Friday, November 25, 2011


This blog evolved from a discussion with my grandson when he was asking me questions about my book, Downloading Spirit.  Much that we spoke about centred on the world in which we live.  Living a good life and trying to  "Walk our talk".

We discussed my earlier blogs where I've talked about energy, vibrations, electro magnetic fields.  We considered Ahau and the ancestors.

It's not easy, and it's often confusing.  Not sure if I make it any easier when I explain a person's electro magnetic field, and how it works ... there are so many things to bring together.

An old song explains it pretty well ... "round like a circle in a spiral, like a wheel within a wheel ..."
These lyrics of "Windmills of your Mind" -  explains the mechanics pretty well.  It works on spin.

To complicate things further, we spin not only around our central core, but anchored on our planet, we spin around our Sun, our Solar System, our Galaxy and our Universe.

This kind of spin is a  self perpetuating energy which keeps everything going eternally.

There'll be more on this in future blogs.

Where is this spin all going?  Am I, as my grandson said: "Queen Waffle" or am I putting something forward that is taking us somewhere?  Am I bringing a better understanding of who we are and how we relate to and function in our world?

I'm trying to take us somewhere.  Somewhere some of us may not want to go.
I'm trying to open people's thinking to a new mindset as our world spins into a new age.
This change in our way of thinking is inevitable.

I'm on my way, full of excitement and wonder, like Alice in Wonderland.  But we can't go there together unless you want to come along.  Understanding what is happening and having a clearer idea of the systems involved makes the transition easier.

Our world is changing.  We live in one of the most exciting and amazing times that has ever been.  What's more we are conscious of it.  Some of us are conscious of our consciousness evolving.  We're not going to ascend into the ether and disappear to who knows where, as some "New Age" thinkers seem to believe.  No, we're going to stay here, anchored firmly onto this beautiful planet Earth, and learn to consciously create what we think.

In 2012 our lives here on Earth will not cease.  Our world will not end.  People will not cease to exist.  But the structure that keeps our present world running will change.  It is already changing.  The way people think will be forever different.

Time will tell if I'm right or not, but I believe our political, religious, economic and social structures will undergo radical change.  I believe the power structure, currently in the midst of change, will be completely different.  The way we live will be simpler.  At the same time, progressively, all of us shall have more of what we truly need.  There is nothing to fear, but we do need to change and adapt.

Our world has to change in order to effectively deal with all the issues that this young lady raised when she addressed the UN in 2008 and briefly made the world think.

As she said, those who are our leaders should set the example when they ask us to behave according to the highest standards.  Yet, hypocritically, many do not act as they speak.

They do not walk their talk.  

Everywhere, people are now speaking out.  Dictators are falling.  The people of the Middle East and North Africa are clamouring for democracy.  The Euro and the Eurozone are under threat.  In the USA and other countries, people are occupying Wall Street to protest on the injustices of the economic structure and the greed of the banks and financial institutions.  The Earth is protesting with natural disasters.

Change is already happening.  Our world is spinning into a new reality.

We want a world with no poverty.  A world where everyone is free, has a home, enough food, education and work.  A world where each person can fulfill their reason for being, and shine their light, living with no frustration or suppression.

When this happens, there is no need for envy, greed, war; no need for the injustices and wrongs that plague our world today.  There is no need for any more fear.

Walk through your fear with me.  
Understand how amazing we all are.  
Walk your talk and create your dream.

Only if each of us does  this, only if  we walk our talk and speak our truth can we create a better world. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Janet,

    Another excellent blog, very positive and true
    can't wait to read your book.


