Wednesday, November 02, 2011

Where to from here?

I've been wondering "Where do I go from here?"  I'm wanting to create an interest in my book.  I'm wanting to communicate, to share my passion.  Sometimes I think I would be best to just self publish, get it out there.  But there are, at least, another three books waiting in the wings.  If I have a publisher, then I can just concentrate on my writing.  That would make my life so much simpler.  I would just be a writer.
BUT ... two day's ago came my first refusal.  This causes so much doubt, angst,  a kind of stabbing feeling.  Yet still the belief in the work holds true.  Then I think again why don't I just self publish ... get it out there.

Somewhere inside I hear (in modern jargon, just to show that a Granny can be trendy):  'Chill, Dude.  Yo'all trust yo'self.  Dis book is good.  Listen to de words from you':

"Walk through your fear.  Love conquers all."

Who is this archetypal rapper talking to me?

Guess I've just got to be patient.  The time will come when I know it's right to press the self publish button.

In the meantime, I head off to Malaysia in 13 day's time.  It's time out for personal stuff, and while I'm over there, I'll finish Book Two, Gaia and Galacta.  It is written except for three chapters.  I'm focussing on this and learning how to be more effective with this blogging and networking in the meantime.  I'm planning on keeping a commentary going whilst I'm away.

Resting place for the Ancestors.
On a previous visit to Malaysia I visited this Taoist temple in Melaka.  I was fascinated and impressed with the reverence that families showed to their ancestors.

One of the spirits who came through in the channelling of Downloading Spirit was Ahau.  I found out as I did the research for the book that Ahau was the ancient Mayan word for Ancestor.  I'll talk about Ahau and the Ancestors in the upcoming blogs.

So far, I've had many more replies than I'd expected.  But they've come to Facebook or my own email.
It would mean so much to me if people could comment on the blog.  Thanks to Leigh, who's helping me to find my way around managing this "Aquarian Age communication" I've got that side of things working now.  All you have to do is click on 'comment' and post.  I shall do my best to always answer.

The many comments I've received have come from people I grew up with, whom I met on my journey through life. One happened without me even sending a friend request and suddenly, someone I first met in the early nineties re-appeared.  I still don't know how it occurred.  I'm mystified.  Indeed the synchronicities of the last week or so have been extraordinary and wonderful.

I'd like to put forward some thoughts on some of the things happening in our world today.  I'll not be pushing a point of view or a belief structure, just asking questions, hoping to open discussion and raise awareness, to open up our thinking.  Sometimes the way I do this is challenging, but I'm a catalyst who likes to tease people into asking 'why'.  The only problem is that doing this is a bit like walking a tightrope.  Not sure if it's time to dare this much as yet.  What do you think?

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