Thursday, December 29, 2011

Downloading Spirit's first year of blogging.

My blog began at the beginning of 2011.  The subjects I have discussed have been written about and extrapolated on in my book Downloading Spirit.

The blog's purpose is to give you a taste of the book in the hope you will want to read it and tell your friends about it.

The purpose of Downloading Spirit is to communicate what goes on behind the facade of consciousness.

The early blogs talked about our aura or electro magnetic field, vibrations, frequency, the Law of Attraction, and energy.  They discussed totem animals and the archetypal energy they represent for us.

In November, Ahau and the Ancestors were introduced, together with the responsibilities of being self conscious, walking our talk and waking up to our soul consciousness.

I put forward my belief that our archetypal energies represented by our totem animals, inherited through our ancestors in our DNA, and experienced by us through our cellular memories and sub personalities, were indeed the non physical conscious aspects of our soul, our soul mates.

It seemed necessary to explain a little of how these aspects of consciousness manage to communicate with us and move into us so we can express the knowledge they convey to us.
To do this I put forward some of my thoughts on Spin.

In the first December blog I mentioned that Adrian had started Postcard Diary on Facebook and asked you to visit it and support him in this endeavour.  Again I ask this favour of you.
This event caused me to explain a little of how and why I became interested in consciousness.

I talked about our emotionalmental and spiritual consciousness and how information enters through our electro magnetic field and chakras via our meridians and para sympathetic nervous system to be absorbed into the consciousness of our physical body.

We need not fear our emotions ... it is our emotion that creates our passion, and it is our passion that drives us to create a better life and world.  We do need to understand our emotions and manage them effectively.

In a nutshell, we are an electro magnetic field of different frequency layers.  These layers each contain an archetypal energetic aspect, or sub personality, of our total self. That total self is our soul.  We, the self conscious physical person, are for the most part unaware of the rest of our selves.  We're even a bit frightened of them, and don't want to meet them again.  We're a bit like a sleepwalker caught in a physical body, whose self conscious person is too frightened to leave.

It's time to wake up and understand how powerful and extraordinary each of us is.

Amazing events happened in 2011.  One man set himself alight and self immolated in his passionate protest against inequality, discrimination and a system of tyranny.  His name was Mohamed Bouazizi.  Truly he walked through his fear.  In doing this he empowered millions to walk through their fear.
He has changed our world so much that Time's Person of the Year is The Protestor.
Even in the USA protestors march on Wall Street against greed and corruption.
Everywhere people want a better world.
Such is the power of one who walks through their fear.

Possibly, most people, regardless of their religious faith, join in the spirit of giving gifts at Christmas because Christmas is more than just religious.  Christ was not born on Christmas Day.  Some sources place the date between March 28 to May 20, while others somewhere around the end of September.  This fact is recorded in the New Testament (Luke 2:1 to 2:8 and Revelation 12:1-2).
December 25 was adopted as a day to celebrate the birth of Christ as a Christian substitute to the Roman festival Saturnalia in the third century.  Saturnalia was celebrated as the Feast of Sun and was actually considered the birth date of the Sun God.
It is the Pagan time of the solstice, the coming of light.
May light and love return to our world.

Christmas, for me, is more a celebration of a consciousness, an inherent belief in all mankind that love and peace will come to all people here on Earth.  

Downloading Spirit has been written to help people understand their enormous power and potential which will be experienced every time we walk through our fear, and act with love.
Let's walk our talk, show our compassion and strength, unite our heart and our brain and create a better world.
My book is about me trying to communicate the Shape of My Heart, who I am and why I'm here.

This is a song by Sting and the Shape of his Heart:-

With love we can change our world.

Downloading Spirit will be published in 2012.

Monday, December 12, 2011

We can change our world to be a better place.

In my last post I spoke about our two different types of intelligence, our mental and our emotional.  I commented that these are what drive us to create our physical reality. 

Our mental intelligence helps us solve the physical problems of the creation, but it is the emotional intelligence generated from our heart that creates the passion, the desire to make something happen.

The inspiration for this post came in the form of a series of "Chinese Whispers" from a friend to a friend to a friend.  The "whisper" was this Youtube video of Gregg Braden.  In this video he talks about the role of our heart, and how it is the most powerful electro magnetic field in our body.  His theory is not dissimilar from mine and he also backs up what he says with science.

While I spoke of our total personal electro magnetic field, he speaks of our heart's powerful electro magnetic field.  But then, it is really our heart that is at the core of our motivation, our passion, and this is what truly drives us to create in our physical world.  It is our heart that is at the core of our being.

If we "walk our talk" (Nov. 12. blog) , if we live and express what we are passionate about, we create a template or a mould, to which the energy of the Spirit relating to that passion, is attracted.  This aspect of Spirit is then able to condense that energy into the mould, and mirror what we are passionate about.  In this way our dream is created and made real in this world.

It doesn't matter what the dream is, we can make it happen.
Our thoughts are real.

This energy originates in the fourth dimensional, non physical area of our world and moves into the physical because of our passion.  These non physical emotions are the interface that communicates to our brain the best way in which we can create what we imagine. We take the blueprint of our imagination and create a physical reality.

It wouldn't happen without our passion, without our emotions and feelings.
These emotions and feelings can be both positive and negative, just like our electro magnetic field.

Often we're frightened of our feelings and emotions for this reason.  This can lead to us suppressing or denying our feelings.  In turn this leads to blockages which sooner or later need to be released.  So often this release is not helpful, and indeed leads to more problems and sometimes even incidents that we label bad.  It can even cause physical illness.

Learning to work with our feelings and emotions, even if they seem negative, enables us to channel them into positive expression.  We don't need to be frightened of our emotions.  Even  anger can be channelled constructively.

Acknowledging that a feeling exists, means we can then understand the reason for its existence.  Then, it's possible to resolve the cause without damage or pain.

If we change our way of behaving from a negative or passive/aggressive response to an assertive interaction, the person or situation with which we're coping, will also change.  It's always a change for the better, because the fear driven reactive behaviours have been replaced with considerate and caring behaviours. Immediately, we have a calmer environment, more conducive to meaningful communication.

If every person does this, we can not only change and improve our own life, we can change our whole world to a better place.

Thursday, December 01, 2011

From where does Passion spring?

Well, I knew it was time for the next blog. Today I received a notification on my Facebook site, that Adrian, one of my sons, has set up a new Facebook page called Postcard Diary.

As many of you know, I run a Facebook page on which I post when I've written a new blog for this site.
Well today I'm going to link Adrian's Postcard Diary to this site.  Postcard Diary

I hope you'll all visit it and give him support and feedback.  
I'll be posting on my wall to notify when there's a new Postcard, so if you post a comments on my wall, could you please just click onto Postcard Diary and leave the comments there as well.  
He's enjoying your comments immensely.

I first became consciously interested in consciousness because Adrian, my eldest son, was born profoundly deaf and with Asperger's Syndrome.

I started a Psychology degree at Macquarie University in 1974.  Adrian was 4 at the time and I was trying to teach him to speak.  I'd realised that his brain worked very differently.  At that time I thought it was because, being born deaf, he'd never heard language.  That was part of it, but when he was 25 and his Asperger's was diagnosed, I realised that it was much more.

I spent 2 years at Macquarie before I dropped out due to family pressures and workload.  In that time my desire to understand consciousness and how it has developed in humanity had become a passion.

So how does all my talk about electro magnetic fields, spin, frequency, vibration and Ahau and the ancestors, relate to Downloading Spirit and my exploration of consciousness.

Let's consider what consciousness is.  Is it physical?  I don't think so.  Can we touch it, see, it hear it, in this physical world in which we live?  

No, not physically, we can't.  Yet we do not doubt it's existence.  We definitely experience it.

We've sort of put it into a box related to our brain and the mental side of our being in this world.  
Now our brain is physical, at least the physical part of it is.  But our thoughts ...
They're a bit like our consciousness and the mental side of us.  They're not physical.

Then there's our emotions and feelings ... they're not physical either.

But these things are real.  We have a mental intelligence and an emotional intelligence.  These make up a large part of who we are consciously.  They create our experience and awareness of being.  
Where are they in our physical body?
It's not as simple as being pigeon holed into our physical brain.
As for our emotions, we even physically feel their impact on different parts of our body; our stomach, our knees, our heart, our skin ... 
From these two different types of intelligence comes the thoughts and motivations that drive us to create our physical reality. 

How does all this happen?

This was the question I found myself asking over and over.
The best answer I've come up with so far, is that all this happens in the different non physical layers of our electro magnetic field that surround our physical body.

How do they get into our body?

I think our body is electrically wired to take in the non physical information of our thoughts, emotions and feelings.  This happens when they are translated through the vibrational interfaces between the layers of our electro magnetic field.  In this way they are reduced to a frequency that can pass into our electro magnetic field's etheric layer, which feeds information into our meridians and para sympathetic nervous system.  This is then absorbed into the consciousness of our physical body.

Indeed, I believe we have more than one brain, more than just 2 strand DNA, but these thoughts are for futures blogs.

To sum up for the moment, I believe our consciousness exists throughout our entire physical and non physical body.  I believe our consciousness, and all it's frequency levels, are what comprise our soul.
Humanity is currently expanding its consciousness and ability to experience these things.

It's all in my book, Downloading Spirit.

I am still waiting to hear from the other 9 publishers to whom I submitted Downloading Spirit.
It's over 2 months now.
I'm giving it 3 months.  If I haven't heard by the end of the year.  I shall self publish and get it out  as soon as possible.

Since seeing Adrian's Postcard Diary now reappearing, I'm even more frustrated with the waiting to see my book published.  
So much of our understanding of non physical consciousness comes from India and the Vedic teachings.  I'll leave you with one more photograph of Adrian's:-

Please support Adrian and Postcard Diary.  Comments and feedback on his Facebook Page mean so much to him.  Postcard Diary

Artists and writers thrive on feedback.  They like constructive criticism and love to know that people think their work is good.  It's the reward that sustains them, and feeds their creative drive.

Friday, November 25, 2011


This blog evolved from a discussion with my grandson when he was asking me questions about my book, Downloading Spirit.  Much that we spoke about centred on the world in which we live.  Living a good life and trying to  "Walk our talk".

We discussed my earlier blogs where I've talked about energy, vibrations, electro magnetic fields.  We considered Ahau and the ancestors.

It's not easy, and it's often confusing.  Not sure if I make it any easier when I explain a person's electro magnetic field, and how it works ... there are so many things to bring together.

An old song explains it pretty well ... "round like a circle in a spiral, like a wheel within a wheel ..."
These lyrics of "Windmills of your Mind" -  explains the mechanics pretty well.  It works on spin.

To complicate things further, we spin not only around our central core, but anchored on our planet, we spin around our Sun, our Solar System, our Galaxy and our Universe.

This kind of spin is a  self perpetuating energy which keeps everything going eternally.

There'll be more on this in future blogs.

Where is this spin all going?  Am I, as my grandson said: "Queen Waffle" or am I putting something forward that is taking us somewhere?  Am I bringing a better understanding of who we are and how we relate to and function in our world?

I'm trying to take us somewhere.  Somewhere some of us may not want to go.
I'm trying to open people's thinking to a new mindset as our world spins into a new age.
This change in our way of thinking is inevitable.

I'm on my way, full of excitement and wonder, like Alice in Wonderland.  But we can't go there together unless you want to come along.  Understanding what is happening and having a clearer idea of the systems involved makes the transition easier.

Our world is changing.  We live in one of the most exciting and amazing times that has ever been.  What's more we are conscious of it.  Some of us are conscious of our consciousness evolving.  We're not going to ascend into the ether and disappear to who knows where, as some "New Age" thinkers seem to believe.  No, we're going to stay here, anchored firmly onto this beautiful planet Earth, and learn to consciously create what we think.

In 2012 our lives here on Earth will not cease.  Our world will not end.  People will not cease to exist.  But the structure that keeps our present world running will change.  It is already changing.  The way people think will be forever different.

Time will tell if I'm right or not, but I believe our political, religious, economic and social structures will undergo radical change.  I believe the power structure, currently in the midst of change, will be completely different.  The way we live will be simpler.  At the same time, progressively, all of us shall have more of what we truly need.  There is nothing to fear, but we do need to change and adapt.

Our world has to change in order to effectively deal with all the issues that this young lady raised when she addressed the UN in 2008 and briefly made the world think.

As she said, those who are our leaders should set the example when they ask us to behave according to the highest standards.  Yet, hypocritically, many do not act as they speak.

They do not walk their talk.  

Everywhere, people are now speaking out.  Dictators are falling.  The people of the Middle East and North Africa are clamouring for democracy.  The Euro and the Eurozone are under threat.  In the USA and other countries, people are occupying Wall Street to protest on the injustices of the economic structure and the greed of the banks and financial institutions.  The Earth is protesting with natural disasters.

Change is already happening.  Our world is spinning into a new reality.

We want a world with no poverty.  A world where everyone is free, has a home, enough food, education and work.  A world where each person can fulfill their reason for being, and shine their light, living with no frustration or suppression.

When this happens, there is no need for envy, greed, war; no need for the injustices and wrongs that plague our world today.  There is no need for any more fear.

Walk through your fear with me.  
Understand how amazing we all are.  
Walk your talk and create your dream.

Only if each of us does  this, only if  we walk our talk and speak our truth can we create a better world. 

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Ancestors - Self - Children & Descendants.

Our ancestors are here with us now - we have our memories and our family tree.
They are in us, in our DNA and our cellular memory.

But let's consider - are our descendants here with us now?  

If we can do past life regressions, can we do future life progressions?

Can we create our future as we can heal our past.  We can't change our past, but we can heal it.

As we have memories, so we have dreams.  It is in the dreamtime that we can access both past and future.

We can learn from our past.  Improve and advance our world.  We can dream of a better place.  We can create in the now.  It is these creations that we bring in that teach our children to move beyond us.  
We create what we think, what we love.  That which is a higher good for everyone.

"Do not hide your light under a bushel."  So taught the man Jesus.  "Shine your light"

Each human being has their own unique, personal light within.  Only if each light shines can we achieve the full potential of our world.  Only by doing this can each person become multidimensional and timeless.

We are all a part of this ball of light, our Universe, our Matrix.  
We are all One being.  
We all emanate from the Source within.  
We are all aspects of the Source, or if you like, God.  
A shining glowing facet of an extraordinary consciousness, which gives birth to all that is.  
As the ball turns, we witness different scenarios.

Is this time, or energy moving?  

There'll be more on this in future blogs.

I believe our non physical consciousness projects our thoughts into a physical dimension creating a movie in an illusion of time.

So, how does this work?

I think it works like this.

So if one dimension can move into another like that ... can thought create our reality ... I think so.

We really do have to learn how to consciously think.   

What do you think?  

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Walking the Talk.

I'm very tired today.  It's on days like this I realise my age, even though I am eternal.  It's often in this state that Spirit comes to visit.

Amazing things and wonderful things have been happening for me.  As they have occurred, I have remembered times of challenge when I have been accused of not walking my talk.

Time for pause and self examination.

Question:  "Do I walk my talk?"

Answer:  "I try" ... but I am human and so often I fail.

My son asks:  "Why does God create life and cause so much pain?"

"So we can learn ... " I answer.

"That's not right."  he answers.  "God's supposed to be perfect."

I answer:  "How can Spirit learn to do things better, unless we learn to do things better?
Remember, we are One.

As we learn, God learns, for we are the self conscious aspects of God here to do a job."

Pain cannot exist unless we feel it.
Love cannot exist, unless we feel it.

Is the enjoyment of love and beauty, and pain, worth being aware?

I think so.

"Do I walk my talk?"

"I try" 

St. Peter, or whoever, will inform me when I cross.

In the meantime,  I hold true to the conclusion I have reached ...

Destruction and creation are part of the one world of being.
We are the light and the dark.
We choose to be here ...

Is the glass half full or half empty?

Do I walk my talk?      ...
I try so hard, but I do get exhausted.

Am I a perfect human being ... oh shit ... no.
Am I grounded ... oh shit ... yes.

What does it feel like when the lightning strikes?  

You tell me ... Feel it ... let me know.

I remember  a book by Kazanstakis (he wrote Zorba the Greek), called Report to Greco.  It was published as a autobiographical novel.  The first chapter of Report to Greco is named "Ancestors".

In the Author's introduction before the prologue he listed:-

Three Kinds of Souls, three prayers:

1)  I am a bow in your hands, Lord.  Draw me, lest I rot.

2) Do not overdraw me, Lord.  I shall break.

3) Overdraw me, Lord, and who cares if I break!"

"Do I walk my talk? ..."

I know the kind of soul I am.
I know why I'm here.
Each day I wake I ask to fulfill my reason for being here.

I love life so passionately, even though I'm an eternal being in a finite body.


May love permeate our world.
May we stop judging, hurting, killing ... whatever ... each other.

If we are truly meant to be the guardians of this planet, our Mother ...

We need to wake up.

Above 2 photos taken in Bonsai Garden at Bonnie Doon created by Pol Cruz.      
Pottery by Pol Cruz.

Creating life is challenging.  Doing it self consciously, is how God teaches us to be God.

My mother taught me:  "You burn your bum, you sit on your blisters."
My mother's name was Molly.  Molly was pretty extraordinary.
One of my ancestors.  Our ancestors are our soul.

It's time to wake up.

The reason we are here is so much greater than the level most of us have understood.

Our ancestors are here with us now as they were then.

They teach us.

Let us listen to our Ancestors.

Wednesday, November 09, 2011

Ahau and the Ancestors. Just the beginning ...

It's time for us to meet Ahau.  Ahau is a non physical, group consciousness that surrounds us.  Ahau is our Ancestors.  
We don't have to be Mayan, American Indian, Aboriginal or Maori to have this ability to connect with the Ancestors.  We can just be ordinary, 21st century anybodies.
The Ancestors are in us.  They are in our DNA. They move through us and around us.  They make up and regenerate our being.
We stand on the shoulders of those who have been before us and we inherit the good and bad of them all.
Also in us is light.  This light is in our DNA, continually healing and recreating us.  We cannot exist without this.  DNA electrically sends light, carrying information, pulsing throughout our body.
This light splits into shards of iridescent colour.  These Rays of light bring in the frequencies that create who we are in this world of illusion and vibration.  It constantly renews us.
This light that is in us is consciousness, the awareness that we are.  This light is our life force, our source of love.  This is in every living thing, not just humans.  This is not physical.
This accumulated light holds the consciousness of who we have ever been and are being.
Our ancestors are within us.  They are the  habits and peculiarities we have inherited from our parents, and forbears, and the behaviours we have inherited genetically and acquired through the conditioning of our parents.  This is held in our DNA, perpetuated through family; our love and desire to have children.  

Our bodies are the vehicles to carry this knowledge.
It is in our cellular structure, shaping us …
It is our language expressing who we are.  Our songs, our dance, our myths ... 

It flows through our being.
The archetypal energies that come in to us at birth, bring in the lessons of those who have been before.  We have been shaped by them as we grew and criticised our parents.  Shaped by them as we decided we wished to be different.  These learnings are within us.
As we age, suddenly we find a habit has developed.  A habit our parents had which used to annoy us.
We look in the mirror, and our body is aging just as our parents aged.
In the blink of an eye, I understand tolerance, if for no other reason than I have to live with myself.  I have to live with the accumulation of the energy of my ancestors.  To be at peace, I have to harmonise it with what I have learned.  To be at peace, I have to forgive, first myself, then everyone else.  This is the first step to healing ourselves and our world.
Just living causes us to make mistakes, but it also causes us to learn.
Living in this world is to attend one of the highest universities for conscious spirit to learn, progress and evolve.  Every human being is an honours student in this university.  When we die we graduate.
I stop and realise just what my parents did for me ... even if it was only giving me life ... nothing else.  Wow, what a gift.  And there was so much more ... thank you.  
The negative things they gave me; their pain and forced conditioning, abuse, helped me to choose to make a better life.  
The positive things they passed to me, gave me the strength, ability, intelligence, feeling and desire to achieve this better life.
My son is tracing our family on
He's discovered, that one of my grandfathers was killed in Belgium at the Battle of Ypres in 1917.  His grandfather was sent to Australia on the 2nd Fleet as a convict.  He then found himself on Norfolk Island.  He was a ringleader in a revolt, and was sent to Port Arthur in Tasmania where he met his wife, a convict who'd stolen some food.  Her mother had died in the Potato Famine in Ireland.
Now this is where it gets a little bit weird.
About 45 years ago I was in Donegal, Ireland, with my husband.  I don't know why we chose to go there, but we did.  After our breakfast, we went out to explore the beautiful place we were visiting.
I said: "I'm going to be very strange today ... "  He looked at me and smiled.  I had no idea why.  I don’t think he did either.  Maybe I was always a bit strange, a bit "faie" as they say in the old country. 

As we walked I knew where we were.  I knew what was over the hill.  I knew who’d lived in that whitewashed cottage.  I knew this place from within me, from the depths of my soul.  We walked together, holding hands, I was one with this land which was mine previously.  Briefly both my husband and I were one with ourselves and all that is.  Was it orgasmic, astral, blissful, ethereal … do the adjectives matter?  It happened.  In both lives, it happened.
Twenty five years later, there was another time in my life, a point of great humility and challenge when I needed to understand something.  I’d retreated to a place called Patonga.  Much of my time here was spent in meditation and contemplation.  One day, I went within and had a strange revelation.  I remembered that I had died in the Potato Famine.  I saw someone running along a beach in Donegal.  I didn’t see where they went, I only knew I’d died.
Four other people with me in this life, were with me then, in the potato famine.  My husband, my son, my mother and one other.  The one other, he died, drowned in a shipwreck, as I died in the potato famine.
I've experienced this type of "Deja Vu" as it's called three times in my life.
Each time, I have been one with my Ancestors.  Each time I have solved a present day dilemma.
Our ancestors are part of a group consciousness which surrounds us.  We can tap into it whenever we choose.  These are the beings who shape us.  
I give them thanks and honour them.  I burn white sage for Ahau.

Wednesday, November 02, 2011

Where to from here?

I've been wondering "Where do I go from here?"  I'm wanting to create an interest in my book.  I'm wanting to communicate, to share my passion.  Sometimes I think I would be best to just self publish, get it out there.  But there are, at least, another three books waiting in the wings.  If I have a publisher, then I can just concentrate on my writing.  That would make my life so much simpler.  I would just be a writer.
BUT ... two day's ago came my first refusal.  This causes so much doubt, angst,  a kind of stabbing feeling.  Yet still the belief in the work holds true.  Then I think again why don't I just self publish ... get it out there.

Somewhere inside I hear (in modern jargon, just to show that a Granny can be trendy):  'Chill, Dude.  Yo'all trust yo'self.  Dis book is good.  Listen to de words from you':

"Walk through your fear.  Love conquers all."

Who is this archetypal rapper talking to me?

Guess I've just got to be patient.  The time will come when I know it's right to press the self publish button.

In the meantime, I head off to Malaysia in 13 day's time.  It's time out for personal stuff, and while I'm over there, I'll finish Book Two, Gaia and Galacta.  It is written except for three chapters.  I'm focussing on this and learning how to be more effective with this blogging and networking in the meantime.  I'm planning on keeping a commentary going whilst I'm away.

Resting place for the Ancestors.
On a previous visit to Malaysia I visited this Taoist temple in Melaka.  I was fascinated and impressed with the reverence that families showed to their ancestors.

One of the spirits who came through in the channelling of Downloading Spirit was Ahau.  I found out as I did the research for the book that Ahau was the ancient Mayan word for Ancestor.  I'll talk about Ahau and the Ancestors in the upcoming blogs.

So far, I've had many more replies than I'd expected.  But they've come to Facebook or my own email.
It would mean so much to me if people could comment on the blog.  Thanks to Leigh, who's helping me to find my way around managing this "Aquarian Age communication" I've got that side of things working now.  All you have to do is click on 'comment' and post.  I shall do my best to always answer.

The many comments I've received have come from people I grew up with, whom I met on my journey through life. One happened without me even sending a friend request and suddenly, someone I first met in the early nineties re-appeared.  I still don't know how it occurred.  I'm mystified.  Indeed the synchronicities of the last week or so have been extraordinary and wonderful.

I'd like to put forward some thoughts on some of the things happening in our world today.  I'll not be pushing a point of view or a belief structure, just asking questions, hoping to open discussion and raise awareness, to open up our thinking.  Sometimes the way I do this is challenging, but I'm a catalyst who likes to tease people into asking 'why'.  The only problem is that doing this is a bit like walking a tightrope.  Not sure if it's time to dare this much as yet.  What do you think?

Saturday, October 29, 2011

A little about Downloading Spirit.

Writing Downloading Spirit has been an amazing and, most of the time, solitary journey sometimes taking me to exhaustion, obsession and epiphany.  I've lost count of the number of times I've re-written and edited it.  Altogether it's taken six years.  From 2005 to 2006, quite a lot of time was spent doing the channelling and "night talk" processes of Downloading Spirit.  Paula Klavins helped me greatly with the research (I guess that's what you could call it) during this time.  Then came the fateful day when Spirit told me to "extrapolate".   That's when the obsession became overwhelming.  Extrapolation continued until I finished the book when I was in the Languedoc in France, June/July this year.

Brian Cook of The Manuscript Appraisal Agency has also been incredibly supportive, encouraging and constructive at different times between 2008 and 2011.  Brian was the person who introduced me to my editor, Leigh Blackmore, who has also been of enormous support.  His assessment of the manuscript gave me insights as to how to structure Downloading Spirit.  It's structure was my greatest challenge.  Editing with Leigh was completed by September, and Downloading Spirit was sent to publishers on the 26th September.  Now (let's be positive here - we all know we create what we think, no believe), I'm waiting to see who takes it up.  As I said in my previous blog, I'm hopeful, optimistic and positive, but very nervous and impatient to learn the outcome.

Now, I guess it's time to give you a brief overview of what it's about.  Believe it or not, I always get tongue-tied if I have to talk about something I've done, so maybe I'd be wise here to just quote what Leigh said when he sent the manuscript for me to the publishers.  He wrote:-

"Downloading Spirit Book One: Babushka is the book on how to understand and access superior levels of consciousness for the rest of us.  And it’s long overdue.

Understanding how consciousness operates, at a metaphysical level, is one of the most important tools able to be used by the human race to further the evolution of Spirit. 

Yet, among the many books about Spirit and spirituality, few have been really geared to help people interested in deepening their understanding of consciousness to develop the fundamental understandings of how DNA, the chakra system and astrology tie in to the picture – until now. Downloading Spirit offers not only the author’s extensive personal experience with communicating with Spirit and with issues of concern to the soul, but an integrated picture of how the disparate elements that make up our Spiritual world fit together. Included are dozens of insights drawn from Janet’s voyages into the spiritual realms and her many years experience as a counsellor and psychotherapist, crystal healer and worker with animals. 

Rather than being an academic treatise, Downloading Spirit Book One takes a detailed approach to matters of consciousness and metaphysics which incorporates a wide range of scholarly study into a text which will be accessible to the average reader. 
If you were to give a reader wanting a book on going deeper into their understanding of their own consciousness, and the role of consciousness in the evolution of a more aware and loving humanity, Downloading Spirit would be the one."  

The time is almost upon me when I shall learn if I have fulfilled the task Spirit gave me.  In the beginning, when I asked the question:

“What is the purpose of this book?  What am I supposed to be communicating?”

Spirit answered:

“You’re certainly not to talk about consciousness.  It’s what’s going on behind the facade of consciousness that we want to communicate.  The DNA, genes, consciousness levels, dimensions and their realities, all tie together.  For the average human, none of this makes any sense.  Conveying the information as you have pulled the threads together is what it is about.  We only need the essence, the DNA, the history and how it all happens.  What energises it.  How it works and how it just keeps working, this mechanism for being.  And it works for everything, absolutely everything.  Tie the threads and information together.  Do not use quattrains or arcane language.  We want all people to understand this clearly”.

Writing Downloading Spirit has been one of the most difficult and important things for me to achieve in my life.  Now I've put it out to the Universe.  I pray I have fulfilled the instructions of Spirit satisfactorily. 

Friday, October 28, 2011

Hello again. It's been a while.

It's been a while since my last blog.  So many things have been happening.  After I returned from Malaysia, I travelled west to a where my horse Orlando is living for the moment with his  band of beautiful mares.

Horses are very important to me, and guide me on many of my journeys.  In a sense they are my power animal.  Together we travel far.

Owl of the west.

At the magical place where Orlando lives is another who always waits for me.  This is a representative of my bird totem, Owl.

Indeed, wherever I go, I always seem to encounter an owl.
Owl is to me a teacher and a guide.  He first came to me when I was on my farm, Killibinbin.  I had a critically ill horse who needed treatment in the early morning hours for about six months.  Every time I went down to the stables to administer his medicine, Owl would be waiting just outside my home, sitting on a fence post.  Each day he flew down to the stables with me; stayed with me while I medicated the horse, then flew back with me as I walked up the hill.  He'd go back to his fence post and watch me safely into my home.

From that time Owl is always with me.

Even when I cannot be in their presence, these animals are with me in spirit meeting me at night in my dreams.

Entrance stone to Rennes Le Chateau.

Not long after my trip west to see Orlando and Owl, I was off to Europe for further research on my book, Downloading Spirit.  I wanted to understand more about the Cathars, and why the Catholic Church mounted the only Crusade in Europe against Christians.  It's fascinating story, but more of this another time.
So I found myself in the Languedoc, in Southern France, visiting places like Carcassonne and Rennes Le Chateau.     During this time I finished Downloading Spirit, Book 1 Babushka.

After 6 years of writing, the book has now been sent to publishers, and I wait, with great anticipation, for the replies.  Even if a publisher does not take it up, I have decided to self publish.  However, I'm optimistic, and my editor agrees with me that it's ready to go out into the world.

I started my blog to help me to promote the book, and tell the world of its existence.
Slowly, I'm learning the skill of networking and now post on Facebook, Twitter and Linked In.   Links will shortly be made with these sites from this blog.
My website is complete and I'm currently setting up the content of the pages.  Once this is complete the Downloading Spirit website will go live.  When this happens, you will see that my website has a category for my blog.  Just click it and it immediately takes you to this site.
That, in a nutshell, is much of what I've been doing since my last post.

I was prompted to write this today because of an email sent to me by a friend.  It's a video of an owl and it seemed to say to me that it's time to strike.  Time to go out to the world.

I'd like to finish today's post by sharing it with you.  I hope you find it as extraordinary and amazing as I did.

Well, bye for the moment.  I'll write again soon.  May Spirit be with you.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Good Vibes/Bad Vibes or Necessary Vibes.

This last week has been spent preparing to travel to Malaysia where I'll be until the end of the month.  I arrived late last Friday.  Consequently, I've been slow to put up this next blog.  The interest is still growing, which I find very encouraging.

I'd like to thank Barbara for breaking the comment drought, and beginning what I hope will be a continuous stream of discussion.  It's obvious that her way of doing energy  is positive.  Her acting purifies her feelings and gives her life integrity.  These experiences are definitely creative, spiritual and positive.

So do we associate everything spiritual only with good vibes, or positive energy, or can it also be evil or bad vibes, negative energy?  Personally I believe the answer is it can be both.  The world we live in is an electro magnetic world, a world of opposites.  For this reason I think the term necessary vibes gives us a different perspective.  We can't do without either good or bad, positive or negative, because both are necessary to keep the system working.  So let's re-think our perception here and consider how we can work creatively with the negative to ensure a positive outcome.  It is a world of opposites and opposites attract.

In Downloading Spirit I've endeavoured to substantiate everything I write with proven science. Babushka, the first Downloading Spirit book is all about this sexual, creative and spiritual energy and how it is used by people.  It tells how people are created by these energies.  Like Deepak said in his video, which I included in the second blog everything is energy.  Just this one word brings us constantly into the scientific world as the above rap video shows.

However, considering energy on a day to day basis, do we use these energies always for good?  Obviously, we don't.  The choice is ours, it just depends at what frequency level we choose to use our energy.  So often we ask:  Is it a good vibe or a bad vibe?  If we learn from our bad vibes, that leads us to make good vibes.  To learn and grow, it's necessary for both to happen.

Let's look at Babushka, who represents us.  As we saw in the first blog, we're all energy.  Each of us is an electro magnetic field (EMF) of seven layers all vibrating at a different frequency.  An EMF contains two opposites of electric and magnetic energy spinning around each other.  It can't exist without them.  Their interaction creates the field.  Since we're an EMF we can't exist without our positive and negative sides interacting either.  This is why I believe that spiritual energy has to be positive and negative.

I've always thought of  evil as live spelt backwards.  It's kind of like blocked energy.  There's no point denying it's there.  That's suppression and that just causes more problems.  But if we acknowledge it, understand it, and work on it, we can release this energy to flow in a positive and creative way.  If we communicate our legitimate needs (not our desires) this also helps.

Looking at it this way gives a different perspective.

Babushka also tells us how Spirit tries to communicate with us.  Whilst we've been learning to self actualise and develop our mental skills and capacity, we've forgotten how to do this.  We've just focused on using the left, logical side of our brain.  It's time to re-activate the right side of our brain, where our imagination, intuition and creativity are found.  It is through this side of our brain that we communicate with Spirit and download information.  This conversation then filters through to the left side of our brain and we process how we can make it happen in our physical world of virtual reality.

I'd love to hear your thoughts on these ideas I've put forward.
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