau and the Ancestors. Just the beginning ...

It's time for us to meet Ahau.  Ahau is a non physical, group consciousness that surrounds us.  Ahau is our Ancestors.  
We don't have to be Mayan, American Indian, Aboriginal or Maori to have this ability to connect with the Ancestors.  We can just be ordinary, 21st century anybodies.
The Ancestors are in us.  They are in our DNA. They move through us and around us.  They make up and regenerate our being.
We stand on the shoulders of those who have been before us and we inherit the good and bad of them all.
Also in us is light.  This light is in our DNA, continually healing and recreating us.  We cannot exist without this.  DNA electrically sends light, carrying information, pulsing throughout our body.
This light splits into shards of iridescent colour.  These Rays of light bring in the frequencies that create who we are in this world of illusion and vibration.  It constantly renews us.
This light that is in us is consciousness, the awareness that we are.  This light is our life force, our source of love.  This is in every living thing, not just humans.  This is not physical.
This accumulated light holds the consciousness of who we have ever been and are being.
Our ancestors are within us.  They are the  habits and peculiarities we have inherited from our parents, and forbears, and the behaviours we have inherited genetically and acquired through the conditioning of our parents.  This is held in our DNA, perpetuated through family; our love and desire to have children.  

Our bodies are the vehicles to carry this knowledge.
It is in our cellular structure, shaping us …
It is our language expressing who we are.  Our songs, our dance, our myths ... 

It flows through our being.
The archetypal energies that come in to us at birth, bring in the lessons of those who have been before.  We have been shaped by them as we grew and criticised our parents.  Shaped by them as we decided we wished to be different.  These learnings are within us.
As we age, suddenly we find a habit has developed.  A habit our parents had which used to annoy us.
We look in the mirror, and our body is aging just as our parents aged.
In the blink of an eye, I understand tolerance, if for no other reason than I have to live with myself.  I have to live with the accumulation of the energy of my ancestors.  To be at peace, I have to harmonise it with what I have learned.  To be at peace, I have to forgive, first myself, then everyone else.  This is the first step to healing ourselves and our world.
Just living causes us to make mistakes, but it also causes us to learn.
Living in this world is to attend one of the highest universities for conscious spirit to learn, progress and evolve.  Every human being is an honours student in this university.  When we die we graduate.
I stop and realise just what my parents did for me ... even if it was only giving me life ... nothing else.  Wow, what a gift.  And there was so much more ... thank you.  
The negative things they gave me; their pain and forced conditioning, abuse, helped me to choose to make a better life.  
The positive things they passed to me, gave me the strength, ability, intelligence, feeling and desire to achieve this better life.
My son is tracing our family on
He's discovered, that one of my grandfathers was killed in Belgium at the Battle of Ypres in 1917.  His grandfather was sent to Australia on the 2nd Fleet as a convict.  He then found himself on Norfolk Island.  He was a ringleader in a revolt, and was sent to Port Arthur in Tasmania where he met his wife, a convict who'd stolen some food.  Her mother had died in the Potato Famine in Ireland.
Now this is where it gets a little bit weird.
About 45 years ago I was in Donegal, Ireland, with my husband.  I don't know why we chose to go there, but we did.  After our breakfast, we went out to explore the beautiful place we were visiting.
I said: "I'm going to be very strange today ... "  He looked at me and smiled.  I had no idea why.  I don’t think he did either.  Maybe I was always a bit strange, a bit "faie" as they say in the old country. 

As we walked I knew where we were.  I knew what was over the hill.  I knew who’d lived in that whitewashed cottage.  I knew this place from within me, from the depths of my soul.  We walked together, holding hands, I was one with this land which was mine previously.  Briefly both my husband and I were one with ourselves and all that is.  Was it orgasmic, astral, blissful, ethereal … do the adjectives matter?  It happened.  In both lives, it happened.
Twenty five years later, there was another time in my life, a point of great humility and challenge when I needed to understand something.  I’d retreated to a place called Patonga.  Much of my time here was spent in meditation and contemplation.  One day, I went within and had a strange revelation.  I remembered that I had died in the Potato Famine.  I saw someone running along a beach in Donegal.  I didn’t see where they went, I only knew I’d died.
Four other people with me in this life, were with me then, in the potato famine.  My husband, my son, my mother and one other.  The one other, he died, drowned in a shipwreck, as I died in the potato famine.
I've experienced this type of "Deja Vu" as it's called three times in my life.
Each time, I have been one with my Ancestors.  Each time I have solved a present day dilemma.
Our ancestors are part of a group consciousness which surrounds us.  We can tap into it whenever we choose.  These are the beings who shape us.  
I give them thanks and honour them.  I burn white sage for Ahau.


  1. Hey Janet, beautifully written and evocative and so reflecting what Jupiter is currently getting up to. It's on Taurus 5: A Widow Kneels At An Open Grave, Ready To Receive The Secret To Eternal Life. I reckon you've nailed Jupiter! I enjoyed reading it. Waving from Avalon, Lynda xx

  2. Glad you enjoyed reading the post. Waving back ... Janet xx
