Saturday, November 12, 2011

Walking the Talk.

I'm very tired today.  It's on days like this I realise my age, even though I am eternal.  It's often in this state that Spirit comes to visit.

Amazing things and wonderful things have been happening for me.  As they have occurred, I have remembered times of challenge when I have been accused of not walking my talk.

Time for pause and self examination.

Question:  "Do I walk my talk?"

Answer:  "I try" ... but I am human and so often I fail.

My son asks:  "Why does God create life and cause so much pain?"

"So we can learn ... " I answer.

"That's not right."  he answers.  "God's supposed to be perfect."

I answer:  "How can Spirit learn to do things better, unless we learn to do things better?
Remember, we are One.

As we learn, God learns, for we are the self conscious aspects of God here to do a job."

Pain cannot exist unless we feel it.
Love cannot exist, unless we feel it.

Is the enjoyment of love and beauty, and pain, worth being aware?

I think so.

"Do I walk my talk?"

"I try" 

St. Peter, or whoever, will inform me when I cross.

In the meantime,  I hold true to the conclusion I have reached ...

Destruction and creation are part of the one world of being.
We are the light and the dark.
We choose to be here ...

Is the glass half full or half empty?

Do I walk my talk?      ...
I try so hard, but I do get exhausted.

Am I a perfect human being ... oh shit ... no.
Am I grounded ... oh shit ... yes.

What does it feel like when the lightning strikes?  

You tell me ... Feel it ... let me know.

I remember  a book by Kazanstakis (he wrote Zorba the Greek), called Report to Greco.  It was published as a autobiographical novel.  The first chapter of Report to Greco is named "Ancestors".

In the Author's introduction before the prologue he listed:-

Three Kinds of Souls, three prayers:

1)  I am a bow in your hands, Lord.  Draw me, lest I rot.

2) Do not overdraw me, Lord.  I shall break.

3) Overdraw me, Lord, and who cares if I break!"

"Do I walk my talk? ..."

I know the kind of soul I am.
I know why I'm here.
Each day I wake I ask to fulfill my reason for being here.

I love life so passionately, even though I'm an eternal being in a finite body.


May love permeate our world.
May we stop judging, hurting, killing ... whatever ... each other.

If we are truly meant to be the guardians of this planet, our Mother ...

We need to wake up.

Above 2 photos taken in Bonsai Garden at Bonnie Doon created by Pol Cruz.      
Pottery by Pol Cruz.

Creating life is challenging.  Doing it self consciously, is how God teaches us to be God.

My mother taught me:  "You burn your bum, you sit on your blisters."
My mother's name was Molly.  Molly was pretty extraordinary.
One of my ancestors.  Our ancestors are our soul.

It's time to wake up.

The reason we are here is so much greater than the level most of us have understood.

Our ancestors are here with us now as they were then.

They teach us.

Let us listen to our Ancestors.


  1. Hi Janet,
    This is beautiful, it put a smile on my face, it is pure truth from the heart. Looking forward to your books being published and I know they will be one way or the other. Listen publishers out there get onto this asap we need this information available for the sake of our planet and our sanity.



  2. Thanks Sandra. Keep following my blog. It will keep you informed of what's happening.
