Sunday, November 20, 2011

Ancestors - Self - Children & Descendants.

Our ancestors are here with us now - we have our memories and our family tree.
They are in us, in our DNA and our cellular memory.

But let's consider - are our descendants here with us now?  

If we can do past life regressions, can we do future life progressions?

Can we create our future as we can heal our past.  We can't change our past, but we can heal it.

As we have memories, so we have dreams.  It is in the dreamtime that we can access both past and future.

We can learn from our past.  Improve and advance our world.  We can dream of a better place.  We can create in the now.  It is these creations that we bring in that teach our children to move beyond us.  
We create what we think, what we love.  That which is a higher good for everyone.

"Do not hide your light under a bushel."  So taught the man Jesus.  "Shine your light"

Each human being has their own unique, personal light within.  Only if each light shines can we achieve the full potential of our world.  Only by doing this can each person become multidimensional and timeless.

We are all a part of this ball of light, our Universe, our Matrix.  
We are all One being.  
We all emanate from the Source within.  
We are all aspects of the Source, or if you like, God.  
A shining glowing facet of an extraordinary consciousness, which gives birth to all that is.  
As the ball turns, we witness different scenarios.

Is this time, or energy moving?  

There'll be more on this in future blogs.

I believe our non physical consciousness projects our thoughts into a physical dimension creating a movie in an illusion of time.

So, how does this work?

I think it works like this.

So if one dimension can move into another like that ... can thought create our reality ... I think so.

We really do have to learn how to consciously think.   

What do you think?  


  1. Hi Janet,

    Wonderful information, I do believe we create our reality, it is very important to keep our thoughts as positive as possible. Looking forward to your next blog.


  2. Hi Sandra,

    I really value your feedback. Stay tuned, the next post will come very soon.

